Dragon Age - Satis
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Author:  pevil [ Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:12 am ]
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Play it right and you can have a foursome with Zevran apparently. So the guide says anyway.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:04 am ]
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heh... right on. I think I'm approaching the end game. Finally got Allistair's secondary specialization to make him a mega-tank... now that I know how, that'll probably be one of the first things I do on my next play through. Also managed to complete Leliana's personal quest... a good thing since I think I'm on the cusp of bagging her. :roll: That's one TOUGH freakin' fight... I lost Morrigan and Leliana very quickly, leaving just my main and Allistair fighting all those bastards. I managed to swing it though, partially thanks to a mage just hanging back in his side room and Margarine (whatever her name is) deciding to just do her stunning dance rather than helping her peeps try to kill us.

I'm going to look through my quests and see if I have anything left over I should try to finish before I march on Denerim. I may do Morrigan's quest, but having been completely pwnt previously I'm not so thrilled about it, especially since I'll have to go without a healer, and melee doesn't seem to work so well.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:10 am ]
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I had a similar problem with that fight, Morrigan being my only magic user (and main DPS) and being able to bringing her along. I did it fairly easily in the end, however, just make sure you're very fire proof. That should take the sting out of most of what your opponent can do.

Did you have the dragon armors forged yet? They're ideal. Also, if you have poison making (and a few chars with at least one rank in it) you can just pelt your opponent with a continous rain of spirit, nature, cold and electricity damage at 50 dmg each. Very effective. Wouldn't try fire flasks though :roll:

Author:  Satis [ Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:02 pm ]
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y'know, I actually haven't used any poisons or any of those 'protection' items. I just sell them all. They're typically not needed, but perhaps now would be a good time to make an exception. My main is actually a poison master or whatever, so I could probably throw together quite a few poison bombs for minimal costs. I'd just need to be sure to select folks that can use it.

Regarding the dragon stuff, I did collect the drake scales, but haven't gone back to the armorer with them yet. I have no clue how many armors I can make with it, or what kind they are. I guess we'll see. Though my main looks pretty dashing in his ancient elven armor.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:34 am ]
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Without being too much of a spoiler whore, he can make quite a few armors from the scales you've collected. Including rogue ones. :)

Author:  J [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:38 pm ]
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Yeah i'm currently wearing some drakeskin armor with my rogue. It's pretty nice, just the gloves i'm not using (got 10% extra damage for backstab/crit gloves).

I'm still slowly progressing. I'm involved with the dwarves now, just cleared out the rogue den. I liked fighting in the proving. My rogue pretty muched slaughtered everyone 1 on 1 (or 1 vs 2). Got the ability that whenever a target is stunned or so, i automatically backstab. Pretty neat.

Had to change my party for the last battle though, because i didn't bring Wynn with me. And honestly, i can't imagine how i would survive without her. Same with the last fight in the rogue den. If someone goes down (and with that backstabbing it happens easily if tank loses aggro) at least you can revive your fallen in battle.
And even better: now that i have her last spell in the spirit healer tree, i even don't seem to need injury kits anymore.

I'll probably have to clear my inventory prior to moving on. Because it was full. Again.

Did i mention i got Ox' chest as well?

Author:  Satis [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:07 pm ]
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bah, pansies. I never run out of inventory space. Well, rarely. :roll: I'm just sure to sell when I can.

I'm currently in the castle. I won't drop any spoilers, but I appear to be closing in on the endgame. There's a side quest in one of the back alleys that is ridiculously difficult. You guys may know what I'm talking about. I tried several times and even at my absolute best only got the enemy down to 2/3 health. Redunk.

So anyway, still progressing. I think I picked up the spirit healer book too late in the game... I only have 1 level of it for Morrigan. :( Thinking about picking up some of those skill books, even at 22 gold a pop.

Author:  J [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:57 am ]
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I've been tempted to buy those tomes on occasion, but always thought "better hang on to my coins". I seem to be pretty rich halfway in the game, or at least i could buy any item i see i think. Although when i check my 'record' it states that i already spend 80 gold or so. So the fact i've got like 140-160 or so now isn't THAT much.

Checked the 'heroic accomplishments page' yesterday. Turns out my rogue deals out massive damage. Having to solo some parts that's not so weird, but it was almost double to the second in line (Alistair) with almost 100k damage to 50k damage. Also got the 'tactician' achievement yesterday where i killed 250 enemies without taking damage from them. Nice. They never saw me coming :)

Small question regarding armor: anyone using other armor than (studded) leather or light armor in general for rogues?
I can use some medium armor (and some good ones at times too) but the fatigue just seems so much more and i think i'd attract even more hostility due to the armor rating thing.

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:59 am ]
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I never used anything above leather for rogues. You're right, the better armor they wear the more aggro they generate, which isn't what you probably best stick with leather unless there's a situation/enemy that you're having troubles with and demands some sort of plate. Not surprised to see you installed the chest mod, makes life so much easier. :)

Not sure I know what enemy Satis is referring to. Can you throw a spoiler? There are a few tough battles in that area.

Also, J, don't be too frugal with your least in my case I found I could afford a lot of those tomes at the end of the game and didn't need to save all that cash all the time. And keep in mind that I spent a LOT of gold on potions (no healer) during the game. So you should have plenty, as long as you don't blow it on 3-4 items worth 100+k. ;)


Is it one of the slum gangs with 4564561 archers?

Author:  Satis [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:31 pm ]
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I bought a couple tomes to upgrade my peeps and I still have tons of money.

*spoiler warning*

ok, so the fight I'm talking about is with the ancient evil in one of the back alleys. You collect notes from adventurers and then confront this dude that turns into some crazy creature that has a major love of cold spells. Tough tough bastard. I figure I'll hold off on him until I'm a bit higher level...same with the dragon.

I just beat my way out of the prison/fort. The battle that gets you there pissed me off... I was fighting to win and was doing ok, but that bitch with her 2-handed sword just came in and beat the piss out of me. I didn't realize you were supposed to be beaten. :roll:

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:56 am ]
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Hahaha, yeah, that is one insane battle. She has a shitload of HP and swings 100+ dmg every time. :cry: I actually beat her, but I obviously needed to cheese it (used to force field spell). I didn't do the prison bit because of that. Did you have Morrigan's ring on? Just wondering.

And heh, THAT tough bastard. I didn't beat him. Didn't notice antyhing about his name btw? :P

Author:  Satis [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:09 am ]
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err...not really...what's with his name? Also not sure what you mean about Morrigan's ring.


I'm close to the end, I think. I've fought my way through post-invasion denerim, through the fort, and am about to go onto the roof. The fighting wasn't too bad... I didn't end up calling any reinforcement. Chances are I won't have the option in the final battle, but whatever.

I'm already looking forward to a second playthrough now that I know where to go for stuff. Mage's tower to get Wynn, then redcliff to unlock champion. :)

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:22 am ]
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I found champion to be the single best fighter unlock. With me, Sten and a third warrior (spoiler) having the skill we became a near unstoppable fighting machine. Very cool specialization.


His name is opposed to the BG2 lich/demilich Kangax. ;) Who was also found under a derelict home in the slums.

You can still use your reinforcements in the final battle, don't worry. It's actually not all that hard compared to the rest of the game. Just is a long effort and you need to stay focused throughout. I did it on the first try on hard with no losses and relatively litte trouble, so it's easy.

Morrigan will give you her ring if she falls in love with you. Gives a minor statboost and it allows her to track you when you are imprisoned (which is a nice touch and why I like her romance). And there's more but I'll keep it at that for now.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:36 am ]
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so I may have mentioned it, but I ended up gunning for Leliana. As a result, Morrigan didn't go for me. However, I did agree to let her have my child. :roll: I was like...meh...why not? Good times.

Assuming the final battle is on the roof of the fort, and that that's the end of the game, I'll probably finish tonight. Then I'll roll myself a fighter. Should be good fun now that I can be unabashedly evil.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:47 am ]
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Go dwarven :P

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