Derf's Productivity Theorem
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Author:  derf [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Derf's Productivity Theorem

Mondays suck and everyone knows it. You're back into the grind from your weekend of freedom and bliss. Fatigue hits you hard since you have messed up your routine with late nights and festivities. What's more, it's Monday, which means it's a long hard slug to the weekend. Moral is low and everyone knows it. A dip in productivity is expected. Take it easy.

Tuesdays are hard because you need to recover from Monday's torture and fatigue. You're still very early into the week so the weekend is still nowhere in sight. Moral is therefore still very low. Work starts flooding in from your other fellow drones, so now you have to put up with workload. Goddammit. Of course, everyone knows and expects this, so take it easy.

Wednesday's are hell. Half way into the week means the weekend is still painfully far away but what's worse, Wednesday is normally the busiest day. Everyone bugs you for stupid shit. Emails, requests, deadlines, meetings, etc. It's manic. You're losing your mind. You have no choice but to take it easy.

Thursdays. Finally some positivity! It's all downhill from here. The weekend is in sight. Things are getting more relaxed. Can therefore afford to take it easy.

Fridays... I mean, the very definition of Friday is to basically sit back and play internet games, alt-tabbing as your boss walks by. Needless to say, for the entire day you can take it easy.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

I can't even remember working full-time (so long ago! :roll:) but that sounds about right Derfmeister. :)

The weirdest thing would happen to me though: since I tended to get some actual sleep during the weekends by sleeping in til noon (as opposed to the usual 5 hours or less during the week), I would be fresh as a daisy on Mondays (physically at least) and go home after work thinking GOD I'M SO ALIVE I WANT TO DO STUFF, which usually ended in drinking way too much for a Monday and thus fucking up my entire week when it comes to generally being ok. :roll:

After a while I recognised the pattern and held off on the Monday madness :roll: Tuesdays and up though everything was fair game, since I'd be wrecked by lack of sleep by Wednesday anyway. :P

Author:  Satis [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Satis's week:

Monday - Everything that broke over the weekend gets sent to Satis. In addition, Satis gets to deal with an hour of meetings, plus anything else that was scheduled from the previous week. Boo. Then Satis goes to Calculus 2 where he can realize how bad he is at math. Most of the UK office is off on bank holiday or something.

Tuesday - People start responding to Satis's emails from Monday. The UK office wanders in and send idiotic questions. More shit breaks and gets sent to Satis to fix. Luckily, no meetings. Gotta do math homework from Monday. Need to work out since Monday was full of other things.

Wednesday - People in the UK office finally start to respond to emails. People are finally getting their act together and doing their jobs instead of expecting Satis to do it for them. After work, back to school for more beat downs with integrals.

Thursday - Most of the morning is taken up with stupid meetings. The rest of the day is catching up on emails and all the crap that Satis couldn't do in the morning. After work, more math homework and working out.

Friday - For most people this is a good day. However, this is the day where everyone that had problems they were sitting on and ignoring go "oh shit" and send them to Satis to fix. Also, people do stupid things that will take a customer down for hours on end, because doing things like that on a Friday is always the smartest thing to do, rather than during the week where you can actually have time to work on it. Half the developers are out praying to Allah while the other half are loading up on happy hour martinis. After work, Satis should do homework, but instead he drinks until he can't remember his week.

Rinse and repeat through my last 2 jobs across 12 years. :shock:

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Haha! That Friday thing sounds familiar. When working as a translator, a job filled with inherent deadline as well, I got the exact same thing: when everyone was ready doing whatever the fuck it is they do (mutilate perfectly good texts, endlessly debate details, send copies for approval back and forth) they'd throw it on my desk and say "OMG THIS SHOULD BE DONE RIIIIGHT NOW". Usually on a Friday, yup. :roll:

I guess that's the burden of being somewhere at the end of an administrative or qualitative process. :(

lol @ Satis' impression of no one in Europe working most of the time due to holidays. It's funny cause it's true. I do find that no alcohol can truly wipe out the horrors of a shitty job. ALAS.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Dude, I'll send an email to like 5 people in our UK office, and I'll get an out of office bounce on 2 or 3 of them every freaking time. Who exactly is out is variable, but there's ALWAYS some bastard out on leave/vacation/holiday/whatever. I won't get into their technical capabilities. Let's just say that long term UK inbreeding creeps into my speech on a distressingly regular basis.

BTW, no offense to you UK peeps. I'm sure you can't ALL be retarded. :wink:

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Haha, you crazy Americans and your 24/7/365 working! We like our weekly holidays over here! ;)

Seriously though, a job with what, only 10-12 days of paid leave is the very definition of depressing to me. :P

Author:  Satis [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

My job started with 15 days, but that includes sick days. And doesn't include the like 10 holiday days or whatever it is. I'm now up to 20 days of paid vacation. *shrug* I don't think it's that bad, really.

Author:  pevil [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

That sounds appalling! I think ~28 (including bank holidays, so probably more like ~20) is pretty much the standard over here for full time. Part time is technically the same 'days' but those days are shorter i.e. you're paid hourly so you only get paid maybe 4 hours instead of salaried a full day.

My week is basically:

Monday - feel refreshed like Ox from a full weekend of actual 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night. Everything people broke over the weekend comes in to our desk, all the outstanding faults have customers calling in chasing the status and we have a ton of faults cleared on Saturday that no one has been able to confirm.

Tuesday - things calm down a little, feeling a little worn down from only 6 hours sleep the night before

Wednesday - a few meetings around the office so we get more faults coming to us individually but as a desk still pretty quiet. I'm feeling the strain from going round a mates and gaming until 1am.

Thursday - probably the quietest day. I will relax more. We're into the last half of the week and it feels good. Looking forward to a quiet night in by myself as boyfriend is round his friends house.

Friday - refreshed from an early night and looking forward to the weekend. Everyone panics and breaks things then calls in to report it. Guaranteed complicated fault will be reported/get complained about at around 17.55 and keep me there until 18.30.

Author:  derf [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Ha! I get 25 days + bank holidays + 10 days sick leave.

+ 1 days holiday after each year in the company.

Author:  Satis [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

Jesus, no wonder the European economy is in the gutter. :roll:

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

I got all you guys beat

last job (at the state, what did you expect) I had

30 days of paid leave (and more with age), all sorts of 'bank holidays'*, always off between Christmas and New Year's (state services close), sick leave almost indefinitely. Oh and you can recuperate overtime for more days off, plus you get paid leave for weddings and funerals of family members - the amount depends on the degree of separation. Still, even the death of an uncle or grandparent is one day off iirc. And then there's pregnancy leave, motherhood/fatherhood leave, sabbaticals (where you are paid a small amount), and so forth. :lol:

I'd rather be in a shitty economy with a day off almost every week than in a country that's actually working. :D

* there is no such thing here. But we get the Belgian national holiday, Easter, Easter Monday, 1st of May, All Saints, Armistice, Ascension day, Whitsun, Pentecost, Mother's Day, and a few more that I forgot. :lol: And of course Christmas and New Year's but that falls within that period I was off anyway.

**J has even more holidays, being a teacher

Author:  Mole [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derf's Productivity Theorem

I get 28 days, plus Lieu for overtime worked, plus triple lieu if I work Boxing Day, 1.5 lieu for new years.

My week doesn't structure Mon-Fri, as I work in retail but typically:

Sunday: Up at 9:45, stroll in to work. Get the jobs from Saturday done. Not a bad day as it's quiet, and I only work 6 hours but get paid 8.

Monday: Wake up at 8:25, powershower, stroll in to work at 8:45, realising I've not eaten breakfast because I got up too late. Get jobs that area managers and regionals want me to do done. Maybe a few price changes.

Tues: Typically I'm off

Weds: Typically (and annoyingly) I'm usually off here too.

Thursday: This is my shit hits the fan day. Because my boss in my new place (I moved stores within the company) is a retard, I have a lot of work this day. The commercial update (changing all the offers in the stores etc) comes down at the start of the week on the Intranet. It has jobs to do both Wednesday and Thursday. Usually, one of the Wednesday jobs have been done and I have to get all of Wednesdays update done, as well as Thursdays. Sure, we're only a small store so it's not a billion things but as a small store we only have a couple of staff. So if we have customers as well, we simply can't get it all done. So if it's not finished, I usually end up staying late just to get it done.

Friday: Me and my boss will both be in on shift together, I'll have had a shitty nights sleep because I've been stressing over if I've missed anything in the commercial update. New releases are out, so we'll have customers from the moment the doors open.

Saturday: Surprisingly easy day, other than delivery very little tasks to get done so we just focus on selling to customers.

Repeat as necessary.

EDIT: In my previous job, just take satis' week and remove the school stuff and you're left with my week :D

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