Here's a video of my flying around my 'home' sector in my enhanced jaguar. I recovered this ship during a mission and it's almost the fastest ship in the game. the Kestrel is 2kph faster.
at any rate, I fly through the PTNI headquarters (an NPC station), the by my silicon mine, fly through my massive factory complex, then finish up by flying around my gold fleet and Mammoth. I swear I'll vid some combat at some point. attempted to start doing the Hub quests in my Vidar, since my combat rank is only master chief at the moment (brought it down so I could complete the goner quests). I found the Xenon sector I needed, which was 2 in, but there were 3 Xenon Qs waiting for me on the other end. I turned around and went back through the gate without a shot fired, but there's no way my Vidar can take on 3 Qs. A xenon Q is an M7, so one step more powerful than my M6 Vidar. I can take them out one-on-one, but 3 simultaneous would probably whoop me. They're pretty fast, too, so getting out of range would take too long and I've probably be pummeled to death. I only have 6 wraith missiles left...I think 3 or 4 per Q may be enough to take em out. However, they've got a few second reload time per missile, so that would require some serious jinking and weaving while I wait for missile reload. the Qs are unfortunately practically on top of the gate. If I had some distance (20-30km would be awesome) then I could just lob missiles at them until they died.