I hate weddings
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Author:  Rinox [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  I hate weddings

Bah...I'm invited to the ceremony (1.30 PM) and the "dance-party" afterwards, which is at freaking 23 pm. What do they expect, that I come around for one, drive back home, and drive back for the other?! Bah. Either they have a lot of good free booze there or I'm just skipping the dance thing alltogether. AAAARGH. Perfectly good saturday wasted.

P.S. don't get me wrong...I'm willing to go to a wedding, but a ridiculous timesplit like this?!

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:46 am ]
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lol "dance-party" ? I guess that means reception?

Author:  derf [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:52 am ]
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dance party sounds better.

when i went to my uncles wedding we started the ceremony at like 1.30 but then we spent the whole day eating, talking blach blah, until the party that finished at like 2400.

Mind you i hated the whole fucking thing. i dont give a shit. if it were just like a buffet of something that lasted 3 hrs i would have minded.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:56 am ]
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Dance party sounds like somthing back from the 70's

Author:  J [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:47 am ]
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Heh what a coincidence, i went to a wedding yesterday. Church ceremony was at 14u30, the reception + party started at 19u00 with first tons of food (buffet, you always eat way too much), gallons of wine, and afterwards gallons of beer. :D

Dunno when we left there exactly, should ask my gf but she`s still asleep, i think about 2u30 or 3u30, and amazingly enough, i`m wide awake now although i barely slept. I think i still have an alcohol rush or something, normally speaking i should be in bed for hours and hours, having a hangover. But nothing atm, i feel really well apart from my legs that are hurting. That means i`ve been dancing way too much, so i must have been real drunk. I love free food and booze :D

But i see the problem of the big timegap ox, especially if it isn`t close to you or something, we spent the 3 hours between church and party in a pub since driving home and back would cost 1.5 or 2 hours.
Mm I think it`s the Duvel that put a good layer for the wine and beer so that i`m not sick.

Author:  Mole [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:00 am ]
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I hate weddings. I can't be doing with all that poncy McPoncing that goes on.

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:49 am ]
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In the end I survived, by drinking tons of champagne. It lasted way too long tho imo, I was out of there at say 3.30AM. Also, I didn't have a buffet like J, just a small dessert table thingie. The celebration room was way too small for all the guests and when they started playing (loud) music I just went outside, talking and drinking and waiting. Next time I'll find an excuse, methinks. The bride and groom didn't even notice I was there anyway, being a footnote guest. Flirted a bit with a hottie, but I think she was like 17 anyway, wouldn't have worked out. (although I do regret not making out with her)

Anyway: WOOOO it's over

Author:  Satis [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:13 am ]
Post subject: 

What's wrong with 17 year olds? Sounds fine to me.

And wtf is 'Poncy'?

btw, I haven't been to a wedding ever, and only been to 1 wedding reception when I was like 17. Got totally lit up and spent the whole night hitting on a waitress. :P

Author:  suga [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:15 am ]
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lol Poncy is a cool word!!! means poofy and gay... over here anyways.
Been to heaps of weddings here! but none lately... and none when i was allowed to drink.... :(

Author:  Satis [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:17 am ]
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...well...I never said I was allowed to drink. :)

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:18 am ]
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lol. Was she older? I think poncy means "fancy". 17 is fine for making out with, less for a relationship of some sorts. Besides, there was a lot of family, and my family is so huge that she might have been a long-forgotten niece. :roll: I scratched incest from my list some time ago. :twisted:

EDIT: oops, poncy doesn't mean fancy then.

Author:  Satis [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:22 am ]
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lol. The waitress was older, if that's what you're asking. I don't remember a whole lot, though. I remember trying to speak German to some of my cousins (this was a marriage in Koln, I believe, so everyone was basically German) and sneaking outside constantly. Taking shots of Jaegarmeister when noone was looking. Not sure what else I drank, that's the only thing I remember.

*sigh* I almost miss being under age. It was so much fun having to sneak liqour. Now I can just go in a store and buy it. That just removes so much of the fun. :(

Author:  Rinox [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:26 am ]
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hehehe. yeah, it's more like a "well, I'm drunk. yay." where it used to be "dude, I'm totally wasted" and taking the piss out of everything. Ah well, It's not like ppl really cared if you bought alcohol in the supermarket as an underage kid anyway. (In Germany I mean, don't think it's much different than here where no one cares) But getting drunk was definitely a lot more fun. Don't miss a lot of other things about being underage tho. :)

Author:  Satis [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:29 am ]
Post subject: either. :) And it's nowhere near as easy to buy alcohol underage in the US. Stupid Christian zealots and their puritanical laws.

Author:  Mole [ Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Ox, to make you feel less stupid, In that sentence I was relating Sug's definition of poncy, to your defenition.

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