The AC power adaptor story
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Author:  derf [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  The AC power adaptor story

The most annoying thing happened to me about a couple of days ago.

As you may have noticed, i have been lotering around these forums considerably less than before (if you havent, then you dont care about me).

Anyway, i was in the conservatory at night, happilily playing Age of Empires 2 one day and suddenly i am concerned about a certain burning smell in the air. I tolerate it for about 5 minutes because after all, i need to send some Longbowmen to the front.

The smell keeps getting stronger, and my brain finally manages to un-phase itself from the game-world and put me in a state of concern.

I look down at my AC adaptor, and i notice it looks much blacker than before, so thus, i pick it up for further inspection.

Upon closer observation i notice a crackling and sizzling sound is coming from the device. I start to worry. I quickly save my game, and return to looking at the adaptor. I take out the lead, wait a while, and put it back in. Still the sizzling and the burning persists. So i decide to quit playing and figure this out. As soon as i reach agains for the adaptor it makes a loud POP sound and ceases to work.

The next thing i experiece is picking myself up, slumped on my chair, absolutely shit scared. I check my underwear, no accidents. I leave the room saying to myself, no more game tonight. Read a book, sleep and have the weirdest of dreams in my entire life.

Author:  Franny [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The AC power adaptor story

derf wrote:
As you may have noticed, i have been lotering around these forums considerably less than before (if you havent, then you dont care about me).

....yeah pretty much...

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hah! Serves you right for playing Age of Crap II! And didn't your momma teach you that your pc will self-destruct if you download porn?! Nasty Derf ;) hehe

Nah, seriously, that sucks, but on the bright side your pc is fine. And to a lesser bright degree, so are you! An adaptor shouldn't cost much now, should it?

Author:  pevil [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 2:23 am ]
Post subject: 

lol well said ox. and fran. ;)

but hey, nasty business there. don't think i'd have touched it if i was you though. maybe make mole touch it...he's bigger than me. probably take a shock better lol.

not really your year is it derf?

Author:  derf [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Rinox wrote:
An adaptor shouldn't cost much now, should it?

lol not really only £117.

should be delieverd 2morrow.

Author:  pevil [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

eeek! that much? i can't afford that much in pence lol

Author:  derf [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:22 am ]
Post subject: 

thats strange, your student loan should have you saying otherwise, you still have some left over?......dont you?....

Author:  Peltz [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol funny thing happened today.

So i was sitting in the "Consumer behaviour" lesson today and a classmate walks up to me and sits next to me, he needed to plug his laptop cord into the power switch and just then when he plugged it in a loud bang and all electronics cease to work in the room :D

He was lucky, adapter wasnt so lucky :D

Author:  pevil [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

derf wrote:
thats strange, your student loan should have you saying otherwise, you still have some left over?......dont you?....

lol it SHOULD be but i spent waaay too much on a certain someone for christmas/birthday *glares at mole* my student loan covered me fine last year when i didn't know

Author:  derf [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 3:43 am ]
Post subject: 

tut tut, mole, look what youve done to Pev.

Peltz, there must be some strange sub-concious, para-normal link between me and this other guy.

Perhaps we are a new breed of super-humans, maybe we are born to be super-heroes with incredible electrical powers.

Author:  Franny [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

or not...

Author:  derf [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Franny, youre always bustin my bubble! I will show you now as you get an electric shock through the internet!! Muah ha!

No really, i got the adaptor today and i have been doing nothing but playing Commandos II.


Author:  Franny [ Fri Mar 05, 2004 3:54 am ]
Post subject: 

:) i do my work well

i guess at least you've stopped playing Age of shite in a can 2...

and no i didn't get an elctric shock....unsuprisingly :roll:

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can anyone explain the concept of a "student loan" to me? From its name and from vague memories i seem to know that it's like a (relatively cheap) bank loan to pay your college with aye?

But i'd like the indepth explanation, so go for it!

Author:  pevil [ Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:31 am ]
Post subject: 

ok here goes

if you go to university you have a couple of options here. you can get your parents/you to pay for it all (expensive business) or you can apply for a student loan.

if you go for the loan, you can either do it non-income assessed, where you'll get a certain fixed amount (probably best if your parents earn lots and are just tight) or you can go income assessed. this means they'll find out how much you/your parents earn each year and will give you a percentage of the total loan available based on that. I think the max you can get is around £4000.

anyway you get the loan in 3 installments through the year: sept when you start, jan ready for the new term, and april to finish you off over exams. you have to re-apply each year too.

basically its different to taking out a loan from a bank because:
1. there's no interest to pay back on it. you borrow £3000, you pay back £3000
2. you don't pay it back until you're earning (i think) £11000 or more a year. and then you never see the money, they just take a small amount out of each wage packet. pretty much like taxes. you never see the money that goes on them, it's just taken.

also i think one of Blair's "brilliant" ideas is if you take a student loan, study to be a nurse or teacher, then work as a nurse or teacher for 2 (maybe 3) years, then the government will pay the loan back for you.

that help?

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