just had a scary but cunning thought
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Author:  derf [ Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  just had a scary but cunning thought

i was going to post it in the "Thought of the Day" topic, but some incredibly powerful, sexy, and wonderful God of a man locked it.

anyway, here it is, its a beauty!

i was looking outside into the garden when i was thinking of life. i looked at a plant ive got on the window right text to me when i though: "what makes me different to this plant?". Well, i thought, and i tried to think as organically as possible and then i had conjured a thought. Its part mathematical, part philosofical and part scientific.

Anyway, as i was saying, i thought to myself, " i am not diffrent to the plant because both of us live and die, the fact that one of us functions entirely different (apparently) from the other does not make us different.

So what does? Then i thought it had something to do, with what we do.

Here's the thought: "The more powerful an organism is toward the existence of another, the less his impact will be if his kind are no more".

Get your head around that one, its quite simple, just decypher it infront of a plant.


Author:  ElevenBravo [ Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 


How are we different from a plant? "We think therefore we are" A plant has no way of knowing "it is". Thats how we are different. Philosophy 101. Thats what makes being human so much different from the rest of the creatures/life on the earth.

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, yes and no, there are nuances, but i'm sure you're aware of that, so i won't start writing a whole lot of blabla here. :roll: Thinking about the meaning of life is cool, but not always as healthy. Only sometimes tho.

Author:  derf [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
"We think therefore we are"

yes well, "thinking" is just a method we need in order to remain natural predators (hunters) a plant doesnt think because it doesnt need to, but a tiger thinks a crocodile thinks, therefore the factor of "thinking" doesnt make us different.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe he means self-awareness. We can have concept of self and use reason. Plants and animals can't. At least not that we've discovered.

Author:  derf [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:38 am ]
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animals dont have self awareness?

Author:  Arathorn [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:43 am ]
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Some types of monkeys and dolphins do have a self-image.

Author:  Rinox [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

They are self-aware, but they don't have concepts of self-awareness, pay attention mr. Derf. ;) The thing that differs humans, and to a limited extent some other man-apes, from other animals and vegetables is the possibility to think of and work with abstract concepts.

Of course, all until proven otherwise. But it dopes seem unlikely. I do believe that we're monkeys tho, but very smart ones. :)

EDIT: lol, well ok, some other man-apes and some dolphins. :)

Author:  derf [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

thankyou. what i was trying to say was that we humans being very powerful and having the ability to destroy more life than any other animal, makes us the species that contributes less (being top of food chain) and kills most.

That is one thing that makes us different. The fact that we are the most selfish and greedy, and the species the whole world wants to see dead.

Author:  Rinox [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh..the selfishness and greed is a direct consequence of the ability to work with abstract concepts, idd. If all animals could we'd have a wicked world where you'd even have to watch out that your dog don't rip you off lol. :)

We're not actually on top of the foodchain, we're outside of it by now. Kinda like, hovering above it. In a wild world we'd be somewhere in the higher regions mostly, but by using our wits and banding up/making weapons/breeding animals for food we gradually put ourselves in outside control of it. At least, that's how i would think about it at the spot. Could well be that i say something else when i've given this more thought, or when someone else proves me dramatically wrong. :roll:

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

And no animals do not have the ability of self awareness. Like take a dog for instance's. The dog knows, its hot, its cold, im hunrgy, i have to pee, but it doesnt know that its a dog. Yes, the dog can trained but its not the same thing as self awareness. This is all lvl 1 Philosphy Im not making this stuff up.

Yes, I meant that we are "self-aware".

Also, how can we be the species to contribute the least? What do we contribute the least to? What is everyone else in the animal kingdom contributing that we are lacking, besides poop. :)

Author:  Arathorn [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:29 am ]
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Author:  Satis [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:05 pm ]
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Contribute to the world! Surrender your meat to feed Africa!

Anyway... I must say that the human race probably contributes more to the world than any other species. I mean, all other creatures just do what they have to in order to eat, shit, screw and survive. Humans are the only species that actually do stuff that keeps other species alive. Of course, we kill more shit than we save, but whatever. Where would the modern cow be without our love?

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:48 am ]
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Not to mention: where would the modern sheep be without BJ's love? ;) :twisted:

Author:  tyranus [ Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:40 am ]
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thats a belgean thing, not an english one. :P

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