up this time are Crayon Physics Deluxe by Klooniegames; Cogs by Lazy 8 Studios; VVVVVV by Terry Cavanagh; Hammerfight by Kranx Productions; and And Yet It Moves by Broken Rules
Tempted. Still just shy of 2 weeks on the sale.
Total payments: $453,261.24
Purchases #: 96,529
Average purchase: $4.70
Average Windows: $3.81
Average Mac: $6.15
Average Linux: $10.83
Top contributors
1. @notch $4,048.00
2. @aeronhibby $3,000.00
3. @witnessgame $2,718.28
4. @ExpiredPopsicle $1,024.00
5. @tpjeff $600.00
6. +Andy Moore $580.08
7. @ChevyRay $500.00
8. vxicepickxv $345.67
9. @jotapeh $333.33
10. @kevinlange $314.15