+++++NO MORE SADDAM!!!+++++
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Author:  derf [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  +++++NO MORE SADDAM!!!+++++

*Dances around the room insanely*

Woo hoo! They found the bastard! Well dont Kurds, well done Yanks!


Author:  Franny [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:59 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah he is, and have you seen what he looks like?


haha such a tramp, and he was found living in a hole :roll:

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

KICK ASS!!! w00t!!

There's going to be some humping in Iraq tonight!

Author:  Satis [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:20 am ]
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always with you and the humping.

I woke up, pulled up slashdot. and was confronted by a Slashdot story about the capture of Saddam. I didn't think we'd ever get the guy.

Author:  Arathorn [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:49 pm ]
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Neither did I. Hopefully they'll now find some WMD as well, to shut up leftish wankers who were against the war.

Author:  derf [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:18 pm ]
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The lefties sometimes fail to see that sometimes, people and countries should just be killed or invaded.

Ive even seen some shit that goes on in Iran and i think that the Yanks should fecking invade that place aswell.

Author:  Arathorn [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't agree with that, off course those people would be better off without those religious fanatics, but Arabs don't like other Arabs getting killed by non-Arabs. they like to have the privilege to themselves and an invasion of Iran would only bring more terrorism.
And I don't think the USA can afford it anyway.

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arathorn wrote:
Neither did I. Hopefully they'll now find some WMD as well, to shut up leftish wankers who were against the war.

Wtf is that supposed to mean? You don't have to be leftist to be against this war. :/ It's clear by now that the only WMD they're gonna find are going to be those they put there themselves; blah. Bush made a huge mistake invading Iraq, politically speaking. The whole thing is a financial charade really; the only thing they achieved so far is getting ppl killed and traumatized (both in US and Iraqi camp). If they had just admitted they were in it for the money; i'd have been able to live with it, but the "liberation" fighter pose is plain disgusting.

Author:  J [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah yeah they got him woohoo big fireworks celebration party happyhappy joy joy.

And now i'd like to hear about something else on television please ..

And i totally agree with ox.
If it's all about 'liberation' we can start making a big list now of countries where human rights are violated. Let's see how many of those will be 'liberated'. Oil and an old bill that had to be justified (bush vs saddam) is the reason, 9/11 has played his part as well.


Author:  Arathorn [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

If that war was just for oil, so what? If they bring democracy while protecting their business, I see nothing bad here. Other dictatorships like those in Africa are just unlucky because they have no oil. :)

Author:  J [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:22 pm ]
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Pff we're just looking to those countries with our western eyes and western mentalities. And we say: we need to bring them democracy THAT will surely help those people. Mmmm.

Say tomorrow some guy from like iran or so registers here and asks: why did they invade iraq?

Your answer: because they make WMD (which they prolly didn't but that's not the point now)

He asks you: and why is america allowed to have those and iraq isn't ???

Your answer: Because Saddam is a dictator.

He says: but that's excactly what we think about Bush...

I know it's a stupid story, but have you ever looked at it from the arab/moslim side??

Author:  Arathorn [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:27 pm ]
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From an arab view, it's ok to attack Iraq, as long as it's Arabs doing it.
Saddam has sent hundreds of thousands people to death in his stupid wars against Iran and Kuwait.
He's used poison gas to kill thousands of Kurdish civilians, including children, (have you ever seen those images?), he has killed many thousands of people opposing him, and you think they can be worse off then that?

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:32 pm ]
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Well, the US sent out thousands of ppl to Vietnam into their deaths too, and dropped a-bombs on Japan as well. :) :roll:

Like i said, i don't have a problem with this war per se, but it's the hypocrisy about the reasons that bugs me. Moreover; the current government is doing a good job in making the US hated all around the world, and open for over-generalization. :/ Which sucks since obviously the actual ppl there can't be such morons as the current administration.

However; you do find some weird statements on the net. :rol: On another forum, i saw an american lady say this about saddam's capture:

"Somehow, though I would also hope it lessens the attacks, I don't really think it will. I think those people over there just have too little regard for human life."

erh...right. :roll: If this doesn't show how isolated the US public is in terms of reporting then i don't know what does. Thinking ppl in Iraq care less for life,lol...someday, this lack of interest in the rest of the world is gonna blow up in some ppl's faces. :/

while i'm ranting anyways; i'm getting sick and tired of being called all kinds of things myself, or watching americans being called "unpatriottic" cos i, or they, dare to criticise certain aspects of america and/or it's government. If i say that i don't agree with this or that doesn't make me anti-american and/or "leftist euro scum", ffs. But that doesn't seem to get tru to 99% of them. Blah, what am i complaining, i bet Satis&Shiny have a fucking lot more problems with that, at least i don't run into these kinda morons every day. :/

P.S. last part of the rant wasn't directed at you arathorn, rather at some very insult-happy americans in the last few days.

Author:  Arathorn [ Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:16 am ]
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Those unpatriotic guys are morons, I agree with you on that, America claims to be so pro-democracy, and then it's indeed hypocricy to dismiss people with a different reasoning as "unpatriotic" (although I still dismiss those people's arguements), that sounds more like Soviet reasoning to me.

While we're talking about Saddam, do you guys think he should get the death penalty? I'm against capital punishment in all cases, but Saddam really tests that believe for me.

Author:  J [ Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:13 am ]
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Rinox has said again what i meant: vietnam, now all those innocent people that got killed in iraq, afghanistan (i know, casualties of war, but are you going to explain that to their family). If you only get to see that side of the picture, it's pretty easy to convince people that the enemy is america. I don't think that showing saddam in this humiliating way is helping in making friends in the arab world either.

That narrow-minded vision on the war is something that bothers me too, if some band says: " i oppose against this war " radio stations refuse to play their songs .. mm talk about freedom of speech and opinion.

To avoid misunderstandings, i'm against saddam too, of course the man is a dictator and great criminal. BUT if they wanted saddam out of the way they should have done it 10 years ago in the Gulf War. Not now under the pseudo-reason of "liberating the iraqi people".

This whole saddam-sharade reminds me of old times, where the indians took of the hair of their fallen enemies as a trophy to show how skilled they were in combat.

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