Dragon Age - Satis
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Author:  Rinox [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:25 am ]
Post subject: 

lol. Let me guess, you want to kill all the Chantry peeps, every mage, every templar or other authority figure, and basically everyone who talks down to you? :P

Author:  Satis [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:30 am ]
Post subject: 

heh, I don't want to drop any spoilers, but a number of people are outright rude. I would gladly take their heads if the game would allow me.

I just ran some Lyrium to the mage's tower and made a profit of 29 gold. :p However, I may try a different path that could result in additional cash. We'll have to see. The cash sure is nice, though.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Wtf that quest pays 29 gold?! I never did it because I needed lyrium potions myself (what with having only one mage and playing on hard) so 10 potions was a bit outrageous for most of the game for me. If I'd know it payed THAT much, though... :o

Author:  Satis [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:38 am ]
Post subject: 

no no, different quest. The quest I'm talking about is to carry a box of lyrium to the mage's tower. It requires an initial investment of 50 gold (I talked him down to 40), then you get an initial reward of 50 gold (I talked him up to 60). Then I intimidated some secrets out of him and blackmailed him into giving me 9 more gold... hence 29 gold in profit. :twisted:

However, he disappeared when I intimidated him, so I may undo that if I have the chance for additional cash runs.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Haha, cool stuff. Think I met him, but wasn't about to invest 50 freaking gold in some random stranger's biznezz. :roll: Too paranoid it seems.

Author:  Satis [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject: 

yea, it's a bit of a risk... quite a bit of cash on the line there. It ended up being worth it, though. I also got the Bully achievement. :P

Author:  J [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

I did that quest as well. Always wondered why that mage was hiding in the closet. I went back to Orzammar and reported to the guys that sent you. I think you can squeeze out 20 gold there. It ends there (i guess).

I actually had to reload because my dialogue turned out to piss the guy off. When you notice you can loot a big amount of gold pieces from someone's corpse, it's probably better to find out why he has so much cash :)

I think you get 20 when you just kill him. Don't remember the exact numbers, at least one of my estimates will be off i guess.

Author:  Satis [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:18 am ]
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I'm sure I killed him my first playthrough, but didn't notice 20 gold. It wouldn't have mattered, I slaughtered the mages my first go anyway. :P

So is it possible to get help from both the mages and the templars? Or does it end up being only one or the other?

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Not sure. I think it must be possible to get them both, if you play your cards right. I mean it's not like with the Elves and the werewolves where it's a little harder to imagine both parties smoking the peace pipe. But like I said, I have no idea.

Author:  Satis [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

so, apparently my beginning-game menage a tois ended in a son. :roll: whoops. Oh well.

Also...did you know there's a dragon in the royal castle in Orzimmar? Yessiree... and I killed it. :P All kinds of crap I missed my first game.

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:02 am ]
Post subject: 


You're shitting me. I grew up in there, spent more time there than in any other area and I didn't even know there was a freaking dragon?! :lol:

Gotta get my ass in gear on that second character, clearly.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea... I realized there was a switch... I'd noticed the noise before as I ran across it, but this time I actually figured out what was going on. I also inspected something that was inspectable and correctly deduced how to summon some creature. After a bit of fruitless searching, I then went online to piece the actual mechanics together.

You get a pretty nice two handed sword out of the deal, not to mention the satisfaction of ridding the world of another dragon.

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Haha, bastard. I spent some time trying to figure out what those floor tiles did too, but I gave up and pressed on thinking they didn't really do anything. :roll: I did meet some tunneling thieves there which already kinda freaked me out, but nothing as big as THAT.

Eyes open next time, Oxy boy. :)

Author:  Satis [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey, for anyone looking to play a second time, try keeping Wynne, Zevran and Ohgren in your active party. Both Zevran and Ohgren hit on Wynne regularly... it's kinda disturbing considering how old she is. :roll: Pretty cool though.

So I'm in the deep roads now. I drop Zevran out of my party for now and picked up Ohgren instead. I figure he'll be forced on me, so I might as well play with him for a bit and figure out how to best utilize his ass.

Also came up Hespith with her creepy broodmother chant again. Freakin' awesome.

One last thing... last time I killed the crazy dude, Ruck. This time, to do things differently, I played nice. Turns out he can be a merchant...quite handy to unload all the crap you loot, plus he's got a few really nice items for sale.

Author:  Satis [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

hah...just found this codex. Funny Mass Effect reference

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