Big fight after Mind Flayer Maze IWDII
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Author:  derf [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Big fight after Mind Flayer Maze IWDII

Okay, as soon as i get out of the mind flayer maze i am outside with snow on the floor and the Airship. Problem is, i haveto fight against 3 Earth elementals 5 harpies and 2 sorcerors.

As you can imagine, i get raped every time. Have any you guys got a solution for this fight?

Author:  pevil [ Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:37 am ]
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eeeeeeeek i'm not far from that bit! I'm scared to go further now! lol. no i'm not, just haven't played it in ages

Author:  J [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:11 am ]
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i just picked my old game up myself, somewhere in the ice palace now, loooong way to go prolly.

solution: area effects? fireball, emotion, dunnowhat to disable the pesky spellcasters?

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Mm; ok, it's been a long while since i played IWD2 (mebbe i should pick it up someday in a mpgame with some of you, it's a great enough game it is), but let's see.

I don't know the who's and what's of your party, but blah. I'll just give general advice on battles like this, since i only vaguely remember crushing them. :twisted: (jk, had a bit of trouble there too i recall :/)

So...have your fastest melee char(s) run straight to the sorcerers...even if they have pre-battle protections cast on them. We all know how i think about those: nothing a bit of melee hackin' can't fix! ;) Preferrably use weapons that do additional elemental damage. Sorcerer's shouldn't keep it up too long, moreover, in situations like this there's always one sissie sorc and one tough one. :)

Ignore the harpies and elementals for the time being...summon some stuff to keep them busy. Keep ignoring the harpies all fight long, while you rain down on them with fire spells (weak point) if you get the chance. (i.e., if you're fighters aren't in the blast radius) Don't try using spells and/or bladed weapons on the earth elementals. they'll just shrug it off.

After the sorcerers, try to regroup a bit (in as far as possible ofcourse), and then make joint bash attempts on one earth elemental at a time. Have stoneskinned mage-types take their blows and have your blunt-weapon fighters kick their shiznits. :) One by one...and then finish off the harpies. You might very well lose a man or two-three but blah, just raise them. :)

Alternatively...if you got an earlier unpatched IWD2 version ;)

have your weakest char run straight into the enemy, and have one of your mages cast "otiluke's resilient sphere" on him/her. :D He/she will be completely immune to all attacks/spells (except for dispel magic :roll:) and the enemies will all try to bash him/her. Watch how the sorcerers waste their best spells on the sphered char and then just unleash area spells hell. :) The harpies will fall, the sorcerers take damage at least, and then just whack the earth elementals.

Author:  J [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Question: when you suggest to use mage-types with stoneskin to absorb the damage, why not cast stoneskin on your fighters instead? maybe i'm missing a point here, but i would think that the effect will last longer if you have someone with a decent armor standing there.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:54 am ]
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he...true, but stoneskin is caster only. :D ;)

Author:  J [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 10:18 am ]
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true, but not in IWD2 :D :wink:

(just played it so i`m 200% sure of this :P )

Author:  derf [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 10:30 am ]
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Its "1 creature" in IWD2.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 11:30 am ]
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Ffs lol. :roll: Actually i looked it up on the net before i said that so i wouldn't make an ass out of myself, but apparently (i just re-checked) that was an IWD1 page. :/ And it still said IWD2, the bastards. Now i made an ass out of myself still. :D
i gotta seriously play some IWD2 again :/

So...yeah, if you can do it then obviously it'd be better to cast it on someone with good AC. :)

Author:  J [ Wed Nov 05, 2003 11:38 am ]
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It`s my first run through IWD2 now, and i`m thinking: there is a challenge thingie in the ice castle, is it worth spending a lot of time there with all those fights (i guess i`ll have to kill about 250 monsters one by one, if i don`t fail to kill it in time or get killed myself).

oh and ox: HAHA :P

another question: there`s a guy there that i can help and in exchange i can get some exp, some items or his help in a fight (i think). what would you suggest?

i started with the challenge btw .. thank god i have plenty of potions because i`m getting my ass kicked on regular base here.

Author:  derf [ Thu Nov 06, 2003 1:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

which guy are you on about mate?

Author:  J [ Fri Nov 07, 2003 2:53 am ]
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Nikodemus or something, doesn't matter anymore. i chose the experience (i think not sure) because the items were rather crap and help in a fight with an altar .. :roll:

Mental note: Must remember to kill him or steal his items :twisted:

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Nov 07, 2003 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

You can't kill Nikodemus IIRC :) breaks the game and stuff.

Author:  derf [ Fri Nov 07, 2003 10:45 am ]
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Yes, i tried killing the mother fucker aswell, but it fucks up the game.

Author:  J [ Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:48 pm ]
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Derf i just got out of the maze and stumbled into this fight. I had almost no spells, i used stoneskin and invisibility on my sorcerer because she got attacked by an elemental. invisibility didn`t work for some reason and that elemental caused me some problems and potions.
My barbarian got stunned (by the harpies??) and was pretty useless during the whole battle. Although he distracted 4 harpies untill the rest was dead, and he hadn`t been hit that much. so those harpies really suck :P
My cleric got into problems as well when some elemental hit me for 54 damage (wasn`t at full health at the start of the battle) so had to use some potions there as well. Same with my rogue actually. But when i gangbanged those elementals they went down pretty quickly. Don`t know what happened exactly with the sorcerers because i was to busy with keeping my above mentioned characters alive, but i just sent my dwarven fighter to them and when i looked he had taken care of them and some harpies as well :)

Oh now that i think of it, my ranger used sunscorch (or something) on the harpies that were trying to hit my barbarian and some of them might have been blinded.

So i can`t really imagine that you can`t get past this battle, i probably got a bit lucky that they didn`t kill my cleric for instance, but i was totally unprepared (no lvl 1,3,5 or 6 spells with sorc) and still whacked everything down.

btw: maybe you`re past this part now i dunno, just wanted to share my experiences

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