Thanks for the gtkRadiant articles...
Thought i'd register and say thanks for the gtkRaidiant articles you put up.
I'm actually using netRadiant but things are pretty much the same.
I've recently made a resurgence with quake/quake arena (we've moved into a new office at work and I'm setting up an arena server, and thought I'd make a couple of custom levels).
Clean and concise, very helpful. so ... thanks.
A question while I'm here, is it usual to see most rooms built around a pure XYZ plane rather than at off angles? I was working with octagonal rooms with corridors coming off at 22.5/45 degree angles, but the tooling doesn't allow rotation of the "cursor" axes, so once my object is rotated it makes working in it quite cumbersome, leading to some inventive methods for joining bits together.
(title edited to make it less spam like