So... Shiny's box finally blew up. It crapped out Thursday evening, I believe... it's not surprising, really, since it was like 5+ years old. She was rocking a core2duo e6300 and motherboard from that era, though she'd upgraded or replaced a lot of parts since then.
I'd happened to take a half day off on Friday to chill, but ended up building her a new box instead.
Got it up and running after 1 bad motherboard and ~4 hours of assembly. After that it took several more hours installing O/S and updates. So, her new box:
core i5 3450 (ivy bridge)
16 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1600mhz
Gigabyte H77M-D3H motherboard
new case (Antec Sonata)
new power supply (Antec 620W)
Geforce GTX-465 gfx card (my old one - rescued from last pc)
60GB SSD (rescued from last pc)
whatever regular hd she had (also rescued)
The box rocks. You go from pushing the power button to the win7 log on screen in about 9 seconds. Hopefully this'll last her another 5-6 years. Total out-of-pocket cost was about $500-600, which isn't bad considering most of the PC was new parts.