So, I got the "remake" (it's the polished version of Escape from Butcher Bay + another, new, campaign called Assault on Dark Athena) during a steam sale for 3.5 € some time ago.
I just finished Escape from Butcher Bay and shiiit that game is tight! Graphics were still good, music & atmosphere amazing, Diesel's voice acting as Riddick tickled my funbone ("You afraid of the dark? I'm not. The dark is afraid of me."), and there's a lot of variation...melee fighting, gunfighting, riding robots, stealthing, Indiana Jonesing along rails and edges, prison dynamics (buying shivs, drugs, fistfights)...the three different levels of security (Max, Double Max and Cold Storage) also added to the variety.
Game could be incredibly tough at times, but almost always a challenge instead of becoming frustrating. Loved it, and happy that I remembered Satis liking it so much a long time ago or I probably wouldn't have picked it up.
Those first few seconds you're in a Riot Guard suit...FUCK YEAH. You just spent a long time fighting with nothing but your hands and/or club, stealthing along shit and then you turn the tables. Glorious.
(and the dynamic between Johns the bounty hunter and Riddick is cool too)Statistics: Posted by Rinox — Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:01 am