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Possible Terrorist Attacks 
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Minor Diety
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I'm confused, I thought you were a supporter of the Bush administration?

I don't think Britain will be as quick to vote something like the patriot act, thankgod. And it's extremely unlikely that their government was behind the IRA bombings, just doesn't fit the picture. (not talking other terroristic activities here, just IRA)

Anyhoo...most radical muslim terrorists around here were born and raised in European countries. It's the classical 'don't fit in, turn to a group for identity' thing. Most of them are realtively bright young men with a higher education, too. Dudes from the desert usually aren't anywhere near educated enough to organize a decent bombing. :roll: :wink:

EDIT: it might be good to also say that every W-European country has a large muslim community, usually Morrocon and Turkish people. They came here around 50-70 years ago as cheap working forces for mines etc., and stuck around. Satis prolly knows this from first-hand experiences, just though i'd clarify for ppl who don't really know it.

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:00 am
Minor Diety
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Eh, they came in the fifties and seventies. Seventy years ago would have been a bad moment to migrate to Europe.
Nowadays, they bring brides and imams from their home countries. Imams that only speak Arab or Turkish and have no feeling with their host country and bring their backward ideas with them. No wonder some people turn radical. :roll:

Melchett: As private parts to the gods are we: they play with us for their sport!

Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:24 am
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70, 50, 30...pretty much amounts to the same thing. :wink: Sorry, my brain is fried from work.

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:29 am
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Phase 1 Bombings
Phase 2 Legislation
Phase 3 ...

Blair acts on radical Muslims

Tony Blair on Wednesday promised urgent action to exclude or deport radical Muslim clerics who "incite and instigate" acts of terrorism in response to last week's London bomb attacks.

As police hunted for a "fifth man" and possible mastermind behind western Europe's first suicide bomb attacks, the prime minister also took fresh steps to increase dialogue with the British Muslim community and called for an international effort to mobilise the "moderate and true voice of Islam".

He encouraged Britain's religious leaders to stand up to "the poisonous and perverted interpetration of the religion of Islam" shown by the terrorists.

Building on the strong cross-party consensus since the attacks, Mr Blair said the government would shortly meet with the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats to get prompt backing for legislation aimed at preventing another terrorist strike.

Mr Blair has already said he wants to enact legislation to allow the prosecution of people caught preparing an act of terrorism. The prime minister on Wednesday said legislation would also be aimed at allowing prosecution of those involved in "incitement and instigation" of such acts.

David Davis, shadow home secretary, said details of the laws should be made public before MPs leave Westminster for the summer next week.

A week after the bombings, the investigation has shifted to the suspected network of people who provided support for the rush-hour attacks on three Tube trains and a bus that killed at least 52.

Anti-terrorist police on Wednesday night raided a private address in Aylesbury, Bucks. There were no arrests. Police said the raid followed intelligence that the property might have contained explosives for further attacks. Forensic examination was continuing.

Police believe there may have been a fifth man who was caught on security cameras with the four who travelled to London from Leeds. Uncertainty about his whereabouts has prompted alarm among the police and security services.

Officials and security experts said the four bombers were almost certainly not acting alone and would probably have received training and direction from a more senior Islamist militant.

Charles Clarke, home secretary, said "a central hypothesis that has to be tested and investigated is that the individuals we know about were working in a bigger community." He did not rule out further attacks.

Evidence that at least two of the men had travelled to Pakistan raised the possibility that they originally received instructions and may have been trained by al-Qaeda there.

The uncle of one of the bombers, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, blamed "forces behind" his nephew for the attacks. Bashir Ahmed said his nephew, who came from Leeds, was "proud to be British". He said it was hard for the family to accept their son had caused such loss of life. "It wasn't him. It must have been forces behind him."

The other bombers were named as Hasib Mir Hussain, 18, also from Leeds, and Mohammed Sadique Kahn, 30, a father-of-one who lived in nearby Dewsbury. The fourth man has not been named, but is believed to match the profile of the other three. Security camera footage and other intelligence suggest the four knew each other well.

The formal inquest into the deaths of eight of the victims opened on Wednesday. Police have identified 11 of the bodies.

A two-minute silence will be observed across the European Union at noon on Thursday, London-time.

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Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:56 pm
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Minor Diety
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I read your first sources on that other page and its pretty much filled with assumptions and no credible criticisms.

"Well a very, very hevate, ah, heavy duh burtation tonight. We had a very derrist derrison, bite, let's go ahead and terrist teysond those fullabit who have the pit." - Serene Branson

Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:41 am
Minor Diety
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ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
Ok, well supposedly they found the people that did the bombing. It was some teenagers and young adults. Apparently in Leeds. ... _a_source=

Now, I know what your first thought probably is.
"O this is good, at least it wasnt terrorist who snuck into our country".

At least that was my first thought when I saw the news on Fox today. I thought, "Well, at least its not people from Iraq or Syria or something who snuck past the borders".

But I thought about it longer and I think that the people that the governement supposely found where living in England, this is a much worse senerio. Why?

Because now its an inside job, which means more security on its own citizens.

I believe this is a small step. Here me out.

First, the "govenment" bombs itself for years and years using the IRA as the scape goat. Try to incite its people for more security.

Then the US bombs Oklahoma city to try and do the same thing with no success.

So, what should we do? We will use arabic people as the scape goat and claim they are at holy war with us.

Thus, 9/11. 9/11 was americas attempt to incite war and more security on its people with a scape goat of militant arabic people whom has a leader that we never see and dont know if hes dead or alive.

9/11 is seen as a good means to incite its people and the "terrorist" are such a non tanglement enemy. With terrorist "cells" possible being anywhere and anyone this creates the image of a unseen enemy that never seems to die.

So britian gets on board in the war but the people of England dont really agree.

So now the world is primed.

Now the next step in gain more control over its people is what?

A new terrorist attack from within. A terroist attack from another country would only get people attention on that other country , BUT a terroist attack with turns neighbor against neighbor.

The governement will probably start to say that "we need better security" and a set of laws will be pass ( IE: the patriot act) that will take away from you englanders personal freedoms.

And with a bombing within, this turns the war on terror against its own people.

Now, you call me crazy but, I heard on Fox news, they had a report in Leeds. This reporter said the British government has said that their could be literally about 200 more of these terrorist cells of englanders, right now with about 50 ready to do attacks today.

Thats sounds like extremely accurate information. How would they know such a number? Maybe they used that number to prove that this is a growing problem and something must be done?

My predication.

The next US terrorist attack will consist of US citizens, just like in England. They will be US people whom have "extreme Islamic beliefs" just like these teenagers did.

I think the next terrorist target is France. That would send a message that there is nowhere you can run or hide.

Hear me now and believe me later. Englanders, be mindful of your human rights and be weary of any "new security bills" that go before your parliament

It is more credible that the bombings are taken out by religious extremist fanatics because we have removed their tyrranical governments. Also, you dont see the whole of Itaq/Iran in civil disorder, so this menas that the bombings are taken out by a minority within the Iraqi/Afghan population or circle of interest.

This makes more sense.

"Well a very, very hevate, ah, heavy duh burtation tonight. We had a very derrist derrison, bite, let's go ahead and terrist teysond those fullabit who have the pit." - Serene Branson

Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:07 am
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I agree with Derf, we have tried to change the lives of the people in Asia, possibly for the better and the sudden change will result in a backlash. 11b? Can you stop calling us englanders, we're British or English.

I think drugs have done some really good things. If you don't believe me, go home tonight, take all your cassettes, CDs, etc and burn them. Because those artists that have made that music were real fucking high- Bill Hicks

Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:11 am
Minor Diety
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of course there will be attacks by people in england. jesus are you so dumb that you think terrorists only come from iraq? *sigh* if you know anything about leeds, its one of the worst places in england for violent crimes (like any of the big cities really but you think violent crime and leeds will be in the top 3 you think of).

anyway one of the guys who they think was a bomber went to iraq or afghanistan (forget which) 6 months ago. Now everyone thinks he went to attend an al quida training camp type thing. who knows. *shrugs*

besides, the number of people from out towards iraq that live in our country, is it really so surprising there's gonna be a few that think like that? There's probably IRA living in most big cities too


Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:31 am
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pevil wrote:
jesus are you so dumb that you think terrorists only come from iraq? *sigh*

Did I say terrorist only come from Iraq? Hello oklahoma city bombing!

if you know anything about leeds, its one of the worst places in england for violent crimes (like any of the big cities really but you think violent crime and leeds will be in the top 3 you think of).

I dont know anything about Leeds other than englanders live there...


London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.

On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm.

Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch.

Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.

The transcript is as follows.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

Click here for a clip of this dialogue. Click here for a longer clip where the comments can be heard in their full context.

The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact locations and times of the bombings is light years beyond a coincidence. Power said the drill focused around 'simultaneous bombings'. At first the bombings were thought to have been spread over an hour, but the BBC reports just today that the bombings were in fact simultaneous.

Mr. Power (pictured above) and Visor Consultants need not have been 'in on the bombing' or anything of that nature for this to be of importance. The British government or one of their private company offshoots could have hired Visor to run the exercise for a number of purposes.

We are not suggesting that Mr. Power had any knowledge of the real purpose of the exercise, and the open shock he exclaims in relating the story underlines this.

The exercise fulfils several different goals. It acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing, and, more importantly, if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise.

This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning....

And yes, its areal company.

Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

For almost three years since 9/11 independent researchers have stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.

However, no single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating Procedure and failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.

Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and highlighting exercise drills that took place on the morning of 9/11.

It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed.

The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been hijacked

And for a more crediable source.

Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building

WASHINGTON - In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident.

Officials at the Chantilly, Virginia-based National Reconnaissance Office had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure.

The agency is about 4 miles (6 kilometers) from the runways of Washington Dulles International Airport.

Agency chiefs came up with the scenario to test employees' ability to respond to a disaster, said spokesman Art Haubold. No actual plane was to be involved — to simulate the damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off, forcing employees to find other ways to evacuate the building.

"It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," Haubold said. "As soon as the real world ( news - Y! TV) events began, we canceled the exercise."

Terrorism was to play no role in the exercise, which had been planned for several months, he said.

Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 — the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon ( news - web sites) — took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.

The National Reconnaissance Office operates many of the nation's spy satellites. It draws its personnel from the military and the CIA ( news - web sites).

After the Sept. 11 attacks, most of the 3,000 people who work at agency headquarters were sent home, save for some essential personnel, Haubold said.

An announcement for an upcoming homeland security conference in Chicago first noted the exercise.

In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement says, "On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day."

The conference is being run by the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute.

This is a real article
AP Archive

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:49 am
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Regarding the article "London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack" there are some issues:

It acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing

There is no need for this. It is very easy for a number of guys to walk in and drop their rucksacks wherever they want without any hassle.

if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise.

Again, rubbish, the bomb and timer is all in the rucksack.

Some separate notes:

- I dont accept nor reject the coincidence of the timing of the exercise, as well as that which was claimed that ahppened on 9/11. Perhaps they were tip offs ?

- What is the frequency of such exercises?

- Fundamentally, it doesnt make sense to plant such a team of poeple in the areas. It would have been better not to have been prepared, have had higher casualties and make the "desired political effect" larger and more favourable.

- You must always question the authenticity of these interviews and sources. Just as a mega-precaution.

Regarding the article: "Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11"

- How did the article come about such information? The sources are military.

- 9/11 is a separate event and i am not yet convinced that the two are linked.

The last article, i didnt bother reading. I want to focus on the London bombings.

Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:59 am
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Well you have to look at both "actuations" to see the whole picture. Just focusing on 9/11 or london narrows your field of understanding. Thats like your car breaks down and all you look at is the gas gauge and say "Im only looking at my gas"
I find it kinda of wierd that both the us and brits had "mock terrorist exersices" the same day as real attacks. I mean what are the odds on that? 1 hundred billion to 1?

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:14 am
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Minor Diety
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I have had a quick look at both events and as i said, i dont believe they are linked yet. I will however look into this claim that there were mock exercises.

"Well a very, very hevate, ah, heavy duh burtation tonight. We had a very derrist derrison, bite, let's go ahead and terrist teysond those fullabit who have the pit." - Serene Branson

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:17 am
Minor Diety
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Hey 11b, since you didn't answer this before: your're saying Bush blew up the Twin Towers?

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."

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Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:28 am
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Rinox wrote:
Hey 11b, since you didn't answer this before: your're saying Bush blew up the Twin Towers?

Bush alone? No. The governement? Yes. The Bush administration involved? Yes.

Here more proof

London Bombers Have Ties to United States

One of the bombers in last week's attacks made a direct phone call to a suspected recruiter for an extremist group in New York.

Authorities told ABC News that records show Mohammed Sidique Khan, the eldest of the bombers now believed to be the field commander of the attacks, had called a person who is associated with the Islamic Center, a mosque in Queens, N.Y. Yet, a member of that mosque claimed they had no knowledge of the phone call.

In addition to Khan, two other men linked to the London bombings also had direct ties with the United States.

"Whilst we are watching the ports and the airports trying to prevent people from coming in," said M.J. Gohel, a terrorism analyst at the Asia-Pacific Foundation, "al Qaeda and its global jihadi friends are a step ahead. They have already penetrated into the West and are recruiting Western born Muslims to join terrorism."

Lindsay Germaine, one of the four dead bombers and a Jamaican who left behind a pregnant wife, had recently traveled to see relatives in Ohio.

Furthermore, Magdy El Nashar, 33, who was captured last night at his family's home outside of Cairo and then questioned by British agents, studied at North Carolina State University. Police believe he helped the bombers build their explosive devices. Now they want to know if there are more bombs and would-be bombers.

"It is possible there will be more attempts," admitted Sir Ian Blair, commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. "It is our job to stop them in every way we possibly can. It is more likely now than it was before."

Police said El Nashar, who denied any involvement in the bombings, left England shortly after he rented the house in Leeds, where they discovered a so-called bomb factory. Neighbors in the Cairo suburb told ABC News he arrived there about 10 days before the bombings. They also said they had trouble believing El Nashar could have participated in the attacks.

Now the search continues for another man, whom police believe to be the al Qaeda mastermind of the plot. Authorities said he was on a secondary watch list and believe he crossed the channel by ferry last month in order to elude detection. Hours after the attacks, the man left again by ferry and is thought to be returning to Pakistan, where al Qaeda is known to have bases.

This is odd because it relates to this story.

Alleged 9/11 Hijackers May Have Trained at US Bases

As the investigation gathered strength yesterday, unusual leads began to surface, among them the possibility that some of the hijackers may have received training at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida or other U.S. military facilities.

Two of 19 suspects named by the FBI, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi, have the same names as men listed at a housing facility for foreign military trainees at Pensacola. Two others, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, have names similar to individuals listed in public records as using the same address inside the base.

In addition, a man named Saeed Alghamdi graduated from the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, while men with the same names as two other hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari, appear as graduates of the U.S. International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, respectively.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:41 am
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Still dont believe me? Slowly and slowy our civil liberties and rights are being taking away all in the name of national security to put us in a prison planet.

New York City will begin making random checks of bags and backpacks at subway stations, commuter railways and on buses


House Votes to Extend Patriot Act



Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Last edited by ElevenBravo on Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:56 am
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