A good start
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Author:  J [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  A good start

New year hasn't even begun, but we've started it with a bang: my gf had a (little) car-accident. Jeej. I had to run over there (it wasn't that far) and all, i just hope this isn't a sign of how the next year will be. Let's hope shards (or something) bring happiness.

My party-mood is kinda over now. I'll just eat and drink untill i pass out i guess. Starting now.

Hope you guys and girls have a better start!

Author:  Rinox [ Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mm, I hope your gf isn't hurt in any way? I suppose not, or you would have mentioned it I guess. And the car, how about that? Perte totale (=total loss) or still ok? It's amazing how really small crashes can completely wreck a car. :roll: Anyway, have fun eating and drinking and passing out. :)

I myself am, believe it or not, completely and utterly sober. Haven't touched a drop of alcohol. Didn't feel like it, didn't round up the usual drinking buddies either. Just spent some chill quiet time at a mate's place with pizza's, games and movies. Anyway, On new year's eve busses and trams drive all night long (on regular days they don't between 1-5 or summit). I have to take a tram and a bus to get home from Antwerp. So, I leave around 2.30AM and get on my tram, and what's the first freaking thing I meet? A completely wasted 16-yr old moron yakking away against the tram driver. Not being aggressive or something, but talking way too loud and shit, you know. After a while I (politely) ask him to sit down on his place and he does so, no harm done. Then, 2 minutes later, the tram stops cos there's an ambulance in front of a kebab bar blocking its tracks. While the medics are working their mojo on presumably some ppl inside, a guy gets on the tram bleeding heavily in his face and with blood all over his training vest. The girl behind me asks him if he's ok and he starts saying that he's not really, and makes the sign that inside the bar someone got gutted. So, we tell him he'd better get in the freaking ambulance and so he does. Meanwhile, the drunk ass is yelling goddamn loud "COME ON, MOVE IT!!" over and over again. Which was physically impossible with the tracks blocked, of course. Anyway, the ambulance lets the tram pass and we ride on, leaving the murder (?) scene behind. 5 minutes later, the loud-ass wuss barfs all over the tram floor. Saw that coming of course. But, he was at the other end of the tram so I got spared the sight or stench, mwuha. He shut up completely after that, too. Two stops later the driver stops, gets out of her booth, opens a part of the tram and gets out...sand. I've driven trams for an eternity now and I never knew wtf was in that thing, and apparently it's barf-covering sand. She starts making smalltalk with me as she's taking out sand with her hands, obviously trying to persuade me into joining her bringing sand and covering the barf with it, a hint I conveniently misunderstood. Barfer gets off (yay), oon comes a 15-yr old girl, her sister/friend and their mom and they start blowing a freaking whistle they brought from somewhere. And I mean repeatdly. Argh. I asked them to stop once and they did for a while but start again a bit later...but since I'm not going to make a scene for a whistle and my stop was near I decided to put up with it.

I get to my bus now, and already was getting pissed off at what I'd have to endure on that ride. But it was completely and totally flawless and awesome. Just about everyone had a seat, no overcrowding, no ridiculously drunk kids, no troublemakers. I even had a couple of pretty hot lesbian teens make out in the seat in front of me. :twisted: And my seat was slightly higher so I had a superb angled view. Made up for all that other shit, my own personal softcore show. There were still a lot of problems with bus n00bs, ppl that don't ever take the bus except for on NY's eve, but only minor. Then I got here, couldn't sleep because of all the sugar I drunk/ate and started ranting on the forums. Blech.

Author:  suga [ Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:56 am ]
Post subject: 

lol go sugar!!! I'm the biggest sweet tooth in the world!! teehee, sorry random.

I hope everything is okay with your g/f and yourself J. I'm sure it's not a sign of things to come!

I encountered some spewing people last night too Ox, unfortunately most were my friends, lol. But anywho, apart from that My NYE was pretty cruddy. Totally missed the countdown :oops: but i do that often enough.
The major event of the night, was that one of my best friends told me he was gay, so that sort of took up most of the night. Lots of tears. And then when I got home, my sister was really upset cos her b/f had been a total and utter dickhead the whole night, so I chatted to her for a bit, with more tears.
But anywho no need to bum you guys out any more!

Here's hoping some people had better New Years then I did! :mrgreen:

Author:  Satis [ Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:43 am ]
Post subject: 

lol...damn, sounds like screwy new years all around!

Me...I started drinking early...stopped and sobered up...the drank somre more. Come new year's, I had a good buzz on, counted down new year's and kissed it in. :P Then drank some more, smoked some of what J should have been having, and drank some more...everyone else passed out while I'm here, posting about stuff. Thinking about cracking another beer and maybe smoking some more. My new year's was spent at home, but I'm fucked up and happy, so who can complain. heheh. Happy 2005 everybody!

Author:  J [ Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:24 am ]
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Satis wrote:
smoked some of what J should have been having

Damnit, you're so right!

Anyway minor damage to car, no damage to gf apart from a big scare and a little guilt. I wasn't in the car when the accident occured btw, she was running some last minute errands, and then i got her phonecall, very upset, crying. I rushed out and ran to her rescue, kinda. I was totally out of breath when i got there though, and it can't have been much more than 1 km. I really should exercise more.

Anyway, she's okay, but it killed the party mood. I didn't even get drunk as planned, just ate way too much.

Mm my brother went to Antwerp as well, but he never eats kebap, so he'll be okay i guess.

Author:  Myrddin L'argenton [ Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Happy New Year. At the run up to midnight last night my area seemed like WWIII had just started outside my house. Talk about fireworks. Hope everyone has a decent new year whilst my friendleyness lasts.

Author:  Rinox [ Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Hehe@ J the out-of-breath deus ex machina. :) But glad to hear everything is fine..if it's just a dent in your car you even spare yourself any repair costs, w00t. (I wouldn't bother anyway) And unless your brother is Turkish I'm pretty sure he wasn't among the ppl injured. :roll:

Seems like my new year's is actually pretty ok compared to J and Suga, hehe. Myrdinn's is ok and Satis is absurdly happy. (wonder how that happened? :roll: )
Just wondering Suga, did you 'suspect' the coming out of the closet or did he totally shock you?

Author:  suga [ Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:46 am ]
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It's hard to say Ox, he definately totally shocked me, and I was a bit upset. But thinking about it, there have been so many signs, they just weren't really realised. :| it's all really hard to judge at the moment!

Author:  Rinox [ Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Mm, k, tnx for answering! I don't have any gay (close) friends myself, so I have no idea what it's like to have somebody come up to you and tell you that, heh. I am, however, engulfed in gay ppl in my course at uni. It's the literature/poetics thing, you know. :) Anyway, erh, hope everything is a-ok again in Ozland!

Author:  suga [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:43 am ]
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Trust me, i still am clueless hehe. Just figuring everything out with him now. It's getting better i suppose, I didn't expect it to be all cruisy straight away, it'll get normal over time i suppose :).
It's just weird that I've known his as straight this whole time, when he's known himself as gay, sort of like i don't really know him.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A good start

J wrote:
New year hasn't even begun, but we've started it with a bang: my gf had a (little) car-accident. Jeej. I had to run over there (it wasn't that far) and all, i just hope this isn't a sign of how the next year will be. Let's hope shards (or something) bring happiness.

My party-mood is kinda over now. I'll just eat and drink untill i pass out i guess. Starting now.

Hope you guys and girls have a better start!

These are the only 2 words I saw in your post


Author:  Peltz [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

On the 22nd december a taxi rammed my car, lost the driver door, back door, back wheel, rear axel?? and the rest which was physically touchable at the drivers side and in the rear part of the car. :D

New year was ok, well almost, we went to this old tavern outside of Tallinn (capital :D) and one of our ppl almost started a bar fight which would have ended really badly for us. Luckily we managed to calm everyone down and once the trouble maker was put to bed (lol :D) the rest of the err morning went just fine.

PS! 11B you play planetside?

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Peltz wrote:
PS! 11B you play planetside?

Yes, Im on Markov. Name is 11b. NC.

Author:  Peltz [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

ok i play on Werner and name is AmShaegar :D i was low on creativity when choosing a name :D

Author:  Franny [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

well back to the new years

went to a party, got hilariously drunk, made a fool of myself undoubtably and threw up in the morning when i woke up

pretty good all round if you ask me

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