Left 4 Dead 2!!
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Author:  Rinox [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Left 4 Dead 2!! ... more-12370


Left 4 Dead who now? No one was expecting Valve’s next game to be a sequel to 2008’s awesome co-op zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead. To answer your immediate question: Yes, this is a completely new game, with new characters, in a new location, with new zombies, new weapons, new twists, and an improved Director, in five completely new campaigns set in the Southern United States. This isn’t more maps for the previous game, it’s a brand new game, and it’s due this November.

Another very smart change is to prevent sneaky players from trying to sit out the triggered events. In those moments in L4D where you had to press a button that began a frantic attack until an elevator arrived, or a door opened, it seems too many were crouching in a corner together and waiting for it to all die down. L4D2 has plans to prevent such treachery. Now some of the events you start can only be stopped by reaching a further target. In an extremely tense sequence, we had to make our way through a labyrinth of alarmed cars to reach a distant point that would finally see the attack fade. Trying desperately to avoid hitting any of the cars, and thus making the situation far worse, while having to make constant forward progress, amped things up significantly.

Author:  Shiny [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds fun - lets hope they don't fuck it up with a bad second edition.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:59 pm ]
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It's Valve, so I'm pretty sure we should be ok. And you guys'll love it being set in the South this time! Savannah and New Orleans are mentioned in the article.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:48 pm ]
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haha...New Orleans, have the zombies are strippers and the other half are gang bangers. :roll: Anyway, sounds cool. Very nice, but at the same time it makes me wonder if I should bother creating maps when (if) the map creation tools get released.

Author:  Rinox [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:42 am ]
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Maybe the SDK will be compatible with both games? I mean, it's the same developer using the same engine (albeit an updated version), so it should be easy. Trailer out btw: ... dead/49967

Apparently there'll be melee weapons as well as neat little touches like some guys who turned in hazmat suits, making them resistant to fire. :o Coolio. The Gauntlet moments sound great too.

There is an angry internet man outrage over the game being released so quickly for a variety of reasons, one being that Valve apparently can make L4D2 in a year but have yet to release Episode 3, but more importantly because it will (perhaps) mean that Valve will not be supporting the original L4D like it did/does with TF2. So many people see the announcement of L4D2 as a sucker move by Valve.

I say we shouldn't judge so fast. There might well be something up Valve's sleeve yet...hell, they even managed to persuade M$ to make the additional content for L4D free on the Xbox - that takes some weight, given M$' usual behavior in that departement. Either way, I'll be getting the game. :)

Author:  Peltz [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:40 am ]
Post subject: ... 6?type=mov

Gameplay. While the weapons look nice, i just dont feel the vibe, it actually looks like regression instead of progression of the game.

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:32 am ]
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Keep in mind that the game is still a few months from its release, so hard to really judge based on this footage. Besides, this is Xbox 360 footage, so what did you expect? :twisted:

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know if you guys noticed, but there's a storm of outrage being poured by the Angry Internet Men over the announcement of L4D2. Apparently many people feel cheated out of their money by Valve, afraid that the announcement of a new full game will mean that L4D1 will not get continual support like TF2 got. Basically, they feel that Valve broke its promise to keep updating L4D1 (at least for a while) by putting out a sequel so fast.

I personally think it's all a load of bull before we hear more about Valve's plans. They haven't said they wouldn't develop new (free) content for L4D1 anymore...they haven't said anything about HOW the game would be marketed (perhaps part of an Orange Box 2 with Episode 3? Long shot, but just a thought), what the price will be (perhaps there's a discount for owners of L4D1), and so forth. A lot of people also fear that L4D2 will split the communit, kinda like what happened with CS 1.6 and CS:S. I would think that Valve would be more than smart enough (and capable) to integrate the 2 games into each other...they use the same engine, are developed by the same firm and are only 1 year apart. Of course it'll be integrated. :roll:

Another, fainter outrage is that "the game doesn't offer enough new material for a sequel". Wtf? 5 entire new campaigns (this time with a narrative running through them all), 4 new main characters, new special infected, new common infected, melee weapons, new weapons, new gameplay elements (gauntlets eg), new damage models and improved graphics? If that's not a sequel, then what is? Jesus H Christ.

As you can see, I think a lot of Intarweb people are jumping to very unfair conclusions based on very little info. For one, if there's one company we could give the benefit of doubt to wrt continued customer service it's Valve. Secondly, anyone who says that L4D1 didn't offer proper bang for your 40 bucks is a liar.

We'll see how all this turns out. Methinks some gamers feel entitled to more than they should reasonably expect, the burden of Valve's goodness so far I guess. But who knows, maybe they HAVE turned to the dark side. :P But only time will tell, so I wish they'd all stop whining.

Author:  Peltz [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Im not complaining about them releasing a sequel. Based on the vids i have seen, im not feeling the L4D vibe. Sure it's got zombies, special infected, the same music but it feels weak. I guess i was kinda expecting more from a sequel.

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:01 am ]
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My rant wasn't directed at you Peltz :) But you know that.

I'll admit it looked a little weird to see the gameplay vid with the devs shooting zombies in the outdoors in plain sunlight, but I'm gonna reserve judgement for when I play it. Besides all change is weird at first.

/end Valve fanboy apologist mode :twisted:

Author:  Peltz [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't worry, i didn't feel that it was directed at me, i just felt that i should give some insight why i am feeling slightly annoyed by it. I will still get it if you guys do, i can overlook the things i mentioned because the coop experience rulz em all :D.

I remember that i actually quit wow long before i physically quit it, just went back for the coop play, it is/was the community that sucks you back in.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:27 pm ]
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I dunno, I reserve judgment until it comes out. As we get closer to release I'll decide if I wanna buy it immediately or wait for reviews. /me shrugs. I don't care what Valve does... they do some things right and many, many other things very, very wrong, so I'm not expecting them to be awesome in all ways. Just like EA.

Author:  Peltz [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:28 pm ]
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EA and SOE have a special place in hell reserved for them.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:08 pm ]
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I'll agree about SOE, but I've boycotted them. I haven't boycotted EA yet. :P

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Gamecritic E3 awards has L4D2 in the "best PC game", "best action game" and "best MP game" categories.

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