Satis, that's actually what many people consider the difference between American and European work ethic, right there. Live to work vs. work to live. Hell, I consider you a workaholic by European standards.
But that's more because of the social frame you work in than your own opinions on work.
I join the choir and voted "hell on earth".
Actually it's a two-sided situation for me...but mostly, my job sucks monkey balls. As you may or may not know, I'm a civil servant right now and in my six-month probation period (before possibly extending to a year). The job I'm doing is mostly translating official papers from French to Dutch which, as such, is kinda fun, but it's a B-level position which means I get paid as someone holding a bachelor's degree. With my Master degrees I am technically speaking eligible for an A-level position which would mean about 400€ extra every month. Nett. So yeah, that's lame.
Obviously I've been trying to manoeuvre into an A-lvl spot but these are (apparently) rare to come by and/or completely f00ked. I already turned down two because they sucked. But I digress. The reasons why my job is hell on earth are
-I have only 6 immediate colleagues, all of whom are old and most of whom are lame. So no social incentive.
-I rarely have anything to do. There are days i don't do anything at all. Even occasionally an entire week.
-Because of that, people try to get me to help out on incredibly boring data checking jobs. Like, on a Data Entry monkey work level.
I'm not a fucking accountant, so i tend to act like a jerk when it comes to those things which, frankly, doesn't improve my popularity.
-You wouldn't believe the level of incompetence and staleness that exudes from the entire building, the entire civil service structure. I could tell you may not directly affect my job but it sure doesn't improve my mood.
-Creativity stifled + lower pay than what I can expect: not fun.
-No career prospects.
-SOME days, just messing about and surfing the web is just what you want. Alas, most days it isn't.
-Work firewall blocks quite some sites but strangely enough I can youtube all I want. Good to waste the day away.
-Holidays. I got shitloads of paid time off. Not as much as J, but I get to choose mine and I don't have to work as hard.
I just had a 5-day weekend and from the 24th of December til the 5th of January I'm on paid leave (issued by work, not me). In between that I'm taking a week off and then a day off every other week.
Bizzarely, since this place specializes in wasting money, I also get to share in the Christmas bonus because I started my job before the end of September this year.
i'm not complaining.
So...I hope that gives you an idea of what I'm up against. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't complain with that kind of holidays, but meh. I'd just like to do something interesting (or just SOMETHING).
I did a diplomatic exam on Friday, we'll see how that works out.
J, I know teaching is a double-edged knife. You won't hear me say it's easy sailing...there's a reason I didn't become a teacher.
But yeah, I have a lot of friends who didn't go to college with me who are all "damn teachers never work and get so many holidays". I can't be bothered to disagree, tho.
P.S. I might just join the social parasite squad in a few months when I have to choose between extending till July or resigning. Maybe I found a better job by then, who knows.