I can play it with everything (anisotropic, FAA, insane body count, realistic smoke effects) maxed too, so that adds to the experience. There was a lot of fuss about the smoke at Infinity Ward, they wanted it to be as realistic as possible, and they did an awesome job. If you're caught in a smoke curtain from a smoke grenade you're more or less obliged to start fighting mano-a-mano, cos you don't see jerries unless they're right in front of you. The fire and explosion effects are really cool too.
And the bodycount...wohow. I've made some screens of me in a trench with literally PILES of corpses all around me...and the models are very nice. Problem is that most of my screens came out too dark, so meh. I added one of me handling a a machinegun post in a trench somewhere, with the fire of the gun lighting up the faces of some corpses right next to it; look at the detail.
There are so many little things like that in it...yesterday evening I was fighting in stalingrad and fired at the head (helmet) of some guy from a few meters away, his helmet catapulted a meter in the air (DING sound too), with him falling to his knees and groping his head in surprise: his helmet was gone, but he was still alive. Well, for another 5 seconds or so. Then there's also heavily wounded guys trying to crawl away from the battlefield, or pulling a pistol and trying to kill you with their last breath.
Call of Duty 2 = amazing game, again. Probably too short again (not finished it yet), but that atmosphere is unmatched.Statistics: Posted by Rinox — Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:27 am