Year 12 Ball!!
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Author:  suga [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Year 12 Ball!!

Ok so no photos as yet, but just a little message to say that I had my Year 12 Ball on Friday night. (prom for all you americans) :roll:
Was way fun :mrgreen:.
I'll post photos soon, waiting for all my friends to develop theirs so i can pick the coolest to show you :mrgreen: hehehe

I know most of you are guys, but what do you remember about yours?

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:54 am ]
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our school didn't have one. i feel cheated. :?

can you post a load of pics of the most beautiful ladies please. :wink: :)

Author:  derf [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 6:55 am ]
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I didnt go to mine. My group o lads just couldnt be arsed in the end. Its not so much a hyped thing in the UK.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:44 am ]
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erm...I showed up...then left with my friends and smoked...err....some tobacco. Then went back. Then left and went to a bar. The prom itself sucked, but the excursions were alot of fun.

Author:  Pig [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:50 pm ]
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I was in college for my senior prom. I got out of high school as soon as I could. I had no desire to be around the people I went to school with. Gang bangers, degenerates and such. People who couldn't think further than a week.

Maybe I'm a little cynical. Had to turn down a job I wanted today. Not enough $$$.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:57 pm ]
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I got so high. Our limo drive smoked with us. I just remember smokeing fatty after fatty.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:02 pm ]
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Pig wrote:
People who couldn't think further than a week.

What, you were in the same school as me? lol. Sucks about your job, btw. The only word i know in english of some sort of compassion is "condolences", and that's rarely appropriate. :roll: So i'll stick with "sucks", if you don't mind hehe.

Cool that you had such a good time Suga; can't wait for the pics! Post a pic of your date too aye, if it's that kinda ball! *doesn't have the slightest clue how proms work in Oz*

So, my own prom eh? I didn't really have one, as such. There was a school "party" (in the broad sense) at the end of each year, but no such thing as an actual ball/prom. Regardless, i celebrated my last year at school in style. Involving two hours of beer, tobacco :roll:, barfing, girls and morrocans. I'll put it chronologically:

->amaretto (don't look at me, i didn't bring that crap :P )
->loading up school's coca cola and waffles supllies in Fille's car
->barfed on feet of several persons, among whom my then g/f
->after a strange discussion got dumped
->vengeance-wise tried my luck with other girls there, but from some strange reason they didn't particularly attracted to a barfing dork lol
->broke into classroom, peed in the sponge water bucket* with some mates
->more beer
->while riding home on my bike, got mugged by 4 moroccans**, plus i fell in a ditch. :(
->got home, thought no one would have noticed anything
->barfed in my own bed. :/ Everyone noticed.

That's about it, those were the days. No more barfing in beds for me, no siree.

*which, in the end, would turn out to be unremembered by Fille who was there as well, with him splashing around his hand in the bucket, on monday. Smartass. :roll:
**i didn't have any cash on me anymore, but i still got hit, for some reason. Blah.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

You fall in ditches alot, don't you? I seem to remember a similar story about being drunk and riding your bike into a ditch. :/

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:49 am ]
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I know someone who, when he's drunk, starts pissing over everything while he's half asleep.

Author:  pevil [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 2:18 am ]
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lol people

my year 12 was ok. just your classic 'ooh we're all under 18 and yet the school is letting us buy drinks' get wasted kinda thing, lots of embarrassing dancing and LOTS of kissing guys that would be embarrassing the next morning. I managed to miss out on that last one lol. oh and food. there was food. but it was at the Bell Hotel and...well...let's put it this way - order water from there and it'll come out looking like a VERY black coffee. if you're lucky. lol.

Author:  derf [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:36 am ]
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Author:  pevil [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:49 am ]
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lol you have NO idea derf

Author:  Franny [ Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:01 pm ]
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haha Ox got dumped at his own school party, damn that must suck...

i swear ou could make the funniest film ever out of Ox's drunken antics :)

Author:  pevil [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 2:52 am ]
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lol go for it Fran. you'd be a multi-millionaire in no time. it'd be bigger than LotR! lol

Author:  J [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:23 am ]
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I think even a trilogy won't be enough to cover all his exploits. You'd better make a tv-series, then you can spread it over a few seasons. :)

I can honestly say i haven't barfed on another person and certainly not on my gf. I know a guy how did it though, they were kissing and suddenly he stopped to barf, can't remember now but i think kissing was over then. :D

Didn't fall in a ditch either, had to help a guy out once. But last week i fell of a fire-escape stairs kinda thing, it was raining and i was very drunk, it was made of iron and very slippery. I think. But i hurt myself a lot, that's certain.

Anyway, is ox going to star as himself? Because i can play a barfing dork i think, when are auditions?

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