A CIA Cover Blown, a White House Exposed
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Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  A CIA Cover Blown, a White House Exposed ... full.story

This pretty much says we went to war because the Administration wanted to.

Whats also interesting is Rumsfield created his own intelligence agency within the Department of Defense because the administration didnt like the answers it was getting from the CIA. The CIA claimed their wasnt enough evidence to go to war. Rumsfield agency tried to find what ever support they could to go to war with Iraq.

Sounds alot like the SS in Nazi Germany....

Its a very interesting read.

Author:  derf [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I cant stand the style of language its written in. Sorry, ill have to skip it.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 


Events surrounding the White House's role in the leak of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA agent:


February: Vice President Dick Cheney asks whether Iraq sought uranium from Niger.

Feb. 12: The CIA sends Joseph Wilson to Niger.

March 9: Wilson says he finds little evidence for such claims, but notes a prior visit to Niger by Iraqi officials.

Aug. 26: Cheney says: "We now know that Saddam [Hussein] has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons."

Oct. 5-6: CIA Director George Tenet persuades the White House to remove the uranium claim from a Bush speech.


Jan. 28: President Bush's State of the Union cites a British report that Iraq sought uranium.

March 7: A U.N. nuclear agency finds uranium documents are "not authentic."

March 20: The U.S. invades Iraq.

July 6: Wilson goes public on his Niger trip and findings.

July 7-8: Administration sources tell columnist Robert Novak about Wilson's CIA wife.

July 7: The White House admits to a mistake in citing the uranium claim.

July 11: Karl Rove tells Time's Matthew Cooper that Wilson's wife arranged the Niger trip.

July 14: A Novak column unmasks Valerie Plame.

July 30: The CIA asks the Justice Department to investigate the leak of the agent's identity.

Sept. 16: The White House says suggesting Rove leaked her identity is "ridiculous."

Sept. 29: A White House spokesman says the leaker will be fired.

Sept. 30: Wilson endorses John Kerry for president.

Dec. 30: Patrick Fitzgerald is named special prosecutor.


Jan. 23: Weapons inspector David Kay says there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

July 10: A Senate panel faults prewar intelligence and calls Wilson's report inconclusive.

Nov. 2: Bush is reelected.


Feb. 15: A court orders journalists Judith Miller and Cooper to cooperate with a grand jury.

July 6: Miller refuses to testify and is jailed; Cooper agrees to testify after getting express permission from his source, Rove.

July 18: Bush says the leaker will be fired if a crime was committed.

Author:  Arathorn [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Why does the US have so many intelligence agencies? Espescially since they don't like cooperating with each other. That system sounds like a subsidy sink.

Rumsfeld is an ass, I don't know how ho could have gottem himself back in place the second term. I hold him responsible for fucking up the Iraq war.

Author:  J [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well from the general sound of it you (america) has just discovered what a lot of europeans know for a loooong time already.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

US intelligence agencies

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation: internal to the US, investigates normal-type crimes.

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency: external from the US, does spying and whatnot outside of the US. Not supposed to operate within US borders.

NSA: National Security Agency: more secretive, this has to do with US secrets, intelligence gathering, etc. This one's basically concerned with counterespionage and signals intelligence and shit (from my understanding).

MI: Military Intelligence: A military intelligence branch. Investigates military matters. From my understanding, they spend more time spying on people in the US military than they do other countries. Main focus is military matters.

did I miss any? Or any corrections?

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

the ATF!! ;)

And the NSA is so secretive it's spooky. Most ppl don't even know it, I reckon. I know it from reading XIII comics. :)

Author:  Satis [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

ATF? heh....that's the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The drink, smoke, and shoot guns.

Actually, they're supposed to police illegal imports of the above, I believe. And make sure everyone has the right forms and whatnot filled out. The one time they did anything interesting (raided branch davidians in Waco) they totally screwed the pooch to national attention. I don't think they really get to do much of anything any more.

Then there's the office of homeland security. If you don't no what their charter is, you've been living in a box or something. :p

As for the NSA...yea...supposedly they're the ones behind Carnivore and Echelon. Scary folks.

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hehe, still, if I'm to join a service it'd be the ATF. Just cos it sounds cool.

As far as Waco goes, can't say I'm totally in the loop about it. But I can imagine it's hard raiding a building filled with armed to the teeth idiots using kids as human shield. Nuts like Koresh deserve to die of course, or at least put in ward for the criminally insane. :)

And I love the NSA, and the USA at large. God bless the flag and all. *they might be listening ;)*

Author:  Satis [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

...there's so much misinformation about the Branch Davidian thing.

Allegations of child abuse.
Allegations of drug production.

none of which have a shred of proof. In fact, since most people died, and the few that didn't could easily have been strong armed into saying whatever the government wanted them to ("confess that koresh touched your asshole or we charge you with 11 counts of shooting a police officer"), I seriously doubt anyting about that whole affair.

All I know is, if I woke up at 5am and saw a bunch of armed people crawling around on my roof, I'd shoot their asses too.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Like I said, I'm not very informed on the matter so I reserve the right of making ignorant remarks. :P ;)

besides, I'm not a big fan of communes living in the country on a stack of weapons. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but meh. :)

What's funny tho is that I've seen documentaries on other such 'communes' living out in the middle of nowhere armed to the teeth which seemed like a MUCH bigger threat than these fellas. Talking a whole die-hard white power fascist camp with total nazi adoration and stuff. It's kinda funny that they don't get a 'visit' from the authorities, and a wannabe guru does. :)

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