I'm shocked.
Btw, we have voting duty over here, I technically HAVE to vote. Instead of registering to vote or something, everyone over 18 here gets a letter 2-3 weeks up front, saying they have to vote in this or that place. If that didn't suck enough as it is, you can also be called upon as chairman of a voting office.
That means that you have to go to the voting office (most of the time a make-shift thing in a school or a gym) first thing in the morning, and stay there until the offices closes. So, all day long. You also get to appoint ppl that come to vote to assist you and have to stay with you.
Refusing to vote or to chair is illegal and will get you a fine. On the bright side, you can get away with it if you're lucky. There are so many ppl that don't go voting that there's a chance that your file gets lost. I know ppl that haven't voted in 10 years and were never fined. But without a steady income I can't afford to take that risk, being the wuss that i am.
wtf am i talking about here anyways? I really AM bored...saturday night and at home, yay.Statistics: Posted by Rinox — Sat May 08, 2004 4:00 pm