Derf's Fallout 3 Thread
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Author:  Satis [ Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

There are also a couple slaver towns, but you probably need to be evil to go there. And the wandering traders obviously. There's also a town just north of the DC ruins along the east side of the map. I forget the name, but there's a little trading there, too.

Rivet city is really where you want to go, though. Just be prepared for some serious fighting getting there. That thar be supermutant country.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:40 am ]
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The town you mean is Canterbury Commons Satis. It's not much in itself, but it's the hub for the wandering traders...and you can "invest" in their business their so that they upgrade their stock (and I think they give you discounts as their investor, but could be wrong).

To get into the big slaver town you either need to have a bad karma, prove them you're evil (by performing a quest) or talk your way through. Alternatively, you could try and kill the whole lot with no bad karma effects. :P

Author:  Satis [ Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:47 am ]
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Yea, I murdered my way through paradise falls.. actually got several karma boosts out of it, too.

Anyway, there's a trader in canterbury commons too.. the guy in the diner. His cash also restocked for me. He's also easier to get to than rivet city.

Another place is underworld, but that's even harder to get to than Rivet City. That one's in the heart of DC.

Author:  derf [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Played a bit more last night, but i dont feel rewarded.

I feel somewhat isolated no matter where i go. It feels like the land is far too small and the entire population is 50.

The scattering of foes doesnt make sense anymore. its too obvious that theyre simply there to attack you. there is no purpose to their location or motive.

theres something very wrong with the dialog in general. it's just ... wrong. sometimes youre trusted too early, other times there's an exchange of information that has absolutely no value. generally, it seems like people are saying the wrong things.

Author:  derf [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:52 pm ]
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Meh... I feel robbed.

This game sucks.

Author:  Satis [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:54 pm ]
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Dude, you're crazy. Either your expectations are unrealistic or you're playing a different game. This is totally GOTY.

Author:  Peltz [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:15 pm ]
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I'm with you Satis. F3 makes Oblivion look like total garbage.

Author:  derf [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:17 pm ]
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You guys are on crack.

I had absolutely no expectations. I didn't even know this was coming about until about 1 month from release.

I some ways it feels like a downgrade from Oblivion.

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:29 pm ]
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Another believer here...I've played a lot of Fallout 3 so far and didn't have a moment where I didn't enjoy myself. It's a massive game (in both meanings of the word). :)

As for your criticisms: I actually feel like the lack of large populations is very fitting to the whole game. This is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, after all. I wouldn't expect megacities. :) In Oblivion, this was a very real criticism and argument...the supposed capital of the entire empire felt empty and underpopulated. But in Fallout, it's basically tons of small settlements scattered around. So it makes sense. I would go as far as to say that the feeling isolated is kinda the point of the game...I know that I hugely enjoy spending time in my suite up in Tenpenny Tower, for the simple reason that it feels so civilized after spending days out in the wastelands. Cosy, almost. In Oblivion it didn't really seem to matter either way and you just stopped by once in a while to drop some of the (overabundant) loot on the ground.

The scattering of foes can be a little unrealistic, but only in some special cases. Packs of wild animals make sense anywhere, raiders only really show up in or near ruined buildings and super mutants are only abundant in DC and in some areas on the map. The only random encounters that feel out of place are the occasional protectrons wandering around shooting shit. Heck, you can meet scavengers, travelling traders and even brotherhood patrols out in the field. That makes sense, right?

Dialogue...myeah, it's not the best I've ever seen. I mean, the options are often quite limited. But the writing is sharp and good. I agree that some people seem to trust you way to quickly, but hey. That's a minor criticism compared to the vast scope of this game, imho. :)

I mean, maybe it's not your game, so I don't want to sound like an ass trying to persuade you that the game is great. But I think we (me, Satis and Peltz I mean) all had relatively high expectations here, and the fact that 3 out of 4 of us still think the game rocks (calculating in our jadedness :D) is telling!

Author:  Satis [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:05 pm ]
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honestly when I play this game, I think Oblivion with all the major flaws fixed.

It feels larger for some reason
In Oblivion you stumbled onto another ancient building every 10 feet... it's more spread out in Fallout 3 and being thick makes sense in this environment
Cursing, blood, drugs! Moral choices!
The overall environment is fairly similar, either ruined city or ruined wasteland, but I never felt like I was playing the same level again. In Oblivion, the ruins were so cookie cutter it made me sick. Here every place is unique... mostly. The vaults are the least unique, but... they're supposed to look the same.

Bleh, anyway, I'm not trying to convert you either. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I really feel like this is what Oblivion should have been (swap out the time period and weapons, of course).

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:49 am ]
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To be fair on Oblivion: the Fallout universe allows for a much broader range of creativity than the 'standard fantasy' of Oblivion ever could.

Combat, for one, is much more varied with the introduction of ballistic weapons other than bow and arrow and the subsequent introduction of VATS. In Oblivion, combat was either swinging a sword/axe/hammer/anything or a bow. (or magic, but hey)

Also in terms of world variation, Fallout allows for a lot more distinction. I've seen comic stores, grocery stores, factories, military compounds, schools, car showrooms, toxic waste dumps, museums, historic buildings, business complexes and so forth and so forth in F3. In a fantasy world you're typically restricted to a few templates...

Author:  Satis [ Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:15 am ]
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well, as far as building variety, I think Oblivion just limited itself. There are plenty of different types of buildings they could have had. And there was no reason all their buildings of the same type looked the same.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Derf, this one is for you. And for anyone who played the original Fallout titles, I guess...I agree with the writer of the article, but I still find Fallout 3 an awesome game in its own right. ... allout-Boy

Author:  Peltz [ Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:34 am ]
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gamers are trying to recapture lightning in a bottle, they are trying to capture the lightning that has already struck.

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