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Bored and at uni so... 
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Minor Diety
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Post Bored and at uni so...
So I figured, let's roll in politics. Always good for a laugh.

Everybody consciously experienced the release of Vanunu? And see the pics of the US soldiers with Iraqi prisoners? Goes to show once more that the world isn't as black and white as many ppl would like to believe.

It makes you wanna say a big LOOL at the Geneva convention. Not that anyone ever really cared about it anyway.

In Vanunu's case it's interesting to see how "the last outpost of democracy" gladly kidnaps their own citizens in foreign countries, doesn't announce that they captured him till his trial, hold a trial behind closed doors, and then send someone off to prison, for 12 years in isolated imprisonment (a world record lol). I'm surprised he ain't dead yet, maybe something to bet in on the near future. Mm, reminds me, i got a bet on who would die first running somewhere...I think i chose the pope, but the bugger keeps getting healthy again. :/

I love the world. :)

P.S. Before anyone starts telling me: yes, Iraqis and Palestines are also hypocrites. And, no, I don't agree with their actions either, not in the least. But, apart from Arafat lol, they usually don't put that holier-than-thou pose.
P.S. obviously, exposing a nuclear programme isn't something that should be take very lightly and it's normal that he would get sentenced. But the way in which it all happened is very...Gestapo.

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Thu May 06, 2004 1:39 am
Minor Diety
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I dont know about the Vanunu case, but i did want to talk about the photos taken. I was dissappointed by the US Army because it should be setting an example to the world. I think they should find every person involved in that and remove them from the army. As for that bitch Brigadier General or whataveer she was, she is a dumb fucking whore. As for the pics of the UK Army, thats a load of shit. They are clearly fake. The MI5 should hunt down whoever took them and "remove" them from the world.

"Well a very, very hevate, ah, heavy duh burtation tonight. We had a very derrist derrison, bite, let's go ahead and terrist teysond those fullabit who have the pit." - Serene Branson

Thu May 06, 2004 2:40 am
Minor Diety
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Yup, it's a shame the US army is such a bunch of goons. Once they don't see a clear army as enemy they panic. :roll:

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Thu May 06, 2004 3:24 am
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I have no problems with those pictures what so ever. Is it wrong? Yes. The reason they did that was because they were told by CIA official's to "soften" them up so the CIA could better question them.

The pictures didnt bother me 1 bit. They mutilate our people and hang them from bridges, or drag them down streets. At least this was done in private.

Another thing to point out. This was said by a US soldier. Arab countries do not like to see women in superior roles and the "coalition" knows this so they play mind games with them to piss them off. Any time a women can do a job that is public the women is given the job. If this truck needs to be driven into downtown Bagdad and pickup some supplies, they make sure a women is driving. THey make sure women are seem on patrol with weapons in the streets. Get my point? And if you look in the pictures, thats a women standing in front of these prisoners. Its all a big mind game.

Yup, it's a shame the US army is such a bunch of goons. Once they don't see a clear army as enemy they panic.

lol, wtf do you know? Have you ever been in any army?

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Thu May 06, 2004 5:28 am
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Minor Diety
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ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
The pictures didnt bother me 1 bit. They mutilate our people and hang them from bridges, or drag them down streets. At least this was done in private.

You're serieus about this? So it's okay to execute prisoners as well. But not before torturing them good of course. Medieval times are back.

You just made ox' point pretty clear: "It makes you wanna say a big LOOL at the Geneva convention. Not that anyone ever really cared about it anyway."

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~King of Thieves~

Thu May 06, 2004 7:33 am
Minor Diety
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11b i haveto say that your entire post was complete shit.
11B wrote:
The reason they did that was because they were told by CIA official's to "soften" them up so the CIA could better question them.

How do you know?

As for your comments about mind games, this is also rubbish. Its not a game, its just democracy finally being practiced.

[quote= "Arathorn"]Yup, it's a shame the US army is such a bunch of goons. Once they don't see a clear army as enemy they panic[/quote]

Slight exaggeration, but in reality this is what happens. It is normal to expect troops to get bored.

"Well a very, very hevate, ah, heavy duh burtation tonight. We had a very derrist derrison, bite, let's go ahead and terrist teysond those fullabit who have the pit." - Serene Branson

Thu May 06, 2004 9:23 am
Minor Diety
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OK I like exaggerating, but it's no bullshit. You can call Americans any day to conquer something, but they totally suck at peacekeeping, they just aren't trained for it.
And well the American people are not the most civilized in the world. :P

And oh 11b, do you have to experience everything to be able to make a judgement? Cuz then you must have a really busy life.

Melchett: As private parts to the gods are we: they play with us for their sport!

Thu May 06, 2004 9:28 am
Minor Diety
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Arathorn wrote:
And well the American people are not the most civilized in the world.


Thu May 06, 2004 10:08 am
Minor Diety
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I think that a big part of the problem is that most of the men that are down there are not trained for peacekeeping like arathorn says. Heard somewhere that the people who did this were reservists, dunno if that was true, but the fact that many guys that are there are not properly prepared for what they have to do is undeniable. NOT that this would give them an excuse for this behaviour in any way of course.

I can understand that this war is causing major problems in the heads of soldiers, but they need to go see a shrink, not become sadists. I've seen a documentary recently in which was said that a lot of soldiers were using drugs. With a lot i mean like: 50% of all soldiers use marihuana or worse, 20% of all soldiers use cocaine.
Their moral is to the ground.

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Thu May 06, 2004 11:35 am
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11b, you are a tool of your government aren't you, do they pay you for that?
it's people like you who got dumbass bush elected in the first place

i guess we're just thankful that at least one person in america was sensible enough to decide presidents could only stand for 2 terms, otherwise bush and his sheep would fuck so much up...

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Thu May 06, 2004 1:19 pm
Minor Diety
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Fight my pretties, fight! :twisted:

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Thu May 06, 2004 3:26 pm
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Wow, such harsh remarks toward me from the "Europeeons". I bet your all in on the UN "Oil for Food " program scandal arnt you!

And oh 11b, do you have to experience everything to be able to make a judgement? Cuz then you must have a really busy life.

Well, I dont have to get kicked in the nuts to know that it hurts, thats a simply truth. On the other hand, how do you know what the US military trains on and what they are facing on the battle field? I happen to know half that answer.

11b, you are a tool of your government aren't you, do they pay you for that?
it's people like you who got dumbass bush elected in the first place

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" - JFK

And this "STUPID" remark about Bush. Let me point something out to you.

Person A:
Lies under oath, cheats on his wife, dodges the draft, doesnt worship God, is pro choice(thinks abortion is ok), thinks homosexuallity is ok

Person B:
Is a christian, a good husband, served in the military, is Pro Life (thinks abortion is bad), doesnt apporve of homosexuality, really cares about his troops and his people.

Which one would you vote for? If you pick A you should really re-evaluate your self.

And well the American people are not the most civilized in the world.

Sorry, I guess if we started to have tea time then that would make us, civil. 1 lump or 2?

Thats all the liberal , heathenism I can stand for 1 day.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

Thu May 06, 2004 5:34 pm
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well, just to put in my 2 cents, person A is my vote. Just because he mirrors more of my beliefs. However, since we were talking about troops beating up prisoners or whatever, what does the president have to do with it?

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Thu May 06, 2004 7:48 pm
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Bush serieusly supports some youth-group (forgot the name) too that makes you keep your virginity .. jeej .. anyway, that's just a really false comparison you're making there 11b, you're just concentrating on some parts. But this wasn't about presidents in the first place.

Appearantly less than 50% of the american people still support the war in Iraq. Now that's something i'd call problematic. Same with the drugs problems in the army (in iraq), that's what i call problematic.

Quote: "On the other hand, how do you know what the US military trains on and what they are facing on the battle field?"
If every tv-station mentions that they're not trained for peacekeeping, if you read tons of articles and interviews with soldiers that also state this and if you think a bit logically you don't have to be in the military to know this.

I also think that they made a serieus misjudgement about how long this would take. Conquering it went pretty fast as could be expected. But rebuilding a country is something totally different. Another major problem i believe is the language most of the soldiers don't understand and thus a major communication problem.
From liberators of the country at first, many iraqis feel know they occupy their country.

Oh, and homosexuality not okay? Guess you do live a few centuries back. A couple i know just had an abortion, the child could die before being born (which could cause a danger for the mother) and if it survived it would be serieusly handicapped, like missing 6 spine thingies (vertebrates?) ... . Yeah they should have had this child, abortion is a tool of the devil. :roll:

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~King of Thieves~

Fri May 07, 2004 2:28 am
Minor Diety
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ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
Which one would you vote for? If you pick A you should really re-evaluate your self.

Re-evaluate myself? What does that mean? Does it mean shifting my issues totally to the right like yours?

Fri May 07, 2004 2:42 am
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