Woot I escaped my basement - and truthfully I am just lazy and spend most of my time reading books, taking hot bubble baths, cleaning house, working, and playin games - so forums need to be extra interesting for me to spend my time lmao. Anyway, yes I was into law and such
and for the record while I say maybe it was badly written it does help cut down on morones who believe they understand the law and impocations of the law when one is not used to reading law in it disarray. This is a good thing. It means people actually have to stop and think, or get help from a legal professional. Legal professionals are trained to think about mor than just what that one law means and use other knowledge to support opposing views - making law more an opinionated system. Some think that is bad - depends on who is the judge - but also means it give leaway if a law was written badly to have recourse. Anyway hope y'all could follow my insane babling. Cheers! Now back to my basement - if only I had one I might have a pool room or gym