Battlefield Bad Company 2
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Author:  Satis [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Battlefield Bad Company 2

I've heard a little about this game, but didn't really pay it much mind. Ars has a story on it though, and it's sounds pretty decent. These are the makes of the battlefield xxx franchise... Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 rocked, imo... while Battlefield Vietnam and 2142 were teh sux0r. Still, this one looks promising to me. ... mpaign=rss

walkthrough trailer.

The article focuses on a lot of things hte PC version will have, since Battlefield Bad Comapny was console only. Apparently it'll have support for ATI eyefinity and nvidia 3d-vision, as well as dedicated servers. I'm tempted to buy it just to snub MW2.

Author:  Peltz [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Battlefield Vietnam and 2142

Hah, you probably didnt like 2142 because they disabled "noob" kills and you had to work for your kills. It fixed a lot of issues that were present in the BF2 like the endless rain of grenades and such. It did however introduce other issues but those were minor inconveniences compared to some of the ridiculousness of BF2. BF2142 was much more team oriented since the motherships (forgot what they were called, its been a long time) added a new layer of strategy unlike the one-man-killtrains in BF2. There was a lot less camping room on 2142 as well since it featured large open areas with little cover while BF2 had lots of places to hide and stalk. And then there were the ridiculous grenades in BF2 which made the game utterly stupid. But i guess those same crappy grenades were apparently the highlight of the game.

Edit: One example of problems they added was the conquering of those "ships". People just overloaded every corner with remote detonating charges and boom, entire team dead, boom entire team dead. That was kinda fucked up but everything leading to that point was much better balanced than BF2. 2142 was probably just ahead of its time.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

I didn't enjoy the gameplay. Also, when I played it, it was extremely buggy. I never ended up springing for the full game.. I think I played the demo or something. But the whole look and feel just didn't do it for me. I like real guns and vehicles, not mechs and laser guns.

Looks like I might have touched a nerve. :P

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

I was going to say the same thing as Satis when first reading your reply Peltz...n00b kills or not, BF 2142 just wasn't as much fun as BF2, and that's pretty much all there was to it for me really. I don't really care about some ethereal standard of being 1337, as long as I have fun and preferably kill players worse than me in the process. ;)

Vietnam had its fun moments, actually. But generally lot more frustrating than BF2. BF 2142 was just...meh. Too cold, calculated, serious. I don't care if it's ridiculous to stand on a plane wing in BF2 to jump off it and knife a guy in the head with an impossible air assault, as long as it's hilarious. :lol: The Bad Company series, to me, is DICE understanding that many of their players don't want ultrarealism, just good uncut fun. Kinda like TF2, which started development as a very standard realistic class-based military shooter but gradually evolved into what it is now because the devs noticed that people weren't having fun in the initial builds (also for recognizability issues - kaki is kaki is kaki).

Author:  Satis [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

khaki or bukkake?

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2


(when you get jizzed on by 20 men in combat dress)

Author:  Peltz [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Haha, nah, i got fed up because there were like 3 ways to score ridiculous amount of kills. Either use those or eat dust. And that was about it. BF2142 fixed that but paid the price with smaller amount of players. The grenades were like rank3 turrets in TF2 if you saw it, you were fucked.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Friend of mine is in the beta(is it still in beta?). Running on Windows 7 he said it crashed to much to play.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

that's unfortunate. I'll definitely be waiting on reviews before I pick this one up. Release is March 3rd, so that doesn't bode too well.

Author:  Peltz [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Damn time difference. You guys should move to europe so we can get clankiller groups going :D

Author:  Satis [ Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

lol. How about you people move to the US? Or maybe Mexico/Canada, since I doubt they'd let Belgians into the country. :roll:

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Yeah, I doubt they'd give me a green card. :roll: I have a decent amount of savings, speak English, know quite a bit about American history/culture and have a higher education, so technically speakling I very much qualify. The only problem is that there's little use for lit majors on today's labor market. :P Now if I had been a plumber or nurse...

English-Dutch translator is the only possible option really. But who needs those, eh? I vote Satis moves here and does some IT shit in a dank basement of a government building somewhere. He'll probably have a heart failure once he hears his yearly amount of vacation. :lol:

Author:  Mole [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

I played the Demo (360) the other day for an hour or so, and I'll post my findings as I recall them. I'm trying not to be biased too much here but I sense it will come through.

The Demo map was huge - I'm sure this is a good thing in the long run, but due to the nature of the spawns in the game mode I was playing it caused you to spend more time running/driving/travelling than actually fighting. The map and game mode was very favourible to snipers and camping.

The game mode was kind of like search and destroy from call of duty, except instead of one target there were two [Both in one base] and you could respawn infinitely. It was kinda fun, but (and I feel, rightfully so) it was much easier to defend than it was to attack. It's hard to rally up a good attack force in this game unless you're with a team you know. If you're on with Randoms too many people suffer from the run-in-one-man-kill-machine disease of CoD. I'm not saying that negitively, I suffered with it too when I first logged on; though because I couldn't get a good team I had to try and manipulate my own team. Litterally using them as diversions.

The aiming has, as far as I know, been directly stolen from Call of Duty. The engine used to do it is really good, and you get that satisfying little hit sound/display when you connect. The real problem in aiming came with the sniper rifles - there's very little wave. Once you've got the shot lined up, the aim seams to stay pretty much dead on that spot - so if you catch a place where enemies will run past repeatedly, it's very easy to get several headshots in a row.

The vehicles are fun, and require the afformentioned lack of team work to take them down. Trying to take out a tank on your tod is not fun - you need people to run a play while you sneak around to get easier shots, but on the same time you need someone to run defense for you whilst you'd trying to get your demolitions out. The easiest tactic for this map I found was to grab a quad bike and hightail it down the main road with a squad mate on the back - and try and get to a decent spot before they even knew you'd gotten there.

The Map was a long seaside based place, with some kind of dock or warehouse structures to the south which was also down hill. It was fairly easy to defend even if a decent task force approached, thanks to the layout of it you could either defend the road side entrance from the front or the interior of the camp from the back. Toward the end of the game, some of these spots were harder to defend as parts of them got destroyed over time. This area also provided a few sniping spots to cover the road to take care of foot troops, but if vehicles came down the hill you were in trouble. The north was a bit less built up but provided more natural cover and 'obvious' sniping spots such is cliff ledges and bushes with high vantage points. If a decent force came up the road it was easier to pick them off from far away than it was to defend when they got there.

Also, from the radar, it seemed the map was much larger than the playable area I was in though I'm not sure if that's just the way the radar was designed or if it will unlock with maybe some kind of territory based game?

Still, the game was smooth and playable. Getting in to a game however takes time, and as I'm a cod vet I love my kill cam to much and I tend to miss it when I get shot :(

I don't think I'll be buying this game, purely because I'm too set in my ways about CoD now. I'd have rated it 6.5 out of ten based on my short experience, though I'm sure the game will be much better than that - especially to BF fans.

Author:  Peltz [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Yeap sound like 2142 in BF2 bad company skin. Takes lots of team effort and various tools to get things done.

Author:  Satis [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

I appreciate the quick review. Sounds more like a game I would enjoy, to be honest... more along the line of BF. I'm hoping for a good PC demo so I can really make up my mind. Thanks for the info, Mole.

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