Money, money, allways money...
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Author:  RB [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Money, money, allways money...

I had honor to interpret one architect's idea on
the AutoCAD canvas with all doors, windows and
glasses, and import it into 3DSMax. *How much* this
work (just drawing) is worth? Use local currency
values, please.

Images: here and here.

Author:  J [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:29 am ]
Post subject: 

So an architect asked you to make this and now you want to know what you should ask for it?
I'm not sure if you mean this, because i'd think you arrange the price before making the effort.

So to me it's rather unclear what you mean, but in case i would understand: i have no idea how much you should ask for it, not really familiar with those things.

Author:  RB [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Ahh, no. All is finished already, and I got my price for this.

I'm just curious to know prices for these works in other countries.

Did ti make sense?

Author:  J [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 7:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, i think i understand now, you just wanted to compare the price you got or are going ot get for it (in your country) with prices in england, america, ... . Sounds something for Satsi or Pig, but at least they'll understand what you meant :wink:

Author:  Satis [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

lol. I'm sorry, I have no idea what services like that are worth. Perhaps Pig?

Author:  Pig [ Thu Apr 08, 2004 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not a damn clue. I know nothing of autocad, blah blah blah.

Author:  Mole [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 4:27 am ]
Post subject: 

It's gunna depend on a load of things. Size of company, time taken to do Job, how well known you are etc. For example, if its a small company, with not much money, they are gunna look for someone who can do it for a smaller price. If the job is going to take a long time, you might want to ask for more money, and if you are just some bum they pulled in off the street, they aint gunna wanna pay you much. So really, all you gotta do is figure out what you got paid in Whatever currency and just guess at what they would add payment for, subtract payment for, or what you can mooch of them by using phoney (or real for that fact) excuses. I mean, I did a database for my dads company, and It fetched me over £100, when personally, I don't think it was worth that much.

Too much stuff went wrong, and i spent way more time on it that i had to, because i was trying to make it to complicated when the answer was right infront of me. Coulda done it in a day if i thought about it.

(on a good note, when the companies auditer came around to look at what ever auditers look at, he commended my database and said more companies should use such databases :D)

Author:  derf [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

i dont know either.

It looks like a pretty complex design.

It might depend on a few things:

1) Whether its concept or final design.
2) How qualified you are (degrees)
3) the buildings value to the company.

It could be a job worth around £3000, or no more than £200.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think he means the conversion of an existing CAD drawing into 3d, not actually making the CAD drawing itself. Then again, I could be mistaken.

Author:  RB [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

You talk about me? Then, aye, I done all drawing and converting both. These two images are just small fractions of all what was done. I'm dunno if I have (copy)rights to post rendered what's inside. As I see there is not right answers on my question, I'm before decision to move these things form public, with your excuse, of course. :)

Author:  Satis [ Sat Apr 10, 2004 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Sure thing. You want me to delete this thread?

Author:  RB [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not at all. But, if you think it is pointless for it to exist, I'll not resist.

Author:  Satis [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

bah, I don't care if this thing exists. I have probably 800MB to spare. What's a couple kb for this thread, eh?

Author:  RB [ Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Less than 0.001%. :)

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