I just can't stand the interface of The Gimp. It also seems to have little development for the past few years. On Windows I'm starting to use and like Paint.Net more and more, a Linux port is planned. Most people don't have high needs for a music player, but I want to be able to store the number of plays and ratings into the tags of music files. Other players store that in a database, and if anything happens to that, all your info is lost. My entire collection won't corrupt that easily. is a very bare player, but with plugins I can make it do anything I want. Compared to that, even Amarok looks Gnome-ishly unconfigurable. Also aMule sucks, but I believe eMule in Wine works too, although I haven't tried that yet. For the rest, Linux all the way.Statistics: Posted by Arathorn — Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:21 pm