php question (pig)
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Author:  Satis [ Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are things to make Flash easier. Swish is an excellent example. I'm not sure how much money they make, though. It seems to me that Flash developers are few and far between. Though they seem to congregate at flashkit. :)

Anyway, I don't know if you can make alot of money off a Flash optimizer/organizer. For one, as mentioned above, there don't seem to be a massive number of Flash developers out there. The ones that do exist for the most part seem to be either total newbs (who'll probably give it up before getting good) or pros.

Hrmmm... I'm curious how you'd make a Flash optmizer/organizer in the first place. The basic Flash isn't code-based... I mean, it's not a series of code you can optimize... in fact, it's more like time-based 3d animation than it is code. Now there is actionscript, which is definetely code, but it's time-based also. Anyway, I'm interested to see what you come up with. :)

Author:  Pig [ Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

It resolves to code, like everything else, but I don't think you could realistically create an after-the-fact optimizer. Swish makes it easier, but is has a similar effect on size/performance as you see with a hand coded vs. WYSIWYG editor.

Author:  RB [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Satis wrote:
Hrmmm... I'm curious how you'd make a Flash optmizer/organizer in the first place. The basic Flash isn't code-based... I mean, it's not a series of code you can optimize... in fact, it's more like time-based 3d animation than it is code. Now there is actionscript, which is definetely code, but it's time-based also. Anyway, I'm interested to see what you come up with.

Heheh, Satis (Sarevok:) You think me fool?!! I've seen how Flash work. Resume my words: So, new editor.
So, if I ever be arsed do that (that depend on money I can earn for that), I'll have to:

1. Become master in Flash. To know all traps and shortcuts.
2. Be arsed to make my own editor who WILL NOT optimize your code (that is monkey work isn't?). INSTEAD, they'll prevent you to step into some trap.
3. Into all that I can integrate some real-time tutorial. Like thru-TIPs watcher / teacher.

If I work that alone, it will take about 2 years after I become master in Flash.
So, it's, most possible, rhetorical question: How much money I expect for two years of my youth? And rational answer: More much than I can earn on smart Flash editor. And real question: Am I right?

Author:  Satis [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:03 am ]
Post subject: 

erm... are you right? About not being able to earn enough cash to make up for 2 years of your youth? Yea, I'm pretty sure you're right. Unless, of course, Flash suddenly becomes a much more sought after skill than it is now. Flash development is neat, and you can make some serious cash doing it (people around here charge $70 per hour for just simple animations), but it has some major limitations and isn't really applicable to very much. Making entire websites in Flash is cumbersome and not worth the time, and there's only so much of a market for Flash intros, animations and menus.\\

That doesn't stop me from liking it, though. I just wish Flash were bundled with IE, netscape and Opera to begin with.

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