Heh, I knew you'd disagree
but seriously, I want to super emphasise the following point
Everything I've stated except for the comment on below absolute zero is based completely on theoretical science and the basis that the article is accurate.
I don't take any of it to be fact, expect the my physics teacher taught me that the scale goes 1 below absolute zero and I assume that same should be applied to any scale. Which is a dodgey assumption to begin with.
Really I was just toying around with the ideas in my head. I'm well impressed that I figured out it's theoretically possible to travel backward in time in 2 different ways, but never forward.
With einstiens theory that it would require infinite energy - I used that to support some arguments that I made, but it's also the downfall in that from what I Can tell, we can't utilise the infinite energy that is around us in anyway. So the scientists are probably bullshitters.
However, maybe they invented the science equivalent of an energy efficient light bulb? haha