However, I'm actually taking these classes for a degree as well. Plus c++ is a different animal from those other languages since it's close to the metal. Pointers and memory management can be a bit tricky. You should see the base code of a "simple" MFC windows application... it's friggin' crazy.
@Rinox, I'm a firm believe in small, fast meeting. You get the most important stake holders together with an agenda, go over the important crap, make decisions, and move out. A meeting should last no longer than 30 minutes in my opinion.
Then there are meetings to make customers feel good. Those typically take 15 minutes unless the customer is a bureaucracy, in which case it could take hours.
And then there's meetings to make our managers feel important. That could be a 2 hour meeting every single day with everyone just saying the same shit, over and over again. Those are my favorite.
Of course, meetings with bureaucratic customers that are assholes can be just as fun. I love it when a customer actually cusses on the phone... I instantly lose any level of caring for them that I may have possessed.Statistics: Posted by Satis — Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:11 am