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OMG! Difficult! 
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Minor Diety
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Cloakwood is on your way in the main quest so you`ll get there.

School is probably Ulicaster or something. to the right of bereghost somewhere.

My advice: if you walk around in a map, make sure to `leave` the map every time. Not actually leave, but just make the main map appear. Do this on every side of the map. that way you get to appear a lot of new maps, you don`t have to go to them them rightaway but they`re on your map.

eating pizza now :D

you got minsc already? or what`s your party? dunno who you got rid of. maybe some bard if there was a woman named Silke in trouble? he sucks indeed.

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~King of Thieves~

Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:35 pm
Minor Diety
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that be the one, i'm avoiding Minsc till im a higher level - because his quest is timed.

I know, thats what I do on the map. Plus the odd person you kill gets you a new area on your map and such. Right at this moment im about to load my game, theres a load of bandits that keep killing me. Asholes. I'll get them.

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Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:34 pm
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Minor Diety
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Hehe..hey J, still on kot? I can imagine just about how your place looks mine, minus the fungus and the corner stacked with fast-food wrappings :/ ;)

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Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:11 pm
Minor Diety
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lol, just lovely that. I just killed four wizzards that seemed to be doing some kind of ritual. Not to much of a fight, though that sleep spell is amazing :)

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Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:53 pm
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Minor Diety
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Rinox wrote:
Hehe..hey J, still on kot?

Nope not on a 'kot' anymore. Today i'm gonna finish my thesis and hand it in (see how i always shift the point where i finish it :D ), hopefully. And then my studying 'career' is over. woohoo.

only thing i still have to figure out is what i'm gonna do afterwards: apply for a real job OR start my own drugslab. mmm what will i do.

ps: you're right on the big mess though. When i was still 'on kot' i wasn't really the 'oh this is dirty i should clean now'-type of guy. Like one night some friends of mine starting playing pictionary with ketchup on my big closet (that was just before the big M&M fight broke out). After 'only' 2 days i decided to clean the mess up, that is after one guy already had cleaned my floor (covered with broken M&M's), he probably thought if i don't clean his mess no one will. :twisted:
And yes, ketchup is hard to remove if it's all dried up.

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~King of Thieves~

Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:05 am
Minor Diety
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lol, tell me about it! *is the almighty lover of ketchip* that sounds scick... but yeah, i get it in my clothed and I can never get if off. well, i can stick them in the wash but pfftt to that, besides I wouldn't recomend putting your cupboard in the wash... lol.

And you know the Bandit Camp in BG, is that place a hard fight for a group of level 3-4s?

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Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:39 am
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Minor Diety
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It might be. I know there's some pretty heavy fighting, so summon skeletons and such could be helpfull, but since that requires lvl 5 spells ..
Did you manage the sword spiders and the lair where you found ... oh no wait that's cloakwood :P .
Give it a try, otherwise build up some experience. Do you have a fighter with decent armorclass? that helps a LOT of course.

and sleep-spell rules :D

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~King of Thieves~

Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:27 am
Minor Diety
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Sleep spell does rule, except half the time on the badguys you need it to work on it doesnt work :S

But most of my peeps have armour class 1 -2 except for Xan and Jahera i think :S

and I found a sword spider. Damned Assholes they are... damn piece of damn crap... arg! To fast i tell you! I killed it once, just after it slaughter 2 of my party members! I will get it! AARRRRG!

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Fri Aug 22, 2003 5:07 am
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Minor Diety
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One tip: in cloakwood there are several web-traps in some maps, if you're stuck in one and you get attacked by a swordspider ... hehe you can imagine.

Once you get to the point where they don't scare you anymore, you will feel soooo powerfull.

Okay, you know what, i'm gonna start playing right NOW. (after i read this forum that is)

damn you mole

hmmm can`t decide what character to play. maybe i should consider first who i`ll took with me. jaheira & khalid/imoen/minsc&dynaheir ehm. so i need a dwarven cleric or something. or i could pick up an evil party. mm evil. eeeeeevil.

grrr i really really can`t decide. kagain/edwin/imoen/viconia/...

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~King of Thieves~

Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:37 am
Minor Diety
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Just had a super-duper reply in some discussion. i met some guy who was like a mermit or something, living in isolation to get higher insights you know what i mean. when i asked him for advice he said things like: only spit on someone when his beard is on fire, never take raisins from rabbits. :P

then my reply:

Ok, i`ve just had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks and felons that continiously test my will, mettle, strenght, intelligence and most of all patience! if you`ve got a straight aswer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours i want to hear it pretty damn quick or i`m going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengt-wise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn`t touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd. Have i MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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~King of Thieves~

Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:22 pm
Minor Diety
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nice one :D I'm having a break from My comp at the mo, because my hand is suffering pretty bad because of over use, but still, I avoided the sword spider, it ripped me apart in about 2 seconds, and sleep didn't/doesn't work on it so There's not a fat lot I can do except hope that Jaheira can cast entangle fast enough, which she can't. Stupid woman.

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Sat Aug 23, 2003 8:03 am
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Minor Diety
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Little update on my game: instead of going to nashel mines rightaway i picked up minsc and went to rescue dynaheir first. didn't want to take the risk of minsc running away.
I decided to be a bard btw, so i'm a terrible character :P . can't hit shit, only good thing is i can pick pockets (one plate mail and 2 large shields +1 for free hehe) and bard song removes fear (horror) effects, which seems to be one of the favorite spells my enemies tend to cast.
Cleared the mines, went out at the back, fougt the amazones, killed the ghouls (ghasts dunno) and the revenant (though bastard, some burning hands did the trick). now i'm back in nashkel. killed greywolf as well (blindness is also usefull when you're up to single fighters/creatures).

best ac is -4 for khalid (got braces of dex), best thaco minsc (13), experience almost 10k a character i think.

And just in case i made this sound easy: i think i already died like a zillion times (well most of times khalid dies, the pussy).

Now i'm at my gf so no bg untill monday probably.

Beter een pens van het zuipen dan een bult van het werken!

~King of Thieves~

Sat Aug 23, 2003 9:00 am
Minor Diety
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SOB! lol, i'll get on it today methinks, I wanna get through it seen as i've never got through the other one... gotta re-figure out what i'm doing. Think I'll go find minsc, what level would you recommend I be before I get minsc, And he's in beregost somewhere, right?

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Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:21 am
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Felix Rex
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Minsc is in Nashkell, I believe. Nearly straight up from the southern bridge, I believe, which is where Edwin is.

As far as levels... can you kill gnolls easily? If so, go for it...Level 3 is probably plenty. Gnolls are easy, there's just alot of them.

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Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:01 pm
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Minor Diety
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Pff i ripped through those gnolls without any trouble and i was like lvl 2 orso. Btw, if you wanna pick up minsc check your experience first. I believe that the exp the NPC gets when you first talk to him/her is determined by your exp-LEVEL.

for example: i went to get dynaheir, she was lvl 2 or such when i met here. went to nashkel, my bard advances faster in exp of course. so when i met Xan, his experience was at lvl 4 -> about 5000 exp more than dynaheir.

So basically you should have just levelled up when you pick him up.

btw: charisma 21 with my bard -> everybody loves me :P

*edit* just went to ulicaster and i found a very nice scroll: scroll of ugliness :lol: . minsc is about to undergo a transformation. :)

Beter een pens van het zuipen dan een bult van het werken!

~King of Thieves~

Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:13 am
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