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Post Re: Covid-19
Estonia stands at 300+ diagnosed positive cases, 2 in intensive care, 0 deaths. But then again social distancing is regular behavior here. Sorta like finns, if 50% of seats are taken then the bus is full :D.

When someone asks how rich you are, quote Rinox " I don't even have a rusty nail to scratch my butt with...!"

Be well or Get Help!!

Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:42 pm
Felix Rex
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Lol, the finns will be conquering the world after this.

Shiny and I are fine so far, but that's to be expected at this point. We're still relatively young and in good shape. At this point in time, the US is 4th in the list of most-affected countries. BTW, in case you guys haven't seen this, a very cool resource for some infographics on covid. ... 7b48e9ecf6

The US will be 3rd by tomorrow. Infections in Dallas are going exponential, but that's to be expected. Most people around here still don't take it really seriously... they're raiding grocery stores and crap for supplies. needlessly exposing themselves, of course. I've been working from home since Tuesday (March 17). Shiny goes in every other day. We avoid any social situations... our last run to the grocery store was a week ago and we don't plan on going back until we get desperate. I expect things are going to get really bad in the next few weeks. But we're stocked up, and we have guns. Loaded up 8 mags of 5.56mm for the AR-15s... we're good. :D

Hopefully it's not going to get as bad as it currently seems. Certainly things didn't look too crazy, but Italy has me worried. 40k infections, 4k deaths, 4k recoveries. Maybe it's some stranger anomaly or fluke of statistics, but if not and China's been lying, shit is going to get real. Stay safe, stay isolated.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:02 pm
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Minor Diety
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Post Re: Covid-19
Peltz wrote:
Estonia stands at 300+ diagnosed positive cases, 2 in intensive care, 0 deaths. But then again social distancing is regular behavior here. Sorta like finns, if 50% of seats are taken then the bus is full :D.

It really is pretty remarkable how the Baltic countries (counting Finland among them) are collectively at the bottom of infection rates and deaths for almost all of Europe. Having been to Finland several times, you're probably not wrong that it's at least partially because of cultural reasons Peltz. :lol: Another fun 'Finland vs other countries' anecdote: when I told my friends in Finland I was going shopping right before closing time to avoid most people, the woman of the couple said "but that's probably when all the sick people go so they won't infect anyone else". I was like...this isn't Finland. People don't give a shit about infecting others or inconveniencing them here, they just care about themselves. :roll: They will be coughing all over everyone, fighting over toilet rolls at 18h in the middle of peak traffic. Sure wish I was in Finland right now!

Good to hear you're prepared and set up Satis! I don't think it's a terrible idea to be armed, especially in the US. I have a feeling the US might be somewhat more likely to descend into chaos and strife than most other Western countries because of a few elements - less trust in institutions/government (might be a problem for enforcing sweeping measures), less people who can rely on health care, more individualistic culture, more guns. But that's just a gut feeling and not based on any real facts. The US is also richer than any other country and has a large health care capacity, so it all depends on how the government handles things I guess. But given that Trump was saying that it was a hoax and that it would all peter out in a week or two and now dodges any question of personal responsibility I wouldn't bank on that either. :roll:

Re: Italy, all sign point towards it not being a representative case for the actual mortality rate. It has the second oldest population in the world (after Japan), it has a lot of mixing between the elderly and other population groups (culturally), it doesn't have a great health care capacity and the crisis has been severely mismanaged in its early stages. That is not to say that other countries won't be getting in trouble - Spain for example is on its way to a disastrous outbreak as well. But Italy probably isn't the best country to compare to.

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:55 am
Felix Rex
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Post Re: Covid-19
If it gets really bad, I expect so see some loss of civilization in the US. Mostly places like Louisiana I think. They've shown total societal collapse before during catastrophes. I'm not so worried about Texas. The prevalence of guns can both cause issues and also act as a stabilizing force. You're much less likely to break into someone's house to steal their food if you're not sure they're armed. If someone breaks into my house they'll be in a world of trouble. I just hope it doesn't go that far, but who knows, it looks like it's still just ramping up and there are still people acting like it's no big deal.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:00 am
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Minor Diety
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Of course America is huge and some states will be hit more than others, but when i read this you can imagine the number of infected just skyrocketing the next week(s).
Ah well, at least they got their party, and they won't be the ones dying ...

I guess in Texas you're relatively safe.

On a side note: Russia hardly is affected when you look at the numbers, but coincidentally the number of lung infections (and deads) is much higher. Yeah right .. sucks to be a puppet in Putin country.

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~King of Thieves~

Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:08 am
Minor Diety
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It's just getting more and more fun isn't it?

As Ox will know, France are on even stricter lock down now; my parents live in the middle of nowhere with a 10 - 15 minute drive to their nearest supermarket. The other day they got stopped by the police twice on the way there! Luckily they had their certificates with them to say why they were out and about. This has now changed and the certificates must be time stamped and are valid for only 1 hour. Fines for being out are crazy, first time I forget, second time is 1500 euros and third time in 15 days is 3000 euros and 6 months in jail! I'm sure there was some mention of they can go out on foot but no further than about 1km from their house as well.

We're basically on lockdown in the UK now as of last night. We also have fines but it's something like £150. All non-essential shops (i.e. anything other than pet shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, food delivery shops) are shut. Everyone should stay home and work from home unless they're something like NHS, work in one of those key shops, police etc. We're allowed out for 1 exercise a day which should be walking alone and nowhere near anyone else. No gatherings of more than 2 people (unless all live in the same household so a family of 5 can go out together).

We're locked down. I've sorta been isolated for 13 months anyway with the Cushing's disease as I struggle to get out and about so not a huge difference for me, just not going out to medical appointments either. Typical as well as I've just gotten well enough to walk without crutches and was going to start a daily walk around out from our carpark to the end of the road and back up the canal; only a 5 min walk but as we're in flats it means using a lift and doors others have touched so not risking that. Last I saw anyone other than Niall was just over a week ago when my friend was over as I have also just started back at work, working from home but it's completely new systems and after 13 months even if everything was the same I'd have no clue anymore. Her young daughter is coughing so praying she didn't pass anything to me! Niall hasn't been out either as his work dried up weeks ago thanks to it all so other than shopping he's staying in to protect me. Went out for groceries today and we had an elaborate routine of me opening cupboards for him and him stashing stuff on top shelves for 3 days to let anything on it die off before we touch it!

People keep saying they're sure there'll be no rioting or anything here but I'm not convinced. We had riots what, 6 years ago or so I think? Can't remember what it was over but just means it'll probably happen again if people get bored, scared or pissed off.

Good to see you're all safe though, if anyone comes near you, burn them like zombies! ;)


Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:45 am
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Minor Diety
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Post Re: Covid-19
pevil wrote:
As Ox will know, France are on even stricter lock down now; my parents live in the middle of nowhere with a 10 - 15 minute drive to their nearest supermarket. The other day they got stopped by the police twice on the way there! Luckily they had their certificates with them to say why they were out and about. This has now changed and the certificates must be time stamped and are valid for only 1 hour. Fines for being out are crazy, first time I forget, second time is 1500 euros and third time in 15 days is 3000 euros and 6 months in jail! I'm sure there was some mention of they can go out on foot but no further than about 1km from their house as well.

Yup! I only step foot outside my door once or twice a week, depending on my food situation. I haven't run into any police yet myself but I sometimes wish I would...last time I was out there were 3-4 homeless alcoholics hanging around the neighborhood supermarket asking for change, and these measures are partially in place because of them, as it's well known that they are often hit pretty hard by such diseases and likely to spread it (rough lifestyle/bad health, mental issues, move around the cities, not up to date on news etc). Now I sound like I hate homeless people. :roll: I just mean that these rules are partially in place for these situations and it sucks to not see anyone enforce them. They didn't make those rules for people like me.

Anyway, yeah, saw the UK is now in lockdown too. Another one of the countries who went "I guess we'll be fine!" for too long and then realized they had to lock it all down as well. :roll: Sigh. How many times will other countries repeat the same mistakes?

Smart thinking re: the 3 day rule Pev. I do the same for a lot of food I buy, and I handle the fresh stuff that I can't just stash away for a few days with a cloth or tissue as much as I can. I'm not immunocompromised so it's probably a bit overkill for me, but better safe than sorry. It's not like I have other shit to do when locked inside all day anyway. :P

Looks like the growth is finally levelling off in Italy. Still lost of daily new cases and deaths, but not consistently more every day anymore. It's something. Belgium also seems to be fairly stable (if still rising). Spain looks like it's on its way to become the next Italy, and the USA has been exploding the past few days. Hold on to your seats everyone! :-/

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:22 pm
Minor Diety
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Guess I was too early to call for a leveling off in Belgium - the amount of new cases has been rising quite sharply again in the past few days. :-/ And Italy just had its highest number of deaths in one day (just under a 1000). Although for Italy one should bear in mind that the number of new infections is stable, and that the deaths usually only occur a week to 2 weeks after people are hospitalized. So there may be a delay on that number. So there may yet be some hope...

I spent a half hour yesterday trying to talk my 70-yr old chain smoker mom out of going to the supermarket herself. Both of my brothers live very close and are very happy to do the shopping for my parents, so I really don't understand why she insisted on going herself. She said that she wanted to go buy meat and that prefers to do that herself so she can pick the good pieces, which is a really silly reason to expose yourself to even the tiniest risk for a disease with a fatality rate as high as this one with seniors (and smokers). :roll: She stayed home, in the end, which made me very happy. But it took a lot of convincing from all three of us...

The US went from pretty ok to the new epicenter of the disease in a matter of a week. :( 16000 new reported cases today alone, crap. And now Prince Charles and Boris Johnson have it too. Shit is getting real.

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

- Coach

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:08 pm
Minor Diety
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I find it amusing in a not funny way that Boris Johnson has got it after he started out being all "oh it's fine" *shakes everyones hands* plus his chief medical officer and some other high up medical person.

Finally had some clarity on my situation - it's a weird one! I'm no more likely to get it than any other healthy person so I don't have to totally self isolate, but if I do get it, it's more likely to be the severe version. So I should socially distance myself. I'm 'vulnerable' but not 'extremely vulnerable'. To my mind, being more likely to get the severe version IS the top level; I don't care if I get it if it's gonna be the mild or asymptomatic one! Either way I'm staying in 12 weeks as much because I struggle to get out as I am hiding away. 2 weeks now since I saw anyone bar Niall so he was told last night if I get it it's his fault now. He wasn't impressed ;)

Our company is now asking everyone except the 24x7 team to work 20% less hours and take 20% less salary for 3 months. Some will be furloughed for 3 months too and if they can't get 80% of their salary from the government the company will make up the difference. We already had voluntary redundancies going too but they didn't meet their required number so forced ones are going ahead.

Actually one of my colleagues has it! Said she feels rough as hell, got the cough and high temperature, the worst constant headache and backache ever and can't sleep. Does not sound at all fun. So wishing her well. Glad to hear you dissuaded your mum from going out Ox.

Saw 7 morons cycling past our flat the other day. Clearly not all from the same household. Keep seeing posts about how lovely it is that people are pulling together, which it is, but also going on about how we'll all be better afterwards. No we won't, 6 months after it's all blown over you'll be ignoring your neighbours again just like you always have.


Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:03 pm
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Minor Diety
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Post Re: Covid-19
pevil wrote:
I find it amusing in a not funny way that Boris Johnson has got it after he started out being all "oh it's fine" *shakes everyones hands* plus his chief medical officer and some other high up medical person.

Yeah I hope they're all going to be ok, but it is all very silly. It's one thing to be cautious in the initial stages and to try and not cause any panic, but it's another to (like Johnson and to a much greater extent Trump) go around for weeks saying "aaaah it's not so bad we'll deal with this easily" and "nothing is closing us down!" and then ending up in a pile of shit.

Speaking of, USA is headed straight for a massive tragedy based on the early numbers. And through all this Trump is still bragging on Twitter about his TV ratings (!!) ... 0315018240 He's also been openly expressing doubts about whether the individual states really need all that medical equipment (going as far as to imply people are stealing it/selling it off) and seems to be having bitch fests with reporters at every press conference. This shit is unreal. It feels like Nero while Rome is burning. Just remove him and put Pence in charge already. It's not great but it will be better than this insanity.

Lol @ you putting it all on your bf Pev. :P I'm sure he feels extra obligated to be careful now...but glad to hear you're not in a super high risk group. Still, like you said, if you are more likely to have complications I'd be very careful anyway yeah.

My parents' neighbours had the virus as well, they're a young family (early 30s, young children) and apparently one of them was pretty much bedridden for close to 10 days, one of them felt like crap but was otherwise ok and the two children were ill for a few days each but were otherwise ok too. It kind of matches the reports I've read elsewhere and what I heard from other people who had it. The effects of the disease seem to vary pretty wildly. The sister in law of one of my friends was hospitalized and received breathing assistance for a few days (she's 46 and not in poor health) while her husband and children all reported nothing more than a cold.

Kinda wish I was in their shoes - knowing that I had it without any severe consequences. It would make it a lot easier to decide to go out to public places or eventually visit my parents! :roll:

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:19 am
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Post Re: Covid-19

Pevs house.

Couldn't find one where a man sneezes.

When someone asks how rich you are, quote Rinox " I don't even have a rusty nail to scratch my butt with...!"

Be well or Get Help!!

Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:34 am
Minor Diety
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Post Re: Covid-19
Peltz wrote:

Pevs house.

Couldn't find one where a man sneezes.


This is a great video for anyone who is interested in the numbers behind epidemics (and controlling them):

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:03 am
Minor Diety
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Post Re: Covid-19
Awesome post Peltz!

And unfortunately America is having a very incompetent leader at a point in history where they needed a very strong one.
In Belarus on the other hand, the president is acting like nothing is happening at all and is advising people to drink some vodka. :) So the examples of bad governement are everywhere.

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Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:45 am
Minor Diety
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Lol Peltz! I keep hearing someone outside the flat coughing every morning, I just wanna yell at him "unclean! unclean!" haha.

Just had a chat earlier about America, it dawned on us that the states can technically all do what they want as far as being in lockdown or not is concerned but even in those where they're following lockdowns or general precautions there'll still be people looking at Trump going "well our leader says this so I'll ignore local authorities". Can't even imagine how poorer people feel too, worrying if their insurance will cover them or what godawful debts they'll have if they get it and survive. One thing I am grateful for is our NHS; it might be strained but if I'm ill I can just go in and get it looked at. So sad to see on my Cushing's support groups when people are saying they can't afford to go have more tests so they'll just live with it. The trouble is they won't, Cushing's kills, but they just can't get treatment without money.

At least in Belarus I guess you'll be happy whilst coughing your lungs up!


Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:24 pm
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Yea, everything's going to hell. As I knew would happen, the US became number one pretty quickly.


err, anyway, where I live things are still fine for now. Many/most people are still being idiots and going out regularly. The house across the street has a lot of people living in it (like 5 cars) and every day all the cars are gone. We've still got groups of people doing yardwork. It's stupid. Shiny and I are taking it more seriously... she still has to go to work 2 days a week, but I've been working from home for almost 3 weeks now. We've also got enough food and stuff to last awhile. Last time we went out to a store was a week ago where we got the essentials:

2 kegs of beer
5 bottles of bourbon
3 bottles of vodka
2 bottles of bloody mary mix
1 bottle of something else... can't recall

I literally have 2 kegerators and 2 full sized kegs. I'm good for like 3-4 months. Now just to keep from getting infected. Oh, and my boss is working me to death. Is it bad I'm almost hoping to get laid off?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:59 pm
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