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Author:  Rinox [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wtf, male-only cantuses? :/ Doesn't that kinda beat the point of getting wasted together with a huge bunch of ppl? ;) (it's different when it are small groups of ppl you know, imho)

But heck, i'm not one to speak, cos i have a severe dislike for most student-union activities. The longest i spent at one was one hour at the counter, with a friend of mine. Then we left cos it sucked. So: one hour of extra-universitary student activity in 5 years of studying lol. :roll: But ofcourse our student scene isn't by far like those in Leuven and Gent.

Author:  J [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:11 am ]
Post subject: 

The man-only ones are always with a very limited number, varying from 10 to 20 normally. So we get wasted and THEN we go to a party most of times, the drinking still serves a purpose. :wink:
You could consider it as a sportsteam, a bunch of guys together, only the sport we exercise is drinking in this case. I'm always amazed how much we actually drink, i can't drink as much anymore as i could while still at uni there (maybe a good thing), but we had cantusses where the average number of beers consumed per person was about 24. And no we did not throw with the beer. :)

Anyways, i've never been to a single cantus in Antwerpen either, i've heard it's totally different than it was in diepenbeek (hasselt), but my brother seems to enjoy it a lot. But he's still young of course. :P
Main difference between diepenbeek and any other uni-city is that it's really small, so at the parties and cantusses, it's more like a big family where everybody knows eachother. You can (could?) easily go to a party if you felt like it, without setting up a meeting with some friends at that hour and that exact place, and you would still know a lot of people, if not more than half of them. Can't see that happen in antwerpen or leuven or so.

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