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Author:  derf [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  F.E.A.R.

Just played the SP demo on my old graphics card so i know what to expect from my new one when it comes.

640*480, pwnZ j00!

OMG, this game is the dogz! I played it woth practially no graphics and i still found it fun.

Has anyone else played it/got it?

Man how i miss modern, cutting edge gaming. The concept seems cool...You Vs. An army of elite army clones and paranormal entities. I must admit, my heart rate raised a notch on that first encounted, i didint know what the fuck wa going on. One question though, i noticed my characted was breathing heavily (he was scared). Does this influence the game?

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh man, I'm looking very much forward to F.E.A.R.!! I've played the demo at a friend's house, and wow! Great atmosphere, superb graphics and cool frags! And spooky, spooky shit...that's what I like. And that AI! man, they really screwed me over badly a time or two-three there.

Now the demo is one thing, but I've been reading a hands-on preview by my gaming mag and the shit they describe is just awesome, especially with the little girl in the red dress. :twisted: It's like a horror movie with you in the lead, you already get that feeling from the intro in the demo eh. :) Basically their conclusion is: you're stuck between the choices playing on to get to the bottom of the story or shutting down the pc and crawling in a corner shaking. I like that. :wink:

I wish I could scan in parts of the hands-on preview for you Derf, but i don't assume you learned Dutch by now. ;) As for the effect afaik. When your comm device and HUD (health and armor) are flickering it means there's heavy paranormal activity going on tho, if that helps. So you can get ready for the worst.

I'm getting this game, for sure. The MP mode looks kinda primitive, but pff...SP still ownz u. F.E.A.R. for teh win!

Author:  Satis [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:41 pm ]
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I played the FEAR demo recently too. I have mixed emotions, though.

Graphics: good. A bit dark, but certainly nice.
Amibance: great. I love when you're in the hallway. :) That was excellent.
Level design: small, tight spces, claustrophic layouts that make little architectural sense...that's what I got from the demo. IE, contrived. So a negative there.
AI: Nice. I love how they dive through stuff. But how come I can't dive through stuff too? Or did I miss the button?
Controls: crap. Maybe if I played it some more, I'd dig it, but the controls handled like ass. They changed just enough (and left just enough the same) that I regularly hit the wrong button to do stuff. I typically play games with the default key layour (with maybe one or two changes) because most game designers get it right, or at least close enough. In this case, it was off by enough that it irritated me.

So...I'll probably get it. And I'll probably spend 30 minutes customizing the controls until they stop pissing me off.

Author:  derf [ Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I always switch controls. FOr example, in FEAR, they had SHIFT as "aim" and right-click as "melee". Im used to the CoD melee attacking, so i switched those two.

I didnt think the AI was particularly excellent. They often failed to see me when i was up close. When I shoot them while theyre jumping over obstacles, they dont react to the shot, until they land on the floor. I think thats more of an animation issue. Also, i was able to pick off a soldier easily, he knew i was there, but could do nothing about it.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:07 am ]
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[quote=Rinox] arm-to-arm moves. :)[/quote]

just noticed this. And Ox wonders why he has trouble passing his master's level English courses. :P

I'm not so excited about FEAR. I figure BnW2 will come out about the time I get tired of BF2 (unless BF2 really holds me), and that should keep me busy for awhile. If I get bored with all my games prior to the star wars RTS and/or oblivion, I may have to get FEAR to plug the hole.

I almost hate buying SP FPS games now. I mean, I drop $50 and I'm lucky if it fills a week before I'm done and uninstall it. It just doesn't seem worth it when San Andreas kept me SP-engaged for several months.

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:11 am ]
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just played the demo. LOVED it. few moments had th old heart going, cant wait until it shows up. still oct release?

Author:  derf [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:12 am ]
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yeh, this months PC Gamer says Oct.

Author:  Mole [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:46 am ]
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I officially have fear! woot!

Played the first level or 2, and wow man. This game is SWEET. I'm not running it on max settings, I have it set to CPU: Max and GPU: Med (so not far off max) but I'm loving the game. It feels great to play, the graphics are nice, just one problem so far is there are some sound issues with my sound card, it sometimes gives 3d sound and next second it doesn't, but it's hardly game spoiling. They've had the smart idea of running an ingame demo to test the card, then actually giving you the results of the test in fairly plain english, which is nice of them.

Some creepy moments in the game, though as of yet, I wouldn't call it scary. I'll post a bit more in detail later on. For now, Screenie goodness.

Author:  derf [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:49 pm ]
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Nice shit Moley.

Im in a bit of a twist with games at the moment. I want RTW:BI, FEAR, MotoGP4 but i also want to wait for Oblivion.

Author:  Mole [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh hell yeah. I'm in love with this game.

It's like in guildwars, how you have to think before each battle, "how am I going to do this, given the group I have and the skills we have" when the battles get tougher. Except this time, you don't think before hand (especially when fighting larger mobs) you have to 'wing it' throughout the game. You actually find you're self thinking "If I was that guy, where would I run to try and out smart me?" and you do things like "ok, the light is that side of no-mans land, so if I stick to this side, I'll get a head up of when the enemy is approaching me"

I've never played a first person shooter that made me think more than "ok, take this guy out first, then this guy and then that guy"

The AI is amazing. And those bastards are fucking sneaky with grenades, you get a feeling somewhat simular to what I imagine you'd get in real life (though less intense, of course) when you see the grenade come around the corner. In this order: *grenade sound* *shit, was that me or was it a grenade?/FUCK/BASTARD/Any other swear etc here* *RUN*

Fucking hell. I think I'm going to cum all over the keyboard.

EDIT: Just played multiplayer. Hmmmmmmmm goodness. I FUCKING WON!

Author:  derf [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:43 am ]
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Mole wrote:
Fucking hell. I think I'm going to cum all over the keyboard.

Oh dear. :shock:

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:27 am ]
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The only FPS I play again is Q4:WFA(which is in development) /SHAAAWWING

Author:  Satis [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:24 am ]
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:) I'll start mapping again when that appears.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I just ordered F.E.A.R. :) Just gonna go to the bank later tonight to transfer the money and it's completely done.

As for Q4...somehow I never got into the Quake-type shooters. The orgasms of sound, graphics, ppl running insanely and dying all the time, spamming's all just a bit much for me. I'm sure I could get into it with a little dedication, but until Q4 proves to be the greatest shooter in the history of mankind I'm not sure I'll pick it up. The SP does look cool this time tho, and I kinda liked Q1 & who knows.

Author:  derf [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:10 am ]
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I never really got into Quake either. The only instance is that years ago at secondary school, some kid managed to install Q2 on the school network. So sometimes at lunch we would all go to the computer room and have a huge secret-Q2 LAN party. That is, when we didnt play football.

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