time stopping
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Author:  derf [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  time stopping

Just had a random thought.

Supposing we were able to stop time in a way that it would not affect our bodies, (so that theoretically we can move) do you think that we WOULD be able to move? Or do you think that we would move with absolutely no resisting force?

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I've often wondered this. I guess the fact of the matter is, we are assuming that because time progresses in a forward motion, if you stop it, things to will stop. And in theory, reversing it should reverse everything else.

But this depends entirely upon one factor, is time an actual thing, or is it man made? (my answer is both) but lets face it, time, measurements, dates, allsorts are made by us. We invented them.

but screw all that, lets look at it the fun way. I think all inanimate objects (yes i know everything would be inanimate in a no-time zone) like bottles etc, would be movable. I think one of the more complacted things to look at, is how would water react to touch?

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I think you would defiently stop too. Which is unfortunate because if I could stop time and move around....:) I could have some fun with that.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: time stopping

Yes 11B, which is why Derf said

derf wrote:
Supposing we were able to stop time in a way that it would not affect our bodies, (so that theoretically we can move)

Author:  pevil [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

In one way i agree everything would stop, but in another i dont. Stuff doesn't move because of Time, time is just a measurement. I mean, you can throw a bottle and it'll take 1 second to hit the guy over there, but just coz time stops, all that means is there's no way of knowing how long it took to get there. Kinetic energy etc would still exist in theory.

Author:  Arathorn [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, but things won't move, because for example, movement is described as s=1/2 x a x t^2. If t=0 then s=0 means there would be no movement.

Author:  J [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I see what you mean arathorn, although i'd prolly use delta s and t (as in time-and movementdifferences): to get something to move you need a certain amount of time; since there is no time difference you don't get a different position.

So IF we were able to move, you can throw half of physics laws overboard since it would contradict. And then you live in a real freaky world i think.

Author:  Franny [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: time stopping

derf wrote:
Or do you think that we would move with absolutely no resisting force?

You know technically without and resistive forces we'd never move anywhere anyway...i mean you could rotate objects around the centre of mass but you could never actually move anywhere...

but if time stopped, you couldn't move, or see, or even realise time had stopped

Author:  Satis [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

good point... if time stopped, photons of light would stop, as well... so your eyes would never receive anything. Ditto with sound (which are just pressure waves, of course). And, if time froze, would air actually get out of your way so you COULD move? Or would it stay in place and block your movement? This is, of course, assuming you have some weird localized time field that works for just your body.

Anyway...too many problems with physics. You'd go deaf and blind, wouldn't be able to move, wouldn't be able to breathe...hmmm. Sounds like death.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arathorn wrote:
Yes, but things won't move, because for example, movement is described as s=1/2 x a x t^2. If t=0 then s=0 means there would be no movement.

Yes, but like in my earlier statement. We invented time. Before our existance, shit still (probably) moved, and no one thought of "time" it is as both me and pev said, just a measure ment. We use the above equation, just to "understand" movement. It's just something us humans made up.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

But time has to exist. Without the existence of time as real, causality ceases to have meeting. Causality being 'this caused this'. Like, a ray of light left the sun, travelled through space, hit the earth, hit a plant leaf, caused photosynthesis to occur...etc etc.

Without time, either nothing ever happens, or everything happens simultaneously. The universe as we know it can't possibly exist without time.. nor could we have crawled out of the muck without time.

Author:  pevil [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

J wrote:
So IF we were able to move, you can throw half of physics laws overboard since it would contradict. And then you live in a real freaky world i think.

All makes good sense but like me n mole said, its just a way for us to understand movement. Besides, all the 'laws' that we know now will probably be proved wrong in 100 years or so. I mean, it used to be that the Newton idea of the universe, with everything being ordered and following rules was right, then it was 'proved' wrong and Chaos theory became the new rules for physics. Now people seem to be lapsing back into a mix of the two, in that there are underlying rules and laws, but they can be shaped by Chaos and are therefore still unpredictable.

Its like we were always told, Science can never prove anything right, it can only prove what is wrong.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol, Precisely. It only has to exist because we can't understand properly a universe with out time.

Hmmm, new angle. How do we know, everything we do, isn't happening at once? I mean, we might "perceive" one second after another, but thats just us. What is to say that what you just said satis, isn't happening?

Time is truly just a measure ment, from which, derived "causality" It IS just how we understand stuff. Some theories say that time is caused by the universe expanding. So may haps the univers is like a star? and whilst it expands, "time" goes forward, but as a star, it contracts, and so will time? I dunno. It's not my job to know. (p.s. i know the universe isn't a star, but that just me making a comparison)

Author:  Satis [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually, that idea was presented, back when they thought the universe was going to collapse on itself. Now it looks like the universe will continue to expand forever. In fact, it appears to be speeding up. :/

Soooo...if space/time is created as a direct result of the matter contained within it, will rips in space and time begin to occur as the universe spreads itself out?

As far as the time thing... what is 'real' besides what we perceive as being real? As far as we and all our experiments can determine, time exists and moves steadily forward. Even if 'reality' is different... does it matter? How would we know? Is reality an inherent, underlying truth of the universe, or is it only what we percieve reality to be?

Author:  RB [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

(@Satis) Hahaha. Xan have one good about death. Or life, maybe:

Cursed to a slow inevitable death. I do wonder what this reminds me of? Oh yes: life.

If you stop time, on our full 3D, demi 4D plane: all will be frozen, stopped. No matter what, air or stone: all will be infine hard to move. Other thing is if you are able to frooze all universe in one moment because for that is need or energy greater than energy that universe posses OR some kind of energy that is not explored yet.

Aye, I agree. Light, sound, ... even your mind, all shall be frozen and in wait to be unfrozen. Some creatures that exist in dimensions idependent of time (or can move through time) could froozen and unfroozen us 20000000 times per ato-second without our knowing about that.

There is less one way to cheat this: To be creature that exist idependent of time OR able to move through time in all directions. Imagine creatures that can move through time but not through our 3D. That would be 1D beings that fucks all our classic physics - they are allways there - but practicaly invisible. In theory that is possible. Froozing time should be common thing for them - like you just stay in one position. (Beside that your stay is relative and their stay is absolute - in our physics meaning)

Bah. If I write larger post, you'll just ignore. Think about this. It is interesting theme.

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