OMG! Difficult!
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Author:  Mole [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

right, im back. Did the whole minsc thing, now i'm headed toward the bandit camp, but have been warned to try and join the bandits in order to gain acces to chapter 4. Can't i just fight my way in?

Author:  Satis [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

yes, you can. No need to join them. Just kill them all. More fun that way.

Author:  J [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah i heard that too that you can join them. But never actually tried that out. Just go there and cut your way through.

btw mole -> i`m in chapter 5 already and cleared everything on the main map south of baldur`s gate, so everything but bg actually. Now i haven`t played a whole week since i had an acute overdose of BG. oh and i ditched imoen and replaced her by .. damn forgot his name again. think it`s kivan. and minsc has become my tank -> bracers of dexterity, large shield +1, full plate mail and ring of protection +1
and still he gets his butt kicked. :P

Author:  Mole [ Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:30 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, you passed me then. I think you could be on about coran? dunno. But anyway, i'm sticking with my current team i think, Mole, Jahiera, Khalid, Imoen and Xan, though i'm not sure.

I just completed the wyvern task, but had to rush through cloak wood because I was running out of time and Coran started moaning. Just about to go back there and finish it all up properly.

Any level recomendation for Ankheg fighting?

Author:  tyranus [ Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:22 am ]
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yeah! the ankheg's are biatchs :?

Author:  J [ Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:01 am ]
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Bwahaha, killing those ankhegs was like a picnic in the parc for me. :D

If you`ve been to cloakwood you must be at a rather high level already, unless you kinda rushed through the main plot and didn`t complete much other maps. But i guess you can easily kill those ankheg, if you can kill a wyvern you can surely kill an ankheg. Who are you using as a tank?

You`re probably right about coran, i always seem to mix them up.

Btw -> have you met some basilisks yet?? if not, there`s plenty of experience to get on that map.

I should pick my game up again, but had work for school, this weekend i won`t have time either.

ps: do you have 5 members in your team and picked up coran just for his quest or is he in your party??

Author:  Satis [ Fri Sep 05, 2003 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

summon skeletons = ultimate ankheg killer.

Just have everyone else attack from a distance so the skels suck up all the damage. Boom boom, dead ankheg.

Author:  Mole [ Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Basilisks... the things that petrify you? nasty bastards if so.

I can take on a wyvern, unless it poisons me twice, because i only got two slow poisons...

My tank would probably be Khalid, he has the most hp, best armour class etc.

Yeah, I picked up coran for his quest, then got rid of him.

And I'm about level 5. Just started the third part of cloakwood me thinks...

Author:  J [ Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Walking around a bit in the big city now, i`m already drowning in quests. :?
My reputation dropped for stealing, bah.

On the bright side: i got gauntlets of ogre power so finally khalid has a decent strength. and his thaco became a lot better too of course.

but really: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah so much to do. and now i have to find some inn for a quest with narlen darkblabla, some shadow thief. pfff. pfff.

dunno what lvl i`m at, i know dynaheir has lvl 4 spells, but not sure about the exp. will continue to play later this night maybe. could use a leffe again. :)

Author:  Mole [ Sun Sep 07, 2003 4:25 pm ]
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my tank has now changed, it is my new and Sixth party member, and thats the dwarfen man by the name of Yeslick, powerful little tosser he is :D

Where you finding all these quests? In Baldurs gate? See, I have the ability to go to Baldurs Gate, but I read that if you go in, you can't go back out, and I don't want to leave people like minsc behind etc! So i'm trying to level up real good before I go in there, and Gunna go through Durlags tower if I can. Also that beard place, do I have to exit from the north of the bridge to get there or what?

Author:  J [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Mm never really liked yeslick.

I'm pretty sure that you can still go to other areas once you enter the city. But i would recommend to clear other areas first, get some experience and maybe some nice equipment you missed this far. Because the city itself has like 8 parts or so full with quests where you travel from one part to another in search for who/what you need and you really don't need even more stuff to worry about.

Dunno about ulgoth's beard, never found a way to actually reach it, think it's a bug or so but haven't found a patch either. what i do most of times is finish everything in bg, then import my party members in the 'mission pack save' to be able to play totsc.
Btw, durlag's tower isn't very easy, don't think you can actually enter the tower before going to ulgoth's beard either. but you can walk around the map a bit and fight some battling horrors or something. after fighting them, you'll probably consider levelling up a bit :P

btw: those boots of speed are a relief huh :D

Author:  Mole [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Hell yeah, now if only I could get some for all the charachters, would be a god send :D I don't like those battle horrors, so I might avoid that place for a while, it's just an annoying case of re-xploring and talking to everyone to see if they need a quest doing. The ankhegs are easy now. I foun'd a good map for both experience and money, because there are lots of wondering Throne warriors and Bandits, and 9 times out of ten, if you rest, 10 more bandits appear. Brilliant for my Arrow suplies, and my money if I sell the bandit scalps.

Just gotta find some quests.... bleh...

Author:  Satis [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

the uncover Ulgoth's beard, I believe you need to heard north along the outside of the Baldur's Gate, erm, gate. That'll take you to a farm area (bet you never been there before) and then you should be able to leave that in whatever direction and get to Ulgoth's beard. At least, it worked for me.

Fool... bug or something. :roll:

Author:  J [ Tue Sep 09, 2003 3:36 am ]
Post subject: 

You mean where that girl with the bowl (bitch queen blabla) is? and there's an ankheg too.

Mm, maybe i'm just plain stupid. and now i'm sick too so i won't be playing much. :(

Author:  Mole [ Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, figured as much, how difficult is it therE?

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