Americans and Geography
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Author:  Myrddin L'argenton [ Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Americans and Geography

I recently read something saying that an American mistook a Scottish person for someone that lived in America and standing all the jokes beside that I know about Americans and Geography, can I ask all Americans on this bored whether or not this is true? And how the hell does this happen to have the most powerful country in the world, with citizens unable to pinpoint where they are attacking.

Author:  Pig [ Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Most Americans are bad with geography. Then again, I find most people are idiots regardless of region. I don't think the average person would think that Scotland is in America. That would be a true idiot.

You are surrounded by many different countries, you should be expected to know where they are. We are not. We have 2 other countries in our continent. Many of our states are bigger than entire european countries, but I doubt you know where very many of them are. Most americans know where the major european countries are (the ones that have the biggest impact), but would be lost if they had to point out a trivial nation like belgium or the netherlands.

We know the location of China, Korea, Japan, Egypt, etc. But if you ask us where Latvia is, don't expect much.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Americans and Geography

Myrddin L'argenton wrote:
can I ask all Americans on this bored

Hold it right there pal. You would figure someone who is criticizing Americans and their Geography would be able to spell the word "board" correctly. This topic is boring

And btw, I am willing to bet if we where bombing the crap out of Scottland we could pinpoint it.

Author:  Mole [ Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:00 pm ]
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Well anyway, I used to get A's in all my geog tests when I had Mr Pinniger (not that you'll know him) then I got a different teacher, and that dropped to D's. Infact, my coursework was a predicted D from him, but I did it without his help (because he bores me) and got a B. Ha.

Anyway, back on track, I got good geography results, and I don't know where fucking anywhere is.

Author:  Satis [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

My Pinniger is a prick.

Not that I know him.

But anyway...the average American isn't any more a moron than the average European. In my experience (and I have lived all over the world) people are pretty stupid regardless of where you are.

Author:  tyranus [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

some americans know bugger all yes, but when you have a country that big and you haven't even travelled most of it i think we can let them off a bit.

look at the EU, they missed wales off the map. (not that i care)

btw, read somewhere that 30% of americans have never left their home state, although that could be bullshit.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

btw, read somewhere that 30% of americans have never left their home state, although that could be bullshit.

Thats probably true. A lot of people never have to leave their State because everything is there, stores, entertainment, schools, and colleages,jobs. They dont leave because they dont have to. Leaving entails spending money. Why spend money when you can stay at home and save? This is the general thinking for those people.

Author:  tyranus [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
btw, read somewhere that 30% of americans have never left their home state, although that could be bullshit.

Thats probably true. A lot of people never have to leave their State because everything is there, stores, entertainment, schools, and colleages,jobs. They dont leave because they dont have to. Leaving entails spending money. Why spend money when you can stay at home and save? This is the general thinking for those people.

i can understand that.

Author:  derf [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

11B your comments are fucking moronic.

Pig, i haveto agree with you most of all.

Satis, i dont believe that US citizens are on par with Europeans as all, Europeans are far more intelligent in general.

And of course US citizens are geographicially retarded, they think the US is the centre of the universe, so why bother acknowledging a neighbour?

BJ, I too have heard that rumour that X amount of US citz havent travelled abroad.

Author:  J [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

derf wrote:
Satis, i dont believe that US citizens are on par with Europeans as all, Europeans are far more intelligent in general.

I'm gonna disagree on this one. I don't see any reason to believe why Europeans are smarter, if we're talking about IQ and stuff.
If we're considering education you might be right, i'm not very well informed about the American school system but i believe that it is subject to criticism.

But of course you got distinct differences in Europe itself as well. As you probably have differences between states in America.

I would like to know how many europeans don't leave their country, that would be interesting to compare with the americans not leaving their states.

Author:  derf [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh come on J! Dont be so blind. Look at the culture, tradition, histories behind Europe. In general i believe that this makes european people atleast more socially intelligent. Of course you have good/bad things aswell, but this is what i think.

I thinks its clear that Euros leave their country more often that US citz.

p.s. im finding it annoying (as you are probably) the way im referring to people who live in the US as US citz. They are not Americans, and i dont want to make that mistake. Same goes with the UK.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:05 am ]
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EDIT: I posted this before yall posted your 2 comments.
J, I agree and I think your on the money
Derf, WTF?
Oh come on J! Dont be so blind. Look at the culture, tradition, histories behind Europe. In general i believe that this makes european people atleast more socially intelligent. Of course you have good/bad things aswell, but this is what i think.

I thinks its clear that Euros leave their country more often that US citz.

p.s. im finding it annoying (as you are probably) the way im referring to people who live in the US as US citz. They are not Americans, and i dont want to make that mistake. Same goes with the UK.

socially intelligent. Explain that please.
Of course Euros leave their country more, look how small it is. I mean hell in Texas I can drive for 6 hours north and make it to Dallas. That trip alone I could probably cross 5 of 6 different countries.

And what the hell do you mean US citz are not "Americans"? Thats bullshit. ALL US citz are American.
End Edit:

LOL Derf what part of my comments? The part about American citizens not leaving their states? Guess what turd burglar, they are true. After all. I live here.

And of course you believe Europeans are far more intelligent, most Europeans do. Why else would they try to effect our elections? They call us idiots for voting for Bush. But you know what, we dont give a rats ass what you pricks think about us. And without the US, the whole world would be in trouble. Need I remind you what Europe would look like without the US?


Lets see whats else....O yea. The US has brought the world internet, Linux, Windows, Google, practiclly the whole world of computer gaming, broadband, internet porn, you name it, we created it. O and the internet browser your using right now, firefox. Here the people that made it
Mozilla Foundation
1350 Villa Street, Suite C
Mountain View, CA 94041-1126

So basiclly we have EARNED the right to be the center of attention on planet Earth.

Now Europe has some honorable mentions in giving to the world. Besides the Queen and Sherlock Holmes I would say the British music invasion was something very good ...for the world of music. (I love The Who)

We do acknowledge our neighbours.
Pacific Ocean, Atlanic ocean, Canada, and Mexico. Why would we give 2 shits about where Beligum or Solvenia is? Nothing important is happening there so why should we care?

Your friend,
The American Capitalist

Author:  J [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

derf wrote:
I thinks its clear that Euros leave their country more often that US citz.

Yeah but as 11b points out, you have to compare sizes a bit. That's why i said "I would like to know how many europeans don't leave their country, that would be interesting to compare with the americans not leaving their states."
Or since you're comparing Europe with America, then you could better compare people that travelled outside the US with people that travelled outside Europe for instance.

I'm not following you on the WWII thing, i've said it before somewhere. If America hadn't come to war you might be speaking german as well. And you guys were in WW I as well (1917: the Lusitania passengership gets sunk by german submarine if i recall correctly). But i'm not getting deeper into that. I'll just put on some Rammstein. Btw any of you knows Lacrimosa (or something)?

And ehm 11b, if i recall correctly Linus Torvalds is the guy that 'invented' Linux, and that guy was Finnish (which is in Europe btw :wink: )

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the correction. I meant Unix (which came first).

Author:  Rinox [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

WTF?! I was just about to hit "reply" a minute ago, when my pc rebooted freaking spontaniously. Bah. Now I gotta write everything again, and my Ghandi-like peacefulness has just been disturbed by this sudden outburst of anger. (don't worry, my pet mouse didn't get thrown to the wall or something)

So...what the fuck was I saying again. Such discussing again, my children! The US and Europe are just different. After WW2 the US invested in military and technology, and Europe in social security and general life quality. So they both have their good and bad sides.

I have an acquintance who started a business in the US, and he said he loved the amount of stimulation there was for that stuff over there. But he also said that if he ever had a serious medical problem he'd porlly come back to Belgium. It's a simple example, but it already says a lot. So, concluding: US and Europe: both cool, but different. Which is not to say that I agree with everything happening in either one, of course. (but who does)

Geographically speaking...It's true that most ppl here wouldn't be able to point out most American states, even if you slapped them around the ears with them. :) But, in all fairness, that has to do with the rather peucliar state structure of the US. Most ppl here regard the US as one country, with the states as provinces, kinda. That's not really true of course, as they are country-like (and yet again not), but you get the picture. Generally we say "something happened in the US" and not "something happened in New Hampshire (or where ever)".

I rock. In general.

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