Hehe, tnx for the explanation nonetheless.
The reason why i asked about Gandalf cos i read somewhere that he made a promise to someone not to use his magic, beats me who, why and when tho. Aha, found it: "Gandalf couldn't use his magic as he was forbidden by Manwe" Who??!
So, the wizard-gone-mad (hehe) was strong enough to fool the big eye and pretend to be his servant? That must make him a pretty bad-ass biatch. You would almost wonder why he gets whacked by walking trees if he's so hard. But then again, it was a supersurprise attack in the back while his real army was at Helm's Deep, i guess. But, since the super-orcs own the regular orcs, wasn't the army in Helm's deep way stronger than the orc army in the third movie? (not counting the elephants, pirates and nazgul)
I checked for who owned the stones in your link, but i only saw some crazy names that didn't seem familiar. Statistics: Posted by Rinox — Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:15 pm