He shoots HE SCORES!
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Author:  J [ Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Mm yeah, would have thought the 'burn the flag' thing would be part of such a law against racism as well.

What was this topic about again :P

Author:  Arathorn [ Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think burning flags is illegal anywhere. I even believe that you should burn a flag when it falls on the ground, but that is an archaic rule.

Feyenoord supporters sometimes yel: "Hamas, Hamas, Joden aan het gas"" (Hamas Hamas, gas the Jews), espescially when playing against Ajax (wich is for some reason regarded as a Jewish football club), I think those morons should be hanged, and that's not only because I'm an Ajax fan.
But how do you know who yels it?

Author:  Satis [ Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Easy, just gas everyone at the stadium. Problem solved. Err...hang. Hang, gas, whatever.

Author:  Arathorn [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah but if it's Ajax - Feyenoord, that would mean gassing the Ajax fans as well.
I think the whole stadium should be hanged with cameras with a gun atatched, so they can see who chants something wrong and shoot him at once.
Makes his mates stop immedeatley too.

Author:  derf [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

In Britain a few of the major stadius have CCTV suvellance on the fans. There is a number of police operating behind the cameras so any incident that occurs, they know the person who did it.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Satis, in case you didnt know, there is a law out now that says schools cannot say the pledge of allegiance and you cant pray in schools either. But you can say "G*d Damn" all you like...

The strange world we live in....

Author:  Satis [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:26 am ]
Post subject: 

heh. I didn't know about the pledge of allegiance. I did know about the praying. Personally, that's fine by me, but being an atheist I have somewhat of a different perspective. It sucks when you're a captive audience and some god lover decides to start praying or preaching or something. Made me wanna strangle people.

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

If its his speech then he should have the right to say what ever he wants. Its like listening to the radio, noone makes you listen to the radio station. I mean like you said, when you said your oath to join, you chose not to say "God", no one forced you to say it. Same thing with the pledge, teachers never forced kids to say "One nation under God". No one forced you to pray. But now, we are forced to not say the pledge and forced not to pray. So my question is who is the opressor now?

Anyway. I would rather not get into a heated debate but I probably already started one...

Just wanted to tell you about the pledge and school prayer.

Author:  Satis [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea, I understand your perspective and am inclined to agree with one caveat...

...when you're younger you tend to be more of a pawn to peer pressure and wanting to be liked or whatnot. Being different tends to be a cardinal sin, at least until you get to be a bit older. Being the only one not to say the pledge of allegiance can be a bit overwhelming for someone trying to fit in.

Besides, hearing the word 'god' uttered has, at times, been enough to irritate me. Why should I be subjected to that? I can't say 'Fuck the virgin Mary with Satan's cock' in school, why can someone say 'praise god'? Both freedom of speech. :)

Author:  pevil [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:49 am ]
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yep, i hate it when im told off for saying "oh for gods sake" because i dont believe. But i always think ok, so it might be offensive to someone who believes, but its offensive to me because most people these days DO use it as just a phrase and dont even realise half the time they're referring to an apparently greater being somewhere up there. Plus if anyone should say it, it is the non-believers, simply because usually a (strict) christian for example, would have a right go at anyone that said it because its using gods name in vain. Don't wanna start the same ole religious debate we've had here about 3 billion times but that's why i hate preachers of any kind. Someone tries to tell me i have to believe, they can fuck off. But at the same time anyone telling someone else they're dumb to believe is equally as stupid. *shrugs*

Like you said Satan, it's all about freedom of speech. We apparently have it, yet say something bad about eg the queen or summat dumb, you're a traitor. Swear and you get punished. Goddamn society.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

ElevenBravo The Great wrote:
If its his speech then he should have the right to say what ever he wants. Its like listening to the radio, noone makes you listen to the radio station.

I think Satis meant more something like when in class, your teacher starts to give praise to the lord or whatever. If you gotta sit through that each and every morning you'll get suicidal pretty soon. :) But no more of that since that new law i guess, cool. Is that a US law or a Texas law btw?

Author:  ElevenBravo [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

say 'Fuck the virgin Mary with Satan's cock' in school, why can someone say 'praise god'? Both freedom of speech

Well this is easy. You cant say that because of the words "Fuck" and "Cock". You can say, " the virgin Mary with Satan". I mean I can say " Praise God" but when you add "Fuck" and "Cock" its a little different.

And about the peer pressure thing. When I say your not forced to say "God" I mean, your standing up saying the pledge, and when it gets to the part about God you just dont say the word God. Noone would noticed and you didnt offend yourself. Now if your against saying the pledge altogether then yea your gonna look funny sitting there.

unfortunatly there are Christians out there that think forcing religion down your throat with scare tactics is going to convert you. I think its wrong. I mean I wish yall would believe but Im not going to try and force you to, or quote scripture. All that does is push people away.

I think Satis meant more something like when in class, your teacher starts to give praise to the lord or whatever. If you gotta sit through that each and every morning you'll get suicidal pretty soon. But no more of that since that new law i guess, cool. Is that a US law or a Texas law btw?

I have never had any teacher say a prayer before class. Even before the law. I dont think that was the issue. the way it is now, if Im in school and I want to gather my friends together for a quick prayer, I cant do that. What ever happened to Freedom of Religion?

And its a US law. That what happens when your previous president elects Liberal Surpreme court justices.

Author:  Satis [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

meh, I can see your perspective, but I disagree. Still, I really don't think there's much point in starting an argument, since nothing ever comes of it. Let's just agree to disagree. :)

Soooooo.... how's that rash treating you?

Author:  Pig [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:38 am ]
Post subject: 

And about the peer pressure thing. When I say your not forced to say "God" I mean, your standing up saying the pledge, and when it gets to the part about God you just dont say the word God. Noone would noticed and you didnt offend yourself. Now if your against saying the pledge altogether then yea your gonna look funny sitting there.

That is such bullshit, bravo. The fact that you have to create a work around to a system is testimony that it is fucked up. School is about learning, not about instituting religion. It has no place in a public school. Making it 'optional' is just a stupid compromise that tries to avoid the issue. If it is important to start the day with a prayer or a pledge, then do it with your child at home before you leave, FFS! IMO, the pledge has no place in our schools at all. Again, school is for learning, not conforming our youth. I think America is wonderful, and I support our country. I'm not an anarchist, etc. It simply has no place in education.

Author:  Rinox [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeppas. There was a big fuss here lately over the muslim scarf for women, we forbode (bade?) girls to wear them any longer on high school. Both because of its intrincsic religiousness and that it's often a sign of opression of women. We have a large muslim population here , so there was a lot of blablabla. But in the end, it's simple: if you wanna practice your religion, do it at home or in your church/mosque/sinagogue or whatever, but not in places like schools. I'm kinda paraphrasing Pig here. :roll:

Pig wrote:
I think America is wonderful, and I support our country. I'm not an anarchist, etc. It simply has no place in education.

Heh..this is kinda sad. Not that you support your country, that's great obviously, but that you have to explicitely say that in order not to be thought of to be a communist conspiracist (or something) for saying something like that. (if my english is failing me again; i don't mean to say YOU'RE sad, but the fact that you have to watch out what and how you say things, because being critical often seems to mean: anti-america. :roll: ) Hope that you know what i mean, and if not, then bleh.

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