Successor to the ATI 4670, the 5670.
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Author:  Peltz [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Successor to the ATI 4670, the 5670. ... 31787.html

The 5670 is gpu aimed for the $100 segment. Now the 4670 and 5670 are wonderful cards because they dont require an external power connector. Just plug it in and it works.

One more interesting thing is that..

It is interesting that the reference model AMD sent us did not sport a CrossFire bridge, whereas the images of another reference card the company sent over did have the connector in place. AMD let us know the card can be run in CrossFire without the bridge, and that this class of card actually works well without one. This is because it isn't able to move as much information between cards as the higher-end models, and consequently won't saturate the PCIe interface.


Author:  Peltz [ Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject: ... 31806.html

I was mistaken, the successor to the HD4670 is actually the HD5570. Damn the naming game. Whoever is responsible for these names should be struck by a lighting or something.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Judging by the benchmarks, price and the power usage this card is amazing. If I were building a second budget-ish gaming PC, this would be a prime candidate!

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