I rented out Kill Bill (chapter 1) and watched that last night. Not nearly as good as I'd hoped it would be really. I think the main problem was just like what was said earlier (I forget who I should credit) in that it seems that (even though I aint seen the second one) the two movies originally were meant to be one, but it was to strung out. Some of the stuff lasted forever, and I was just thinking to my self, GET ON WITH THE FILM.
The last fight sucked. Not enough blood meet's snow, concidering all the spray power blood from everyone else. I mean, I guess the point is it was a complete piss-take, but hey. There was too much poncing around, to many slow parts. Though, the animated part, when they were actually fighting, was awesome, and so was the shot of the party place when all the people were dead on the floor, reminds me of that drawing I did a while ago.
Good film, but not a great one.Statistics: Posted by Mole — Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:16 am