Random bouts of craziness
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Author:  Shiny [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Random bouts of craziness

Ok so... you ever have nights where you are just for all practical purposes insane. And then like at some point you start to realize the insanity? This happens to me after a night or crazy drugs, about a week of no sleep, or hormones on occasion (guys be glad you are guys). At any rate when this happens.... it is almost like once you start to be like calm and such again you start to think philosophical pondeering your life and where it leads - maybe even the meaning? and what that meaning means to you. For instance someone told me life was to survive and procreate - but i hate children so if I feel that is not my path then that idea must be false - either that or I intent to have a miserable life based on the meaning of life.... blah ok so I realize how random this is but I am tired as hell right now - And wondered if you guys get this way and what you think the purpose of life is? just an idea - but one that makes me wonder if their is some universal type idea we all have or if we are all subject to our own cracky insanity.

Author:  derf [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:25 am ]
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I often ponder into questioning the unknown. Though, not under the influnce of drink/drugs.

As for the crazyness, im a pretty level-headed person. From what i've gathered from your posts is that youre a pretty wild girl. :)

And as for the purpose of life. Well thats very interesting. I think that as a species *damn! ... sorry, a fine girl just walked into the room* we are instinctually programmed to hump (survive and make kiddies).

Another view is that the purpose of life, is whatever you want it to be.

And the last is that it doesnt matter because we are so small and insignifant a spec on the unimaginable vast scale of it all that even if we know the meaning it has absolutely no value.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:31 am ]
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Well, I can't be arsed with a long post, but one night I was in bed with Pevil, and I came up with an excellent "meaning of life" but by the morning I'd forgotten it. Bastard.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:48 am ]
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Insanity: Having suffered bouts of true (induced) insanity for many hours on end, and having been unbalanced for several months afterwards as a result, I rarely consider myself insane any more. I've been there, done that, and nearly lost my shit indefinitely, so I know what insanity is and I rarely reach that level. I do, however, get caught up in my own little world sometimes and do stupid shit, but I consider that more being ignorant of reality then truly insane. Thin line, though, I suppose.

Meaning of life: There is no meaning, imo. There's only what you make for yourself. And I dislike procreating, but enjoy practicing. *wink*

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:22 am ]
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i think that insanity is a matter of 'levels' so to speak, i think its possible to be a bit 'insane' but not full on if you know what i mean, after all, with the clear example of satis, who amongst us can say if we are fully sane or not? i sure as hell have had my times when i sit there and think 'mmmm'. very strange. at times you have moments of almost clarity (insight if you wish), but they go right before you realise something terribly important about the world.

or it could be a pack of crap of course..

the meaning of life? who the hell knows. enjoy as much as you can before you die. simple as that i guess.

Author:  Soebo [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:34 am ]
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hmmm, the meaning of life......Do the best you can with what you have and try not to step on the cats tail in the middle of the night. Trust me that will put a damper or a romantic evening. Note to Self: Have the cat declawed.

Author:  StephieMarie [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:39 am ]
Post subject: 

you know i just have to say something off the topic just a tad. for the longest time i didn't want to have kids but now that i do and i have to say gd it's not as easy as i thought it was going to be, 5 months later and still no luck. man if i knew it was this hard i would have been so scared all those many times lol guess we'll just keep trying, i'm sure he doesn't mind that lol

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:46 am ]
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StephieMarie wrote:
you know i just have to say something off the topic just a tad. for the longest time i didn't want to have kids but now that i do and i have to say gd it's not as easy as i thought it was going to be, 5 months later and still no luck. man if i knew it was this hard i would have been so scared all those many times lol guess we'll just keep trying, i'm sure he doesn't mind that lol

heh, we're trying at the moment, my wife is paranoid that at 31 it'll be difficult (even though its only been 2 weeks :roll:). she's had to take the morning after pill 3 times in the past, makes you wonder why you bother. when you don't want one a baby will just turn up :wink:

*******back on topic*********

yeah, life is wierd...

Author:  J [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:09 am ]
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*offtopic on the baby thing*

my gf's sister needed 3 years or something to get pregnant (she's now 7 months), there weren't any appearant problems, but it just didn't want to happen. Then she still needed a few tries with IVF .. sometimes it just seems damn hard to get pregnant (most of times if you want to) and sometimes it just 'happens'.

*end offtopic

Ehm, meaning of life eh, well i must start disagreeing with the *we're made to make sure our species survives* theory. I think that with our technology etc. that's no longer an issue.
What the true meaning actually is, is something i try not to think about too much. I think you will only start questioning if there is a goal in life, questioning your existence, .. get really depressed. That's why people have religion prolly, to avoid thinking about such things.

So you could say i don't see a true meaning of life, so i try to make the best of it. I could go on a rant here (about values that you do try to hold on too, although there is no real point in this life-vision), but i think i'll only give myself a headache.

AND that's why we have alcohol :)

Author:  Satis [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:13 am ]
Post subject: cat just kinda yells real loud and runs away. I'm sure she'll take her revenge at a later date. heheh...cats and rolling chairs don't mix too well. :)

so, anyway....tyranus, you trying to imply I'm insane? *waves box of kleenex menacingly

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:35 am ]
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I think about shit like that all the time.

In my mind there are 2 parts of life.

#1 Lower Human. The human nature in us all. That includes mainly survival and procreation. Look around at all of natures animals. They all do the same thing, survive to procreate more of themselves. reproduction and death. The life cycle. Our lower human instincts drive us to do that. After are we are only trained animals.

#2 Higher Human or spirtitualness. That would be for me ( I know I dont speak for anyone else on this forum) to love and serve the lord my God.

The meaning of life is just to experiance life. Soak it in, absorb it, grow from it and learn from it. Whats the purpose of a roller coaster? To ride it. Whats the purose of life? To ride it. Just like a roller coster there is a beginning and a end and in the middle are ups and downs.

Author:  pevil [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:19 pm ]
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lol bj just tell her my mum was 38 and my dad was 40 when they had me, so as long as she doesn't mind some weird freak (which, lets face it, if you're the dad its gonna be anyway :P) she's got plenty of time yet ;)

Author:  tyranus [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:04 pm ]
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Satis wrote:
so, anyway....tyranus, you trying to imply I'm insane? *waves box of kleenex menacingly

well you did say you nearly lost it for a bit so that was your point of reference, no? the rest of us has no kinda benchmark if you know what i mean. we might be crazy..we just have no way of telling. :)

pevil wrote:
lol bj just tell her my mum was 38 and my dad was 40 when they had me, so as long as she doesn't mind some weird freak (which, lets face it, if you're the dad its gonna be anyway Razz) she's got plenty of time yet Wink

shut up you, my son turned out semi-normal. :P :wink:

Author:  Mole [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:29 pm ]
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J wrote:
That's why people have religion prolly, to avoid thinking about such things.

But I have religion and I question my existance. A happy medium :)

ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
#2 Higher Human or spirtitualness. That would be for me ( I know I dont speak for anyone else on this forum) to love and serve the lord my God.

If you are on about the Christian God, why I assume you are, then I can say that I believe in Him, so technichally you are speaking for me aswell, Except I agree that you are not speaking for me, because I do not conicder my self, a Higher Human. That's just rude and wrong. The only people in this world I am better than, or Higher than, are people who are evil at heart. I don't care if you are smarter, nicer or more liked than me, or even a combination of the above, you are no better than me, or any one else here (except maybe ox ;) ) and to put your self above others like that is not something that God would aprove of.

Author:  pevil [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:35 pm ]
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bj thats probably from his mums side :P

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