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Author:  derf [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Console-PC's

(Just one of my ranting threads where i have a really good idea and then later you guys grill it).

Imagine owning a gaming console as powerful as any PC.

Im getting pretty knacked off at all the upgrades and people moaning that their computer is too slow and they wish for a new computer.

I think there should be a machine that lets you play games for many years without paying for an upgrade. I think there should should be a machine that lets you play with a mouse or a controller without having to install and set anything up. I also think that this machine should be connected to a monitor.

It should take PC CD ROMS as well as any other disk format.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Ya, it would be a great thing to have an all in one gaming/pc machine that accepts all the consoles. The only problem is the guys in the chairs with wigs won't want that because of some of the following reasons, and prolly many more.

This would mean making a new "ultimate" code that could run all the existing game types (xbox, ps2, gc and so on) by which time the idea would be outdated as new consoles etc would be out. Though I supose you could "by-pass" that by having it either detect what type of disk is in, or just have a little select console menu or something.

It would also destroy the release day sales on consoles too. The only way for the developers to make as much money would be to charge an "all together" price of the existing prices added up. So you'd end up paying a small fortune for it to. Although you could have a Pic-and-mix option of selecting what consoles you want it to play i guess.

It would also mean about 1001 periphial ports (think i spelled that right) or having to re-release all the different ones, and keep those who are used to playing there games with there buttons in certain places. Or release an all in one addapter or something. Just to much hasle.

And It would have to be upgraded as technology advances, either that or newer models etc. which is much the same thing.

I think i might be a good idea for a third party set of people to do, but i dont think that trading standards or who/whatever would allow it.

Author:  J [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I think there's already a bit of shifting towards this in the console-world. I believe you can buy a keyboard and mouse for PS2, so you can chat with other people online, the mouse obviously mostly intented for shooting games.

But having an all-in-one machine will prolly cost a fortune as mole says. And i don't think that sony, nintendo and other x-boxes would want to merge into one powerfull platform either.

But in theory, a console is what you propose, only that you have a big disadvantage of seperate titles for different platforms. Like Farcry for PS2 would be excellent :D
But since for example PS2 is out for some time now, it can't compete with the topgraphics from the newest games on pc, so you would have to go for the next generation console again, which means the same as upgrading, as mole also mentions.

Btw why would you want it connected to a monitor? It should have both abilities imo, i like playing on a big tv-screen. Only advantage of the monitor would be if the gf wants to watch tv, i can plug in my cable in the monitor and start playing there.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:24 am ]
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Ya, true. Infact the dreamcast was awesome if you had a mouse and keyboard for it when you were playing quake 3 areana. Only prob was i had just the keyboard and no mouse *muffles*

Author:  Arathorn [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Consoles just stink. Off course you can play new games for years with the hardware you have, but you would also be stuck with graphics wich were cool years ago. What's the problem with installing? It isn't difficult, and with today's hard disc sizes, you don't have to install or deinstall for every game, as there's plenty of room for the installations.
on a last thing, you pc is on a desk, so you can easily play with keyboard and mouse. But where do you leave those with a console? Think about it, it just doesn't work.

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:33 am ]
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i agree with that last bit

the hand controllers are fucking horrible, trying to play a FPS on the PS2 is a total bastard. give me a keyboard/mouse any day. :?

Author:  J [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:17 pm ]
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True, for FPS you need a mouse. But if you play sportsgames, like say FIFA, you're much better off with your console-handcontroller. I suck at sportsgames on pc, i rule on console (kinda :P ). So the knife cuts on both sides.
And you can't honestly say that graphics on consoles now stink, sure they can't keep up with the latest stuff, but give me a good game with decent graphics and i'm happy.

Author:  pevil [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:17 pm ]
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yep, when mole read out the post to me, first thing i said was though it'd be cool (and space saving!!!), it'd cost so freaking much! who could afford it? and even if you COULD afford it, it probably wouldn't be allowed, simply because of competitive trading. There would be none. And if two companies did it, well...all you'd end up with is the Xbox/Playstation war, but with a hugely more expensive piece of equipment. And if the point of it is that you don't get a hugely better one each year, there'd be even less chance for competition. Would be a cool thing if it would work, but I just don't really see it being possible.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:02 pm ]
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I prefer consoles for games, just beacause there's a lot less of those damn fiddling controls that you have to suffer with PC games. And first person shooters are easy on consoles, (given that the game designers get the engine right) i mean, in halo i could shoot a penny at 1 million miles. *looks badass* (on a side note, they got the engine totally wrong on the PC version)

it all depends on what you were bought up with i guess, I never had a pc for years, just consoles. And I love 'em.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is a package for the PS2 in which you can turn it into a Linux box.

And derf, think about it this way, the better the hardware gets, the more the developers can do with games.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:04 pm ]
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ya. you can install linux on the Xbox too. Microsoft just looooove that.

Author:  Arathorn [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mole wrote:
in halo i could shoot a penny at 1 million miles. *looks badass*

That's because on consoles the only thing you have to do in FPS's is point at the person you want to shoot at. On the PC you have to aim.

Author:  pevil [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually i'd disagree with that. i've lived my life with spectrum and amiga, til 99 when i got pc. so im a pc gamer. So i go down a year ago to mr mole (wow a whole year!) and find he has about 300 diff consoles (ok so slight exaggeration) lol. and halo you do in fact have to aim. if you dont get the aim right you just look stupid and die :P but like mole said, they buggered up the pc version of halo. in theory, easier to aim coz using a mouse so more responsive than the pad. but i can easily complete halo in the first 3 difficulty modes on xbox, but try on my pc version...well still not finished the easiest mode, tho i haven't exactly been playing much. but hey, if it IS easier to aim on pc i reckon that's just coz mouse moves pretty much instantly to where you aim, and so is faster, whereas consoles and pads are slower so you take more hits before you retaliate. i'll stick to my pc either way.

Author:  Rinox [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Console-PC's

derf wrote:
I think there should be a machine that lets you play games for many years without paying for an upgrade. I think there should should be a machine that lets you play with a mouse or a controller without having to install and set anything up. I also think that this machine should be connected to a monitor.

That's a pc man. :) If you don't HAVE to play the newest games every year you can easily have fun with a good pc for years.

And pcs eats consoles for breakfast :P ;)

And just because i'm in the mood:

Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow,
Tomorrow's much too long
I'll burn my eyes out
Before I get out

That's what i get for being a child of my time..melancholic feelings with Smashing Pumpkins songs. Lol. I'm such a generation X poser. :D

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I think there should should be a machine that lets you play with a mouse or a controller without having to install and set anything up.

If you have Windows XP installed it does this.

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