Subliminal Images and Advertising.
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Author:  Mole [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Subliminal Images and Advertising.

Last few day's i've been reading up on this kinda stuff, some rather creepy stuff found, one I came accross today is this:

George Bush Changing World Video

If you type in subliminal sex to a search bar, you'll find countless amounts of the word "SEX" Appearing in ads, but I think that's looking to much in to stuff. There's also things like in alchohol ads, hidden monsters, signs of evil (black crows/ravens whatever etc) and also one with face in it. Odd.

There's also all the stuff about songs, and I listened to the Stair way to heaven one, that was so intentional, because it is so clear. But It's still one of the things that it's easy to hear once you know what you are looking for.

What's your view?

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, it's a known fact that subliminal messages work, but I doubt that a Bush commercial would use them...I mean, there's enough crackpots out there that will test major politicians' (especially fairly extreme ones like Bush) video commercials on this sort of thing, so if any of them would attempt to do so they'd be uncovered and be slammed around the ears with it. Maybe it's used succesfully in less important stuff than this, where no one will bother totest it, but bleh, I barely watch TV anyway. Especially not politics commercials. :roll: They'd have to out subliminal images in games to get to me! Wooha!

Author:  Mole [ Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:38 pm ]
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There's screen shots of the images, of course, they could be faked, or the video could even be sabotaged by some one that hates bush etc.

Author:  Shiny [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:02 pm ]
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you mean there are people who actually like bush? damn I must be slippin - no wait thats who uses most of the crack supply... hmm now i get it

Author:  Rinox [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:18 pm ]
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hehe...11b is on crack? :o And he seemed such a decent fella.

Author:  Satis [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:00 pm ]
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well, he was in the infantry....

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:50 am ]
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I like Bush....all 3 of them. :D Bush 1, Bush 2 , and...well. heheh

Sublimial messages. If you go rent the movie the "Exorsist", the first one, that movie has subliminal messages in it. They have seens of like dogs barking and stuff. It was put in the movie to increase the scare effect.

Here is way subliminal messages arent used.
Every person has a threshold on the amount of time it takes for a image, sound, smell, or touch to register on your brain. For instance, your watching tv and imgae of a death rabbit flashes on the screen. You see the image but it takes a breif moment from the time your eyes see it to the time your brain says "dead rabbit". Lets just say 2 secs for shits and giggles. Lets say the image of the rabiit flashes on the screen for 3 secs. Well you will see and register the image in your brain. Now, lets say the images flashes for 1 sec. You will see the image but it wont register in your brain so you will never know is was there. Sublimial message doesnt work good for the general public because what ever you flash on the screen has to be up long enough for the brain to register it and everyone has a different threshold.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:55 am ]
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you remember the scene flashes in Fight Club?

For anyone that doesn't, in certain spots of the movie there are single-frame flashes, usually of Brad Pitt suddenly appearing and disappearing from a scene. Kinda freakish, kinda neat considering the context of the movie and whatnot.

Anyway, apparently most people in the US had little trouble seeing these 1-frame flashes (assuming it really was 1 frame), while people in Europe had trouble seeing it. Just interesting, imo.

Author:  pevil [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:00 am ]
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Rocky Horror Picture Show, when Frank is finishing the song "Sweet Transvestite" and is in the cage they use subliminal images there. He's singing something like "So i'll remove the cause" and as it cuts to brad and janets faces, there is apparently one frame of them stood at the wedding right at the start. It's supposed to do this with 'relevant' pictures of events that already happened for about the last 4 lines of the song, although i've never tested this myself.

Author:  Mole [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:01 am ]
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Well, a couple of instances here:

There's a canadian goverment ad compaign of some kind, where you see a gun pointing at the camera, but slightly lower. Then in the last few frames before the gun dissapears, it actually aims up, and shoots. THis was apparently subliminal, except i could clearly see it anyway. There's also one ad to do with "Beurocats Decide" in the add, and just before that apeared, the word "RATS" appeared on the screen for a frame.

The JFK films has lots of subliminal stuff in it, in the sense that it's actually htere, but well hidden.

I think the best description of the subliminal mind is the one that says "The subliminal mind is that which has no mentality or reasoning power, what ever it takes in, it takes in as the truth"

I feel that's true in the not so subliminal mind too, as unless you are expecting a lie, or the story is totally bogus, you do just accept it as the truth.

I've also been looking at subliminal ad's on pictures (usually for alcohol or perfume, one for some kinda computer company thing) and the odd backwards song message, some of which are kinda creepy.

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:15 pm ]
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Satis wrote:
Anyway, apparently most people in the US had little trouble seeing these 1-frame flashes (assuming it really was 1 frame), while people in Europe had trouble seeing it. Just interesting, imo.

Yeah, definitely. I think I have a possible answer to this, based on what a friend of mine pointed out to me: the European video standard for tv (PAL) has a slightly lower framerate than the NTSC; the American norm. And since films played in theatres are typically of a low framerate (around the PAL standard) it is not unthinkable that the US viewers who are used to higher framerates were quicker to pick up on the 'hidden' frames than their European counterparts. :)

Could be wrong, but makes sense to me. Haven't seen fight club so I can't give you any first-hand info. :)

Author:  Mole [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:29 pm ]
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Good film, recommend you see it now.

Author:  Satis [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:16 am ]
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totally. It's a great film. I think you'd like it immensely.

Author:  pevil [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:23 am ]
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fight club rules, get your ass over to watch it ox! *kicks* maybe its too intellectual for him...

Author:  Rinox [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:34 am ]
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Haha, yes, I suppose that could be a problem. :) But the things is: I know the 'shocker' of the story ( Norton being Pitt e vice versa), so if i see it'll just be waiting for signs of it. :( But I might just rent it. (bastards)

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