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Author:  derf [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  D-D-D

This had arisen when someone mentioned democracy while we were talking about how dumb the masses are.

Post your opinion.

Basically this is about Dierct Democracy. Since ancient Greece to about now it has been deemed unfeasable. Now due to the wonder of technology it will be possible to create a directly democratic state where every single issure of politics can be decided by everyone, everywhere.

The question is...Are you scared or excited?

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Scared. The mass is dumb, it has absolutely no idea about most important issues, the only thing it is reasonably good at is deciding wether the last administration did it's work right.
How does someone know what is best for economy, or for defence? He thinks he knows, because some demagogue told him, and demagogues are always better at convincing people then honest politicians (yes they exist), just because demagogues can leave out part of the truth while honest people don't want too.

And direct democracy would slow down the process of governing a country, how could a surgeon operate if the family of the subject constantly tells the surgeon what to do?

Bah, I could work this out more, but I'm too lazy for that now. 8-)

Author:  Satis [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd rather have a direct dictatorship (with me in charge). People are too stupid to govern themselves... which is why government was created in the first place.

That doesn't even go into the possible abuses of such a system.

Author:  derf [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol a direct dictatorship, now thats a thought.

Author:  Pig [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

If there was a system in place to qualify a person first, such as being able to explain the background of a situation, not just a sound bite they heard, then it would be a good thing. However, since that would never happen I am opposed to it. There are too many people that feel they should vote, but do not research an issue past the tv commercial they saw and ultimately end up drowing out the votes of the people that have actually done the research, ultimately proving themselves to be nothing more than tools.

Author:  Rinox [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know how it's like in the UK, but i do know that you don't HAVE to vote in the US, and even have to sign up up front to do so. But over here, we have a voting duty, which means that even the biggest a-politic person basically has to vote. (barring that they don't show up and get a fine) Which means that the system where uninformed ppl get a chance to vote is actually in place here lol. Granted, our mainstream news covering is broader than in the US, but that doesn't take away that a far right party is growing steadily for years now. They have a majority of 33% in the second biggest city of Belgium for example. (multi-party system btw)

Just to say, your analysis is quite to the spot. But i'm too tired to think of other options lol

Author:  Darkness [ Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Horrified. :o
Here in the Phils. bias, corruption, and the so called "pakikisama" is rampant, and the masses just don't seem to care since they're too single-minded.
We Filipinos can have the strangest mix of traits you can come across in a person.

Here, the only thing the masses seem to be good at is finding the slightest error in the government, then starting a revolution to wipe out what they deem as evil.
Ever heard of people power? Here it happened thrice.
But though the first one was justifiable, the last two just prove that our system is degrading at an alarming rate.

Fortunately, there a few people who are intelligent enough to see through all of this - too bad all them are now working abroad.
Agapito Flores was one of them - he invented the fluorescence and decided that since the Philippines might just as well continue going backwards, he sold his wonderful invention to the first company that came to him.
Ditto moon buggy, yoyo, and of course, hyrdo-powered automobile.

Author:  Mole [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Scared of it purley because I have no idea what it is.

Author:  derf [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 


you bleb. Ill help you out here so you may actually learn something.


You know what democracy is right? basically it is the governing of a state with the consent of the people which live there.

this means that the leader of the government has to have a way of asking people of their opinion on a decision that must be made.

direct democracy is where every little governmental decision is made by the people, in order to achieve a more total democracy.

since about the times of ancient greece and now this has seemed impossible to implement, but now with computer and internet technology it is a sure possibility.

Direct Digital Democracy is therefore a govenment where all the simple and complex decisions are made by the people and for the people as once did in Athens.

Get it?

Author:  Mole [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

well, it kinda makes sense, theoretically, it means we (the people) should get what we (the people) want. But we (the people) won't.

Author:  derf [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

No, we can. And in Athens they once did.

Author:  Shiny [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Great, thats all we need is taking up more of my already free time to vote on which type of toilet seat we should buy for this or that building. It's crap, so many decisions are needed when it comes to shelling cash to actually run a government. Why bother me with the little shit, if they fuck up, just let me shoot em.

Author:  Satis [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I think we should do a recall election on our federal government.

Author:  derf [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not all of the small decisions have to br made in DDD. Just the reccessary ones.

Oh and Sat, fill me in, what are one of....those?

Author:  Arathorn [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

The big decisions are even worse, what does the average moron know about state finances?

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