Good points on the concealment and the slicing through doors, but let's face it, hardly battle skills those. As for deflecting lasers...probably, yeah. Though I'm pretty convinced that that lies more in the force than in the sabres. There's a skill in KOTOR II that allows you to deflect and even reflect laser shots without a lightsabre, by use of the force. And apart from that; an average person wielding a light sabre won't be able to use it to properly deflect shit because he doesn't have jedi reflexes....I think the throwing of lightsabres is more dependent of the force than of the weapons themselves, too.
So, it looks like light sabres are more of a neat thingie for practical purposes and a statussymbol than an actual super-duper battle weapon. The force plays a far greater role than the item itself....maybe I should take the test and play through KOTOR II again when I'm finished, only wielding regular blades. Statistics: Posted by Rinox — Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:05 pm