The Darkest Day
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Author:  J [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  The Darkest Day

WTF?? Just playing my game and it crashes to desktop. No worries, try again, play a bit further. Bang, crash to desktop again. It already happened 3 times. HUH ?!?

no error message, nothing, just a crash to desktop.

any ideas what would cause this? I might have used my spacebar a bit much (bad habbit, especially for my spacebar) but that couldn`t cause it. Right?

PS: i had to patch my game earlier because the sewage golem refused to talk to me. So i downloaded a patch for ToB (since i already installed that).

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

no idea, i get the same shit. :? do you have nortons anti-virus running? i think i read somewhere that bg2 has issues with it.

or maybe its xp that has the problem.

i just set the compatability to run as under win 98, we'll see if it makes a difference.

Author:  Arathorn [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Never had that under XP. :?
I know it's a cheap suggestion, but have you tried reinstalling BGII?

Author:  J [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I`m not playing under xp, but norton is running. So i guess i`ll just shut that down while playing. It didn`t happen the last 15 or 20 minutes, but i`d better play safe. I`m not even through the portal, not advancing very good. And having my wild mage changing his sex doesn`t help either :P .

I wonder: i noticed that there`s a message: spell lvl increases or decreases by x , does this influence anything else but damage and effect of the spell and such. Or can it cause my spell to fail if i want to cast a high lvl spell and it goes down dramatically? First time wild mage you know. Constantly checking if i still have my money.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: to spend your cash immediately as a wild mage yeah. :roll:

The "spell caster lvl in/decreased by x lvls" can never make a spell fail at casting nope. It just makes you cast spells at a higher/lower "lvl" than you're actually at. One of the wild mage's unpredictable qualities...which makes that you can summon skeleton warriors (so not skeletons) with the "animate dead" spell 5 lvls earlier than you're supposed to, if you get really lucky. Or that your stoneskin is cast at 5 lvls lower and thus pretty useless, i love wild mages. :)

So, uhu, only applies to damage and effects, which can make a bigger difference than you'd think sometimes.:)

Author:  Satis [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

btw, try to defrag your computer overnight or something. BG2 is like 3 gigs...if it's badly fragged up anything could happen.

Author:  J [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

It`s a fresh install, can`t be that defragged i presume?

And is TDD TOB-compatible already? I already started my game but i could restart maybe.

*edit* Yeah it`s TOB-compatible, i looked for it. But since there are tons of new kits and i`m already playing some new or not-much used kits, i`ll prolly leave TDD for next time. Want to have some NPC interaction and not all self-made characters.

*edit again* You can`t say i know what i want: i`m already playing TDD, didn`t take any of the new kits though. AND WHY DO BUGBEARS LOOK LIKE HOBGOBLINS :x
I thought: hey hobgoblins, my monk can easily dispatch them .. NOT.
And appearantly cure light wounds from my special abilities can cause a wild surge as well .. like in fireball :roll:

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 5:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Those bugbears are a real pain in the ass. The always cause me to rest a lot.

Author:  J [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Tell me about it, these guys are nasty.

Btw can someone tell me how i can get my Quickload button to work again? Normally speaking it`s not bound to a key, but i did it (before the TDD install) and now it doesn`t work anymore. And i don`t see any config in TDD itself. Or am i missing something? It`s just a minor problem of course but if i keep running into bad surprises it could come in handy.

Author:  Franny [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah my blade keeps gettting whooped by the bugbears.....bloody annoying i tell you...

unfortunatly i might even have to get Minsc to help me out :?

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:26 am ]
Post subject: 

I never saw anything like a quickload button in BGII.
But I really would have liked it.

The best thing you can do against the bugbears is give Minsc a bow, let him hide in shadows, walk up to where you can just see the bugbear, shoot, walk away again round a corner, come back hidden in shadows etc.

Being hidden makes you able to shoot first, and walking away immedeately often prevents him from following you.

Author:  J [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

If i`m correct and you`re doing a solo blade fran, you could cast invisibility and just leave them. It`s not that they`re worth the experience. If you`re having a full party, just attack, you`ll prolly get beaten up a bit but the hit and run tactic is a bit slow to use here, don`t wanna waste that much time in irenicus` dungeon.

And arathorn: default, the quickload button is not in use. But i really liked it in IWD2 and i thought: hey wouldn`t there be a similar button in BG2. And yes there was, just bind it to a key in your bg config. Only problem i seem to have now with installing TDD is that it doesn`t work anymore. crap.

Author:  J [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay my crashing problem hasn`t occured anymore for which i`m very happy. Now i have another problem, i just encountered the spell: conversion. AAAAAH.
I`ve been thinking and thinking about which party i would make and finally got to a decision (well almost) and then i stumble upon a spell that totally changes the game. I wanted korgan at first, but since he`s evil i decided to not take him, i was going all good after all. But now it`s all mixed up, don`t know anymore who to take with. Dammit.

Btw, does the conversion spell has any other effects than changing alignement (and their behaviour towards your reputation and such). Well it wouldn`t be fun if korgan starts complaining about my too high reputation if he`s lawfull good or something. So i guess that part is covered. But is there anything else that changes?

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I think that conversion spell is the lamest one ever conceived. I don't know whether anything but alignment chances with the spell. The only purpose it seems to have is that with it now you are able to keep people in your party that don't belong there.

Author:  J [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah it totally changes things. Might i ask for an opinion about my party how it might be:

Wild mage
Monk (2 characters i didn`t play much or not at all)


I feel a bit low on hardhitters and tanktypes, I can get Jaheira to a low AC prolly and Minsc can deal out some damage, my monk needs to grow muscles though. Jan i need for thievingskills, and i took aerie because otherwise i`m really low on priestspells and viconia doesn`t fit in (could switch her with jaheira if i would use conversion but i feel a bit like arathorn).

I would like to have a paladin in my team but don`t really know how to fit that in, i think dumping jaheira (hehe always dumping jaheira) maybe.

*edit* right now i`m thinking about replacing jaheira with either keldorn or (maybe preferably) avaunis (just met that guy accidently).

Any thoughts/comments ??

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