To Do List
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Author:  Rinox [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  To Do List

So....because I've been handicapped gameswise for at least a few days I'll burden myself with making lists such as these. *kicks chipset cooler* Now that we've al finished the game it's time for some advanced goals, and lucky for us GW packs quite a few of those. :) In no specific order of importance:

->killing Glint :twisted: (requires going through the chrystal caves mission first methinks, but that's dead easy anyway)
->Defend Droknar's Forge
->Fissure of Woe (will be tough to time with the favours)
->Underworld (same as for FoW)
->Sorrow's Furnace (some of us have done a quest or two there already, but none have beaten it yet)

Lesser/optional goals:

->Finish the game with Shiny's mes
->run pev and mole to temple of ages (probably needs to be a primary goal because it's required for FoW and UW anyway)
->do the Villainy of Galrath quest...I don't know about Satis and Shiny, but me, pev and mole attempted it at lower lvls and it was quite the undertaking back then. We died a LOT and didn't manage to finish it...partly because of the 50 (ok, 12) necros that were camping the quest objective. :roll: It's got a 4000XP pick it up in LA from the skilltrainer.
->fight in the hall of heroes
->get a lot of green items that we possibly could trade...afaik I have two greens ( Shadestone and rockmolder ). Pev has the yakslapper ). Rest doesn't have any. :P

Umh..tell me if I missed something...and if one goal seems much more attractive to you than an other. :)

Author:  Satis [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

fyi, I gave a stab at the defend drok quest with my necro...definetely going to need help on that. However, I did 'decently' enough with just henches, so I'm pretty sure if we get together it should be a snap.

I think Shiny and I have done Galrath, though there's bound to be some character one of us has that hasn't done it.

As another FYI, remember that shiny and I have finished the game with 4 characters each. As such, we have alot of character options. I can do warrior, ele, necro or monk, shiny can do ele, necro, warrior and monk. And shiny's got a mesmer that's almost done and a newbie ranger.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Hehe, aweseome, we won't be lacking in character choices then...seems like we've got every sort of character covered between the 5 of us. Good to hear that Drok's should be doable...I was already wondering how tough a 20k xp quest could be. :roll:

From what I've heard/read killing Glint should be easy too given some preparation. (as are most single big targets...that Lich was prolly one of the easiest bosses I fought in a long time. But then, I don't even fight bosses with a team of 6 human players :roll: )

Added "fight in the hall of heroes" to the lesser goals btw...we owe it to ourselves to at least win one match in the HoH. :P ;)

Author:  pevil [ Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:36 am ]
Post subject: 

lol I remember when gw was first out. The forums were filled with "Omg has anyone managed to kill Glint yet?" and stories of how all got killed but one, who nearly took her down and then died... blah blah blah.

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